Across the Disciplines
A Journal of Language, Learning and Academic Writing ISSN 554-8244
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Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success
Alice S. Horning, Oakland University
Abstract: Hand-in-hand with the current renewed emphasis on student success and
a resurgence of Writing Across the Curriculum, instructors in all disciplines need to
refocus on Reading Across the Curriculum to address students' needs, to achieve
instructional goals, and to prepare citizens for full participation in our democracy. It
seems clear that a refocused emphasis on reading as the process of getting meaning
from print to be used for analysis, synthesis and evaluation, in the context of critical
literacy across the curriculum could potentially address the difficulties of students,
the goals of teachers and the needs of the nation for an educated, informed, fully
participatory democratic population. These goals can be achieved through four
specific strategies that can make faster, better reading possible for everyone,
including, first, an understanding of the nature of the reading process; second, a
consistent focus on direct classroom teaching of critical reading skills that go
beyond comprehension; third, opportunities for modeling and practice of these
critical reading skills; and fourth, the development of an understanding of the
conventions of disciplines and the genres used in an array of academic areas.
As an undergraduate, I took most of my courses with a professor who was a specialist in medieval
literature. In one of those courses, he described a method of annotation used in medieval texts.
Readers (mostly priests or other trained religious leaders) would mark important parts of a text by
drawing a picture of a small hand in the margin, with the index finger of the hand pointing to
significant passages. I was intrigued by this strategy and began using it to mark textbooks I was
reading for all my courses, not just my English classes. To draw those little hands, though, I had to be
a good reader; I had to be able to read not just to understand the texts I was reading but also to know
which were the important parts to mark with the little hands and to know how to use those important
parts to analyze, synthesize and evaluate the text. Recent research shows that about half of current
college students lack these skills (American College Testing, 2006). Hand-in-hand with the current
renewed emphasis on student success and a resurgence of Writing Across the Curriculum, instructors
in all disciplines need to refocus on Reading Across the Curriculum to address students' needs, to
achieve instructional goals, and to prepare citizens for full participation in our democracy.
Focused instruction in clearly defined critical reading is urgent and essential, and even more
important as digital texts and electronic searching increasingly dominate the reading landscape
(Battelle, 2005; Kelly, 2006). Recent studies also show that only half the students who start college
manage to complete a degree (U.S. Dept. of Education, 2005). The inability to read well is surely tied
to this abysmal level of degree completion, so to improve student success, the reading problem must
be addressed. Teachers all across the curriculum, and from K to college, need to renew their focus on
Horning 2
reading to improve student performance in all courses as well as in writing, as the Alliance for
Excellent Education, a Washington, DC non-profit has recently pointed out. The Alliance suggests that
there is a crisis in the public schools, particularly at the middle and high school levels:
Approximately 25 percent of all high school students read at "below basic" levels.
Affecting more than their achievement in English and language arts classes, low literacy
levels also prevent students from mastering content in other subjects. The problem is
exacerbated by the fact that many teachers in schools serving large numbers of low-
performing students are neither trained to teach reading nor well-qualified in the subject
they teach. Due, at least in part, to lack of success in school, students become disengaged
from school, which results in failure to work hard, seek assistance, and take appropriate
courses. (Alliance, 2006)
If students can move beyond simple comprehension to analyze, synthesize and evaluate not only
printed texts but also visual displays on paper and in electronic form effectively and efficiently in
every discipline, they will be better readers, writers, students, and citizens of the democratic and
electronically connected global society they will join when they graduate.
Defining Reading
A clear definition of reading in terms of the critical literacy needed for college success and full
participation in our society is in order. Reading is variously defined, usually as getting meaning from
print. In other words, just being able to pronounce aloud the words that appear on a page is not
reading according to this definition. At the very least, readers must get the meaning in order for their
activity to qualify as reading. But to be successful in college, and beyond, on paper and screen,
students must be able to go well beyond just getting meaning and well beyond just being able to work
with printed texts. Reading is a psycholinguistic process, involving the interaction of readers'
thinking with the language of the text. It must involve getting meaning, but in addition, it must also
entail moving beyond meaning to analysis, synthesis and evaluation. That is, as I and a number of
other scholars have proposed, reading must function as part of critical literacy.
