T +353 1 402 3109
Your Careers Adviser
Helen Vahey
Computer and
Skills developed in college
You’ve developed a range of skills through your education,
work experience and personal interests and achievements.
Understanding what skills you have to oer and like to use can help you
understand what you want in a career, as well as providing key information
for job or further study applications.
In terms of securing a job, academic qualications alone will not guarantee
success. Evidence-based skills sections on your CV can demonstrate the
broad range of qualities you have to oer employers.
Opposite are some of the main skills you may have developed
while in college:
Communication skills, both verbal and written
Expressing ideas eectively and conveying information appropriately and
accurately. Inuencing others by expressing self eectively in a group and
in one to one situations. Showing a range of verbal and nonverbal signals
that the information being received is understood.
Teamwork/working with others
Working eectively and condently within a group to achieve a common
goal or task. Including understanding your role within the team, and
listening and supporting other team members.
Problem-solving ability
Identifying, prioritising and solving problems, individually or in groups;
possessing the ability to ask the right questions, sort out the many facets
of a problem, and contribute ideas as well as answers regarding the
Time-management skills/ability to meet deadlines
Managing several tasks at once; being able to set priorities and to allocate
time eciently in order to meet deadlines.
Planning and organising
Establishing a course of action for self and/or others to accomplish a
specic goal. Planning proper assignments of personnel and appropriate
allocation of resources.
Leadership skills
Motivating and taking responsibility to lead other people, in order to
achieve set goals and objectives.
Initiative & self-management
Identifying opportunities and being proactive in putting forward ideas and
potential solutions. Self-disciplined and self-motivated,
in the pursuit of studies and professional practice.
Ability to make quick decisions/work under pressure
Making decisions and taking action. Maintaining performance under
pressure and/or opposition.
You may also have developed a wide range of technical/specic
course related skills
Computer & Communications Engineering
Computer & Communications Engineering
Types of employers/industry sectors
Some of the main types of employers/industry sectors
in which Computer & Communications Eng graduates work
Software and Hardware Companies (Building blocks – e.g. Intel, AMD,
Analogue Devices, Integration – e.g. Ericsson, Applications)
Technical and Business Consultancies
Banks/Financial Institutions
State and Semi-state bodies
Telecom Providers, Consultancies
R+D companies, IOTs, Universities, Research depts, Start-ups
Energy Technology and Software Development
Education/Training Bodies
Computer Gaming Companies
Medical – diagnostic and monitoring equipment
Commercial, Industrial and Public Sectors
Oces, Retail Units, Hotels, Sports and Leisure Centres, Community
Centres, Healthcare/Hospitals, Pharmachem, Food and Agri,
Electronics, Local Authorities, Third level Institutions, Waste and
Water Pumping, Small and Medium Enterprises, Defence Forces,
Broadcasters, Telecommunication companies, Petrochemical
Transport Organisations including road and rail networks, Electric and
Hybrid Vehicles
Energy Utilities, Suppliers and Providers:
State Utilities, Gas/Electrical Suppliers, Independent Power
Producers, Energy Service Companies, Local authorities, Renewable
Energy Developers, State Utilties, Agents and Distributors, Original
Equipment Manufacturers
Government Agencies/Voluntary/NGOs/Professional Associations
For sector information see:
Career options with your course
Some of main occupations and job proles secured by Computer
& Communications Eng graduates include:
Computer Engineer
Communications Engineer
Software Engineer
Programmer/Software Developer
Systems Analyst/Business Analyst
Web Developer
Web Designer
Network Technician (entry position)
Network Engineer
Technical Support Engineer
Technical Sales
Technical Consultant
Technical Writer
Project Manager
VOIP Engineer and Developer
Radio Engineer
R+D Engineer (software or hardware or combination of both (strong
emphasis on software))
Telecom Networks Operator
Systems Engineer
Test Technician (entry position)
IT Research and Development Assistant
Internet Administrator
SAP Consultant
Quality Assurance/Testing
Database Manager/Designer
Computer Gaming Engineer
Network Maintenance
For occupational information see:
Computer & Communications Engineering
Employers who have recruited in your area
Companies who have recruited Computer & Communications Eng
NYSE Technologies
BT Ireland
Airspeed Telecom
Green Isle Foods
IT Alliance
Job Hunting
It is important that you access both the advertised and hidden
jobs market and use any and every means available to you to job
hunt eectively.
