T +353 1 402 3859
Your Careers Adviser
Jill Barrett
Nutraceuticals in
Health & Nutrition
Skills developed in college
You have developed a range of skills through your education,
work experience and personal interests and achievements.
Understanding what skills you have to oer and like to use
can help you understand what you want in a career, as well as
providing key information for job or further study applications.
In terms of securing a job, academic qualications alone will
not guarantee success. Evidence –based skills sections on your
CV can demonstrate the broad range of qualities you have to
oer employers. Here are some of the main skills you may have
developed while in college:
Communication skills, both verbal and written
Expressing ideas eectively and conveying information
appropriately and accurately. Inuencing others by expressing
yourself in a group and in one to one situations. Showing a
range of verbal and nonverbal signals to demonstrate that the
information being received is understood. You have negotiated
your way through complex communications on various projects
you’ve participated in, from initial brieng, through to report
writing and presenting to varied audiences.
Teamwork / Working with Others
Working eectively and condently within a group to achieve a
common goal or task. This means that you understand your role
within the team, as well as listen and support the other team
members. Teamwork skills are developed in group projects in
college as well in sporting clubs and college societies
Problem-solving ability
Identifying, prioritising and solving problems, individually or in
groups; possessing the ability to ask the right questions, sort out
the many facets of a problem, and contribute ideas ,as well as
answers. Having an eye for detail as well as the ability to adopt a
common sense approach to solving problems under pressure has
been something you’ve learned during your work.
Time-management skills / ability to meet deadlines
Managing several tasks at once; being able to set priorities and
to allocate time eciently in order to meet deadlines. You have
juggled course deadlines and assignments with part-time work
or involvement in extra-curricular activities. This demonstrates
that you are organised and can manage your time. Complex
construction projects require eective organisation and time
management if they are to be delivered to budget and on time.
Planning and Organising
Establishing a course of action for self and/or others to accomplish a
specic goal. Allocating resources appropriately.
Leadership skills
Motivating and taking responsibility to lead other people, in order to
achieve set goals and
Initiative & self-management
Identifying opportunities and being proactive in putting forward ideas and
potential solutions.
Self-disciplined and self-motivated in the pursuit of studies and
professional practice.
Ability to make quick decisions / work under pressure (exibility)
Making decisions and taking action. Maintaining performance under
pressure and / or opposition.
You may also have developed a wide range of technical/specic course
related skills
Nutraceuticals in Health & Nutrition
Nutraceuticals in Health & Nutrition
Types of employers/industry sectors
Some of the main types of employers / industry sectors in which
Nutraceuticals in Health & Nutrition graduates work include:
Food manufacturing companies
Drink manufacturing companies
Product improvement –shelf life /reformulation
New Product Development Kitchens
Sports companies
Whey products /geriatric nutrition
Ingredients companies
Research and Development
Milk /Infant formula companies
Retailers and Supermarket chains
Clinical research, Trials
Chemical supply
Regulatory aairs (licensing, legal compliance)
Medical Sales/Rep
Patent Law
Product Improvement (packaging
Academic Institutions
For sector information see:
Career options with your course
Some of main occupations related to your degree include:
New Product Development
Food Technologist
Product Technician
Packaging Manager
Ingredients Development (enzymes)
Product Development Scientist
Process Technologist
Packaging Manager
Quality Assurance / Control manager/Co-ordinator
Research and Development
Production Manager/Planner
Academia / Lecturer
Research Assistant
Lab Technician
Brand Technologist / Specialist
Operations Manager
Procurement Manager
Regulatory Aairs Ocer
Patent Agent
Technical Author
Technical Recruiter
Account/Client Manager
Marketing Executive
Sales Manager Representative
Graduate Programmes
Business Development Executive
For occupational information see
Nutraceuticals in Health & Nutrition
Employers who have recruited in your area
Some of the companies who have recruited Nutraceuticals in
Health & Nutrition graduates include:
Kerry Foods
Butlers Chocolates
University College Dublin
Dublin City University
Ballymaguire Foods
Largo Foods
Job Hunting
It is important that you access both the advertised and hidden
jobs market and use any and every means available to you to job
hunt eectively.