Here's the definition of reading as integrated with critical literacy that I have proposed elsewhere:
Critical literacy is best defined as the psycholinguistic processes of getting meaning from
or putting meaning into print and/or sound, images, and movement, on a page or screen,
used for the purposes of analysis, synthesis and evaluation; these processes develop
through formal schooling and beyond it, at home and at work, in childhood and across the
lifespan and are essential to human functioning in a democratic society. (Horning in
There are two points to be made for present purposes from this definition. First, notice that this
definition includes perception and production as well as text and visual elements, and that it focuses
on the key skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. My proposed definition suggests that readers
must be able to go significantly beyond getting meaning from print to using that meaning in very
specific ways. My proposal furthermore suggests that reading is the same fundamental activity
whether it is carried out with paper or digital texts, whether it entails topics like theoretical physics
or trash novels, and by implication, that reading must be closely integrated with writing in critical
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 3
The side-by-side integration of reading and writing has been firmly established by research reported
by Linda Flower and her colleagues in the 1990s. Their study of reading-to-write as the cognitive
work of college students makes clear that new college students face the challenge of moving beyond
simple comprehension of texts and response to them in writing (1990, p. 245-49). The study reported
in 1990 had two parts: the first was an exploratory study in which students were asked to do think-
aloud protocols as they read materials for class and then to analyze their own reading processes and
strategies. The second part was a "teaching" study in which seventy-two first year students at
Carnegie Mellon took a special writing course called "Reading-to-Write" in which they were given
assignments and lectures to test underlying assumptions about what is required in college reading
and writing tasks. The underlying expectations being tested are two particular features of academic
discourse that apply to all disciplines: first, being able to integrate the writer's own ideas with the
ideas of source materials and second, using and applying source materials for the writer's own
rhetorical purpose (Flower et al., 1990, p. 22). Both of these expectations require expert reading to
serve as the basis for the development of academically appropriate writing in every discipline.
Flower's findings show that students need to move beyond simple comprehension and beyond
simple response to "adapt, restructure, or synthesize knowledge in order to answer complex
questions..." (1990, p. 249). The kinds of reading that students need to do for college and professional
writing and work are much more complex, as Flower says:
The goals of self-directed critical inquiry, of using writing to think through genuine
problems and issues, and of writing to an imagined community of peers with a personal
rhetorical purpose—these distinguish academic writing from a more limited
comprehension and response....Without awareness of these goals it is also hard to make
sense of many of the discourse conventions of academic papers, such as examining
counterpositions to achieve a balanced appraisal or using a literature review to define
issues and establish credibility rather than to survey information. (Flower et al., 1990, p.
It is also difficult for students to read well enough to achieve these goals if they are not stated
explicitly, taught directly, and required in students' work.
Prior research has not only made clear that reading and writing must go hand-in-hand, but also, other
studies validate the need to incorporate new technologies, seeing them as basic to reading in all
venues. For example, University of Connecticut reading scholar Donald Leu and his colleagues offer
a definition of new literacies very close to the one I have proposed:
The new literacies of the Internet and other ICTs [information and communication
technologies] include the skills, strategies, and dispositions necessary to successfully use
and adapt to the rapidly changing information and communication technologies and
contexts that continuously emerge in our world and influence all areas of our personal
and professional lives. These new literacies allow us to use the Internet and other ICTs to
identify important questions, locate information, critically evaluate the usefulness of that
information, synthesize information to answer those questions, and then communicate
the answers to others. (2004, p. 1572)
Notice that this definition addresses both reading and writing and addresses them both in the context
of not only printed displays but also various digital forms.
Horning 4
Leu and his colleagues (2004) make this point about integration of reading and writing in digital
forms developing from print-based abilities as they discuss "foundational literacies" and their role in
helping students develop skills in the digital age:
It is essential, however, to keep in mind that the new literacies... almost always build on
foundational literacies rather than replace them. Foundational literacies include those
traditional elements of literacy that have defined almost all our previous efforts in both
research and practice. These include skill sets such as phonemic awareness, word
recognition, decoding knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, comprehension, inferential
reasoning, the writing process, spelling, response to literature, and others required for
the literacies of the book and other printed material. Foundational literacies will continue
to be important within the new literacies of the Internet and other ICTs. In fact, it could
be argued that they will become even more essential because reading and writing
become more important in an information age. (Leu et al., 2004, 1590-91)
Print-based reading, integrated with writing is the basis for any and all work in our increasingly
digital world.