Advertised Jobs
Most University and IT Careers Services have jobs listings on their
Graduate programmes and immediate vacancies
www.prospects.ac.uk & www.targetjobs.co.uk http://www.gradcracker.
Graduate jobs UK
Immediate jobs/Summer/Graduate programmes
Local and national press
Public service
Complete list of recruitment agencies/online recruitment sites
Company websites
Job websites - indeed.ie, irishjobfairy (twitter), irishjobs.
ie, digitalmarketingjobs.ie, digitalmediajobs.com, careerjet.ie,
alternativesdigital.ie, simplyhired.ie, prosperity.ie, gamedevelopers.ie,
monster.ie, computerjobs.ie, mobiledev (facebook), etc.
Careers fairs – Gradireland Fair – Autumn and Summer Fair, plus many
Notice boards/Student email account/Lecturers
Company Presentations
Specialist Magazines & Publications, e.g.Technology Ireland, Irish
Software Association newsletter, Enterprise Ireland, Engineers Ireland,
Voluntary Sector/Charities
Voluntary Sector/Charity/NGO vacancies in voluntary sector
Association of non-governmental development organisations
Volunteering opportunities
Directory of voluntary and community organisations
Unadvertised Jobs
Networking – who is in my network? – classmates, lecturers, alumni,
family, neighbours, colleagues, clubs and societies, TU Dublin Career
Development Centre, professional bodies
Informational Interviewing/Shadowing
College work – projects, thesis, placement, guest speakers, student
Societies – e.g. guest speakers/events
Attend events, conferences, short courses, trade shows (e.g.
professional bodies, etc), National Digital Conference, Dublin,
businessandleadership.com (events), Digital Learning Festival – May,
http://www.gameseadh.ie/expo/whats-on, cross industry events,
i.e. TechBrew/ISIN events/Dublin start-up Commissioner, DubLUDO
(game events), Codess (female coder events for women), Dublin Unity
User group, Engineers week, etc.
Meet up groups, e.g. - ‘Data Scientists Ireland’ and Tech for good -
Join Alumni Association/Linked-in TU Dublin Alumni group//Related
groups on linked-in, e.g. digitalmediajobsnetwork
Find a mentor/keep a job hunting record
Contact companies directly
Speculative applications + cold calling. Think about your oering.
Utilise directories – Kompass.com, professional bodies, e.g.
acei.ie (Consulting Engineers),Irish Software Association, Irish
Software Innovation network, www.techireland.org – list of tech
companies,http://www.thedigitalhub.com/companydirectory, www.
mediastreet.ie – Irish Media and Creative Business Directory, etc.
Contact companies before holiday times – Christmas and Summer
Get a foot in the door
Contact companies with ideas of your own to assist their business /
save them money
Computer & Communications Engineering
Start Ups:
Start-up companies – www.startupdublin.com,
FDI and indigenous – www.makeitinireland.com, www.
https://angel.co/ - start up jobs worldwide
Track companies
Scholarships/Competitions/Blogs / Guest lecturer
Check out Labour Market trends, www.careersportal.ie, IDA (Industrial
sectors), IBEC, www.dit.ie/careers (labour market news),
Search newspaper business pages on-line to get success stories on
businesses as they are growing – TU Dublin Careers website (labour
market news)
Check out industry award recipients – Best Workplaces in Ireland
(download on gradireland.com), Ireland’s top 1000 companies,
http://www.top1000.ie/companies Award recipients – Digital Media
Awards (digitalmedia.ie) http://www.digitalmedia.ie/ , Net Visionary
Awards, Software Industry Awards, etc.
Best Workplaces in Ireland (download on gradireland.com)
Other proactive ideas
Enter competitions / scholarships
Get Work Experience / internship
Social networking sites (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blog,
Discussion Groups)
Linked-In (set up a prole, link to others, search for companies -
employees who have
Linked-in proles, advertised jobs)
Follow & target companies on facebook, linked-in, twitter
Student Awards – Digital Student of the Year (Digital Media Award)
Freelancing/Work experience/Self-employment/Start-Up
TU Dublin Hothouse - www.dit.ie/hothouse/
Local Enterprise Oce - www.localenterprise.ie
The Digital Hub - www.thedigitalhub.com
For more information on how to go about nding a job and
job-hunting sites, See www.tudublin.ie/careers
For more information on how to perform in interviews, See www.tudublin.