Advertised Jobs
Most University and IT Careers Services have jobs listings on their
Graduate programmes and immediate vacancies
www.prospects.ac.uk & www.targetjobs.co.uk
Graduate jobs UK
Immediate jobs/Summer/Graduate programmes
Local and national press
Public service
Complete list of recruitment agencies/online recruitment sites
Company Websites - Immediate vacancies and Internships
www.indeed.ie – Ireland (various job boards)
irishjobfairy (twitter)
The Nutrition Society - www.nutritionsociety.org/jobs
NHS - http://www.jobs.nhs.uk/
Healthcare Jobs UK - http://healthjobsuk.com/?_ts=1
UK Sport - www.uksport.gov.uk/jobs/
Health Service Executive - www.hse.ie/eng/sta/Jobs/Job_Search/
EHN (Environmental Health Network UK)- www.ehn-jobs.com
Environmental Jobs - https://www.environmentaljobsuk.com/
Australian EHO vacancy website - www.counciljobs.com.au
Food Industry Specialistswww.innovatesolutions.ie/
Food Technology Jobshttp://food-science-jobs.com/food-
Your Food Jobwww.yourfoodjob.com/
Food Man Jobs - http://jobs.foodmanufacture.co.uk/
Grocer Jobs - http://jobs.thegrocer.co.uk/
The Brewery Manual - www.brewerymanual.com/jobs.html
Carling Partnership - www.carlingpartnership.com/
Tasty Careers - http://tastycareers.org.uk/
Food Jobs – Food/Pharma/Healthcare Recruitment - www.foodjobs.ie
Careers in Food & Drink - www.careersinfoodanddrink.co.uk
Careers fairs – Gradireland Fair – Autumn and Summer Fair, plus many
Notice boards/Student email account/Lecturers
Company Presentations
Specialist Magazines
Voluntary Sector/Charities
Voluntary Sector/Charity/NGO vacancies in voluntary sector
Association of non-governmental development organisations
Volunteering opportunities
Directory of voluntary and community organisations
Nutraceuticals in Health & Nutrition
Unadvertised Jobs
Job Shadow/Informational Interviewing/work experience
Networking – who is in your network?
Professional Bodies,
Social networking sites (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs,
discussion boards)
Attend events,
Businessandleadership.com (events)
Get in touch with guest speakers
Thesis / College projects/Placement/Site visits/guest speakers
TU Dublin Societies
First Destination Reports
Join Alumni Association/Linked-in TU Dublin Alumni group
Speculative applications + cold calling. Think about your oering
Contact organisation with ideas
Utilise directories – Kompass.com, IDA, professional bodies, Golden
Freelancing/Work experience/Self-employment/Start-Up
TU Dublin Hothouse - www.dit.ie/hothouse/
Local Enterprise Oce - www.localenterprise.ie
The Digital Hub - www.thedigitalhub.com
Check out Labour Market trends, ilo.org (Intl Labour Organisation,
www.careersportal.ie, IDA, IBEC
Search newspaper business pages on-line to get success stories on
businesses as they are growing – TU Dublin Careers website (labour
market news)
Industry award recipients
Best Workplaces in Ireland (download on gradireland.com)
Follow target companies on facebook, linked-in, twitter
Think of small companies not just big brands
Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blog,
Discussion Groups) Linked-In (set up a prole, link to others, search
for companies - employees who have Linked-in proles, advertised
Follow target companies on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
Think of small companies not just big brands
Consider alternative roles
Undertake voluntary work
For more information on how to go about nding a job and
job-hunting sites, See www.tudublin.ie/careers
For more information on how to perform in interviews, See www.tudublin.
CVs/Cover letters and applications
For information on how to put together a great CV/Cover Letter or
Application, See www.tudublin.ie/careers
Useful links (e.g. Company Databases, Professional
Bodies, LinkedIn Groups)
This list contains links to some of the most useful websites for your course
including professional bodies and associations, employer directories,
information sources and LinkedIn groups.
General websites — useful links
Science - www.sciencemag.org/
Health & Safety Authority - www.hsa.ie
Food Safety Authority of Ireland - www.fsai.ie
Irish Food Board - www.bordbia.ie
The Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland - www.