Similarly, faculty librarians John Buschman and Dorothy Warner of Rider University, a mid-sized
private liberal arts institution in New Jersey, note that the concept of information literacy relies on
and requires print literacy as its starting point (2006). They claim that there is a fundamental need
within information literacy for the kind of "critical reflexivity" that derives from literacy in a print
environment. They draw on the work of reading scholars such as Brian Street, Jack Goody and Ian
Watt, as well as the standards for information literacy promulgated by the Association of College and
Research Libraries and the American Library Association to show that in order for students or library
users to develop information literacy skills, they must also have essential literacy skills that derive
from working with printed texts.
My definition makes clear the fundamental reasons why many students lack the skills they need to
be successful. Their difficulty arises in part from a lack of instruction and motivation. Their difficulty
arises in part from the idea that reading is some fundamental skill taught early in school and that
little or no instruction is needed once the basic idea is mastered, usually in first grade. Their difficulty
arises in part from the view that there is less need for reading now that everything is on the computer.
Their difficulty arises in part because while they engage with texts and visual displays to an
increasing degree (in games, blogs, IMs and text messages on cell phones), they are less aware of the
ways in which their attention and responses are shaped by the media. Their difficulty arises in part
because the tacit goals of critical literacy including integration of ideas in a larger context and
applying reading material to the writer's own rhetorical purpose are neither stated explicitly nor
taught in a reading and writing context. It seems clear that a refocused emphasis on reading as the
process of getting meaning from print to be used for analysis, synthesis and evaluation, in the context
of critical literacy across the curriculum could potentially address the difficulties of students, the
goals of teachers and the needs of the nation for an educated, informed, fully participatory democratic
Student Problems
Ask teachers about the problems students have with reading, and they will invariably say that
students can't read and don't read. And where does this inability to read complex texts with full
understanding come from? It seems clear that there are at least three sources of this problem: lack
of instruction, lack of practice, and a mythic view that reading is less important because of computers.
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 5
In terms of lack of instruction, I know from my own experience as a parent of two children who
attended public school in one of the best districts the nation that there is little or no instruction in
the critical reading of nonfiction prose after about 6
grade. My guess (and that's all it is) is that if my
children did not receive such instruction in a "model" school district, that the vast majority of
students don't receive this kind of instruction. Since the ACT study (American, 2006) shows that
about half the students who take that test (they examined test results and performance in college for
a sample of 563,000 students over three years) are not successful in college, I'm pretty confident that
my guess is correct. About half the students in the ACT study did not earn a score of 21 or better on
the reading section of the test, and those with lower scores were not successful in college. So, lack of
instruction and preparation is one source of the problem.
What I see among students at my institution who are advised to take our course in Critical Thinking
and Reading, whose ACT Reading score is at 19 or below, is weaknesses in understanding and being
able to work with these key features of complex texts identified by the ACT test writers:
Relationships: Interactions among ideas or characters in the text are subtle, involved or
deeply embedded.
Richness: The text possesses a sizable amount of highly sophisticated information conveyed
through data or literary devices.
Structure: The text is organized in ways that are elaborate and sometimes unconventional.
Style: The author's tone and use of language are often intricate.
Vocabulary: The author's choice of words is demanding and highly context dependent.
Purpose: The author's intent in writing the text is implicit and sometimes ambiguous.
(American, 2006, p. 17)
These key features come together into a neat mnemonic device, RSVP. What I think my colleagues
and most teachers mean when they say students are "illiterate" is that they can't deal with these RSVP
features of complex texts.
There is other research on academic reading to support this analysis of students' difficulties.
Replicating Haas and Flower's (1988) often-cited study of rhetorical reading strategies, Haswell et
al. (1999) examined both undergraduate and graduate students' abilities to use rhetorical strategies
to get meaning from print. In all of this work, very small numbers of students were asked to complete
think-aloud protocols while reading and interpreting academic texts: ten altogether in Haas and
Flower's work (1988) and six in Haswell et al's. The main finding of Haas and Flower's original study
is that undergraduates make little use of rhetorical reading strategies including audience, topic,
purpose, reader response or the contextual background of the text; Haswell et al. got essentially the
same result although their student population, drawn from Texas A&M-Corpus Christi was quite
different from the population at Carnegie Mellon used by Haas and Flower.
