March Prompts
By Genia Connell
March 4 is National Grammar Day. Write the
sentence Jaden fed Bill the old gray cat on the board.
Ask students what they think that sentence means.
Add a comma after Bill and discuss the sentence
again. Discuss how punctuation can change the
meaning of a sentence. Challenge students to write
sentences that can have different meanings if you
add or take away punctuation.
March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day. Write a story about
finding a leprechaun’s pot of gold. What would you
do with the gold? How would you spend your
On March 18, 1965, Alexei Leonov took the first
walk in space. What would you like to be the very
first person to ever do? Draw a picture of you doing
your “firstactivity and write a caption to describe
what you are doing in the picture.
On March 19, 1918 the Standard Time Act was
passed establishing Daylight Savings Time to
help reduce energy usage during World War I. Do
you think we should move the clocks forward to
provide and extra hour of daylight during Spring
and Summer? Write your opinion on the subject
and give at least two reasons to support your
March 20 is the first day of Spring. Make a list of
ten things you like about Spring.
Think about something you did in the past week
that made you feel proud. Write a short narrative
about your accomplishment.
Dr. Seuss Quick Writing Prompts
March 2 is Dr. Seuss's birthday. Many people
celebrate Read Across America Day on that date in
his honor. Use the writing prompts below to get
your students writing about this famous author.
Dr. Seuss wrote 46 children's books. Which book
is your favorite and why?
Many of Dr. Seuss's books were made into
movies. Think about Dr. Seuss's or any other
author's books that have been made into movies.
Which did you like better, the book or the
movie? Explain why you feel this way.
Imagine Thing One and Thing Two stopped by
your house to play. How would you spend an
afternoon with them? Write about your
adventures together.
Sam I Am did not want to try Green Eggs and
Ham because he was sure he would not like
them. Once he tried them, however, he loved
them! Write about a time you did not want to try
a certain food or activity. What made you decide
to finally try it? How did you like it once you
tried it? What advice would you give to someone
who was afraid to try something new?
Use your imagination to write about a very
wacky Wednesday.
More March Prompts
It's been said that March comes in like a lion, and
goes out like a lamb. What do you think people
mean when they say that?
March is Women’s History Month. Research
the life of a woman in history that you admire.
Write a paragraph that explains why you admire
this person, Provide support for your opinion
using the sources that our used in your research.