British Food Standards Agency - www.food.gov.uk
Health & Safety Executive - www.hse.gov.uk/
Food Safety Promotion Board - www.safefood.eu
International Food Information Service - www.FoodScienceCentral.
Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Irish Research Council for Science - http://research.ie/
Funding Initiatives - http://research.ie/funding/
Science Foundation Ireland - http://www.s.ie/
Researcher’s Mobility Portal Ireland - www.researchcareersireland.
International Federation of Operational Research Societies - www.
Food and Drink Industry Ireland - www.fdii.ie
Bord Iascaigh Mhara (Irish Sea Fisheries Board) - www.bim.ie
Agriculture & Food Development Authority - www.teagasc.ie/
Easy Food Magazine - www.easyfood.ie/
Good Food Ireland - www.goodfoodireland.ie
Food and Drink Federation - www.fdf.org.uk
Food & Drink Careers - www.careersinfoodanddrink.co.uk/
Scotland Food and Drink - www.foodanddrink.scot/
Institute of Food Science and Technology - www.ifst.org/
Institute of Brewing and Distilling -www.ibd.org.uk/
British Beer & Pub Association - www.beerandpub.com/
Society of Independent Brewers - http://siba.co.uk/
Tasty Careers - www.tastycareers.org.uk
Nutraceuticals World - www.nutraceuticalsworld.com/
LinkedIn Groups
Vitafoods-Global Nutraceutical
Nutrition Industry Network
Food & Nutrition Label; Dietary Supplement & Menu Labelling &
Nutrition Business Journal
Organic & natural vitamins, supplements, greens & nutraceuticals
Careers open to all disciplines
(Including ‘Paths Into Series)
Many graduate vacancies don’t require specic degree subjects as
possession of a degree is taken as evidence of intellectual ability. What is
more important to the potential employer is the range of transferable skills
and experience you can demonstrate.
Many graduate training programmes take nal year students from a
wide range of disciplines, register with the Career Development Centres
Jobsence for a full list of programmes. Here is a range of career areas that
are potentially open to graduates of all disciplines. Its important to note
that some of these options may require further study either on the job or
If you are considering diversifying or changing career direction
a postgraduate conversion course may be a viable option.
Some examples of career areas open to students of all disciplines:
Teaching & Education
Financial Services & Accounting
Marketing, Advertising and PR
Retail, Sales and Customer Service
Banking, insurance and nancial services
Charities and voluntary sector
Fund management / administration and investment banking
Human resources, recruitment and training
Management consulting
Management, business and administration
Media and publishing
Public sector and civil service
Social, community and youth
For further information see: www.gradireland.com/career-sectors
Further Study
Are you considering further study or training? See
www.tudublin.ie/careers for comprehensive information
Here are some examples of postgraduate courses pursued by Nutraceuti-
cals in Health & Nutrition Graduates :
MSc in Culinary Innovation and Food Product Development – TU
MSc in Food Safety Management – TU Dublin
MSc in Environmental Health & Safety – TU Dublin
MEngSc Biopharmaceutical Engineering – UCD
MSc Management – TCD
PhD Food Science – UCD
Conversion courses
Some graduates nd that their primary degree did not meet their expecta-
tions, either vocationally, academically or personally, and seek change
career direction. Conversion courses oer the opportunity to diversify into
another chosen career area while meeting the necessary entry require-
ments for that discipline. However, it should be noted that this is not the
case for all disciplines e.g. disciplines such as science and engineering will
require an undergraduate degree in that discipline.
Nutraceuticals in Health & Nutrition
Disclaimer: TU Dublin Career Development Centre oers advice in good faith on the basis of the best information available.
The Centre accepts no responsibility for decisions made by individuals based on such advice.
Nutraceuticals in Health & Nutrition
Self Employment
Ever thought of being your own boss? Think you have an innovative product
or service idea that could have commercial value? Want to commercialise
your research? See www.tudublin.ie/careers
Other Options (e.g. Time out, travel etc.)
Volunteering and working with communities with is a great way to gain
valuable real world experience, to develop new skills, to meet new people,
to do something worthwhile and to improve your employability. For more
details, see www.tudublin.ie/careers.
Labour Market Information
For information on the latest labour market trends see
Additional Information / Advice
For any query you might have, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.