When Haswell et al. repeated the study using a different and more accessible passage from a
newspaper, they found much less difference between graduate and undergraduate students in the
use of rhetorical reading strategies when the text is on a more familiar topic (1999, p. 17). They go
on to make a number of observations about their results. They note that the context in which the
reading task is completed and the familiarity of the text have an important effect on readers' ability
to use more sophisticated reading strategies and to understand an author's major claims (1999, p.
20-24). They suggest that students can benefit, as I have been suggesting, from direct instruction in
the use of personal and rhetorical reading strategies, especially when they are expected to read on
unfamiliar topics. Finally, they suggest using a think-aloud procedure as one way to help students
Horning 6
understand the nature of the reading process (1999, p. 24). These ideas can help address students'
inability to read complex texts effectively.
Beyond this and other specific instructional strategies such as those I will offer at the end of this
discussion, practice naturally plays a big role in the development of reading, like any other skill. Thus,
a second source of the problem students have with reading is a lack of practice. In her ethnographic
exploration of contemporary college students and their approach to course work and class
preparation, anthropology professor Rebekah Nathan summarizes several key studies of students'
reading in support of her own observations and behavior in her field work as a college student
(2005). She points out that both the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) which surveys a
sample of students at 437 colleges and universities around the country and the Higher Education
Research Institute study of 30,000 first-year students (2005, p. 121) found that students spend very
little time preparing for class in any way, and a majority do not spend the 25 hours a week in class
preparation most instructors think they should.
On the matter of her own reading, particularly, Nathan writes:
In the beginning of my first semester, I did all my readings when they were assigned. By
the end of my first semester, I picked and chose, often relegating textbook reading to
cram sessions during exam time, sometimes skipping readings altogether. ...Most
commonly, students simply don't do the required readings for class. I'm not kidding. In
certain classes the professor would be lucky if one-third of the students read the
materials at a level of basic comprehension. (2005, p. 121-22)
Moreover, according to Nathan, the NSSE finds that by time students are seniors, more than 80%
report attending class without reading or preparation (2005, p. 122). These findings make clear that
part of the reason students don't read well enough is that they don't get sufficient practice, even when
reading is assigned and expected in college courses. With more help on doing the reading, students
might actually do it.
Finally, the third source of the problem with students' inability to read critically is their view that
reading is less important due to the pervasive use of computers. Students believe that they don't need
reading abilities because everything is on the computer now. Their view is not entirely wrong, either.
According to Wiredmagazine writer Kevin Kelly (2006), books and other materials are becoming
increasingly available online, as Google and others digitize more and more of the published material,
including all the books in some major libraries around the country. More and more, everything IS on
the computer and searchable through Google, Yahoo and so on. But just because material is available
digitally doesn't mean less reading. And just because material can be found more easily through
search doesn't mean less reading either.
Indeed, the availability of search and access to more and more material demands considerably more
and better reading skills of all of us. Students need to understand what is happening to information
and materials and they need to develop the motivation to learn to read critically and effectively, on
pages and screens. One kind of text that addresses these needs is Odell & Katz's Writing in a Visual
Age (2006), a text and reader for college writing courses. In their presentation, Odell & Katz discuss
the reading and analysis of these web page elements: layout, including columns and spaces; page
design, including tension and alignment; pictorial graphics including photos and drawings;
representational graphics such as pie charts and bar graphs, and other features like color and font
(2006, p. 23). Their text provides multiple opportunities for students to read for writing using both
print and digital materials. Similarly, Kathleen Blake Yancey, a leader in college composition, pointed
out in her Chair's address to the national convention of writing teachers in 2004 that students are
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 7
increasingly working with texts of various kinds outside of school settings, and increasingly online.
A full discussion of these implications of present and coming search strategies and other aspects of
multi-modal online reading and writing appears in the work of John Battelle (2005) and in Thomas
Friedman's The World is Flat(2006).
A very tech savvy colleague of mine points out that students are reading, but not the kinds of
extended printed texts that most of my colleagues think of when they are complaining about
students' illiteracy. He wrote the following comments in response to a draft of this paper:
I do not think that students are illiterate generally. Students read a great deal but they are
engaging texts whose little hands are presented in ways that the academy doesn't
recognize, for the most part. The texts students engage most often are not subjects in
centers of instruction. If the average 12 year-old spends 20 hours a week watching
television the average 12 year-old then is quite literate in the grammar of television if you
While not everything in print is also available online, students are online and they are
reading texts that are various combinations of alphabetic print, image, sound and
movement. However, students do not read or compose multi-modal texts critically.