CVs/Cover letters and applications
For information on how to put together a great CV/Cover Letter or
Application, See www.tudublin.ie/careers
Useful links (e.g. Company Databases, Professional
Bodies, LinkedIn Groups)
This list contains links to some of the most useful websites for your course
including professional bodies and associations, employer directories,
information sources and LinkedIn groups.
www.iei.ie - Institute of Engineers in Ireland – CV posting
www.iia.ie -Irish Internet Association
www.ics.ie - Irish Computer Society
www.ictireland.ie – ICT Ireland
www.bcs.org - Chartered Institute for IT (British)
www.iap.org.uk/main Institution of Analysts and Programmers
www.mediastreet.ie – list of media companies
www.icad.ie – Institute of Creative Advertising and Design
www.theesa.com – Entertainment Software Association (US)
www.ukie.org.uk – Trade Body Games/Entertainment (UK)
www.tiga.org – Games Industry UK
www.software.ie - Irish Software Association
www.nsd.ie/htm/ National Software Directorate
www.iet.org.uk The Institution of Engineering and Technology
www.iie.org.uk The Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE)
www.cibse.org Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
www.acei.ie Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI)
www.engc.org.uk Engineering Council UK
www.graduateengineer.com Engineering website for students
www.i-cando.ie/ - Global Digital Skills Foundation
Forums – http://www.techrepublic.com/forums/, digitalmediaforum.net,
forums.frontier.co.uk, Irish Games facebook page, Irish Computer Society
forum, technology-ireland.ie forum, etc.
Examples of Linked-in discussion groups – Computer and Software
professionals, Research Methods for software engineering and computer
science, Electrical/Electronics and Computer Development, etc.
General websites — useful links
•Worldwide Media guide - www.mondotimes.com
•Yellow and White pages directories from around the world - www.
•Specialists in Student Travel - www.usit.ie
Careers open to all disciplines
(Including ‘Paths Into Series)
Many graduate vacancies don’t require specic degree subjects as
possession of a degree is taken as evidence of intellectual ability. What is
more important to the potential employer is the range of transferable skills
and experience you can demonstrate.
Many graduate training programmes take nal year students from a
wide range of disciplines, register with the Career Development Centres
Jobsence for a full list of programmes. Here is a range of career areas that
are potentially open to graduates of all disciplines. Its important to note
that some of these options may require further study either on the job or
If you are considering diversifying or changing career direction
a postgraduate conversion course may be a viable option.
Some examples of career areas open to students of all disciplines:
Teaching & Education
Financial Services & Accounting
Marketing, Advertising and PR
Retail, Sales and Customer Service
Banking, insurance and nancial services
Charities and voluntary sector
Fund management / administration and investment banking
Human resources, recruitment and training
Management consulting
Management, business and administration
Media and publishing
Public sector and civil service
Social, community and youth
For further information see: www.gradireland.com/career-sectors
Further Study
Are you considering further study or training? See
www.tudublin.ie/careers for comprehensive information
Some examples of further study programmes undertaken by graduates of
your course:
MSc Computer Science, TCD
MSc Software Development, TU Dublin MSc Applied Software, Athlone
MSc Cyber Security, Smurt Business School
Conversion courses
Some graduates nd that their primary degree did not meet their expecta-
tions, either vocationally, academically or personally, and seek change career
direction. Conversion courses oer the opportunity to diversify into another
chosen career area while meeting the necessary entry requirements for
that discipline. However, it should be noted that this is not the case for all
disciplines e.g. disciplines such as science and engineering will require an
undergraduate degree in that discipline.
Computer & Communications Engineering
Self Employment
Ever thought of being your own boss? Think you have an innovative
product or service idea that could have commercial value? Want to
commercialise your research? See www.tudublin.ie/careers
Other Options (e.g. Time out, travel etc.)
Volunteering and working with communities with is a great way to gain
valuable real world experience, to develop new skills, to meet new people,
to do something worthwhile and to improve your employability. For more
details, see www.tudublin.ie/careers.
Labour Market Information
For information on the latest labour market trends see
Additional Information/Advice
For any query you might have, please do not hesitate to get in touch with
Computer & Communications Engineering
Disclaimer: TU Dublin Career Development Centre oers advice in good faith on the basis of the best information available.
The Centre accepts no responsibility for decisions made by individuals based on such advice.