Rather, they compose pages in Facebook and MySpace without considering their
rhetorical choices; students are flailing about in digital waters while we ask them to gain
critical thinking skills by only reading printed text....
What should concern us in academia is how easily the reader of multi-modal texts can
move from being a reader to being indoctrinated. People in general are highly
susceptible to multi-modal persuasion in part because they are not provided skills in
thinking critically about web sites ...etc. (Les Loncharich, personal communication, July 9,
The points he makes are well-taken: literacy is the subject of much debate, some of it over what
constitutes reading and writing in the digital age. The need for critical reading ability is crucial,
regardless of venue. Moreover, his views are supported by Yancey's claims in her Chair's address to
the Conference on College Composition and Communication mentioned previously (2004) and also
by the work of James Paul Gee (2003), a linguist who has examined the ways in which computer
games entail literacy. However, whether students are working with the shorter and multi-modal
kinds of digital texts found online or plain old books, their need for the fundamental skills captured
by my definition and by the RSVP analysis of the ACT remains the same.
So students and all members of a democratic society need more, better, faster, more efficient, more
effective reading skills. And students don't have them and aren't getting them because they are not
taught in public schools, colleges or universities. They don't have good reading skills because they
don't read sustained, nonfiction prose to provide sufficient practice and they aren't thoughtful,
rhetorically aware consumers of multi-modal texts either. They don't have good reading skills
because they don't think they need them, since everything is on the computer and can be found easily
with search techniques. But teachers know that just being able to find material is not enough any
more just as being able to get main ideas is not enough to make one critically literate. So there is also
much to be done from the teachers' perspective.
Horning 8
Teacher Perspectives
As noted earlier, many college teachers will say, if asked, that students are "illiterate." What they
seem to mean by this claim is both that they can't read and that they don't read. That is, first, they
lack the ability to read in the critically literate sense of being able to go beyond summary of main
ideas to analysis, synthesis and evaluation. In addition, though, they are uneducated in reading,
lacking experience working with extended texts and the world of ideas from which they arise. In this
way, they mean that students are uneducated in ways that derive from reading a wide variety of
materials and seeing varied points of view, research, and information relating to ideas or issues.
The implications of students' illiteracy are clear in their writing. In college writing courses, teachers
require/demand/expect that students will produce clear academic prose. This result is certainly the
goal of most college composition courses. For example, the Council of Writing Program
Administrators, a national professional organization of college faculty members who direct writing
programs at colleges and universities has developed a common set of outcomes for first-year writing
courses (2000;; see Appendix A). The
Outcomes document has been in existence for about five years and has been widely used as the basis
for individual college writing programs to create their own statements of program goals. Only one
section addresses the reading needs of students, and it does so in a fairly limited fashion:
Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
By the end of first year composition, students should
Use writing and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating
Understand a writing assignment as a series of tasks, including finding,
evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate primary and secondary
Integrate their own ideas with those of others
Understand the relationships among language, knowledge, and power
(Council, 2000)
Only the first two bullet points directly address the kinds of reading skills students urgently need to
develop to achieve full critical literacy in contemporary society.
And a newly proposed "technology plank" for the Outcomes statement also addresses reading from
a similarly oblique angle. The proposed text for the new section includes this bullet: "Conduct web-
based research and evaluate online sources" (Kathleen Blake Yancey, personal communication, July
15, 2006), the only mention of reading in the section. Such passing references to reading are not going
to give it the focus and attention that is necessary. It seems clear that the WPA organization needs to
add a full section to its Outcomes statement in which it focuses on the development of critical literacy
in full detail. Such a section might well draw on those RSVP skills identified by the American College
Testing program discussed above.
The goals for students in first year writing courses might well look like this:
Critical literacy
By the end of first year composition, students should:
Understand interactions among ideas or characters in the text which are subtle,
involved or deeply embedded.
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 9
Appreciate the richness of highly sophisticated information conveyed through data,
visual arrays or literary devices.
Perceive structure, following texts or visual materials organized in ways that are
elaborate and sometimes unconventional.
Notice the style, tone and use of language, visual or digital elements, which may be
Comprehend vocabulary, even when the author's choice of words is demanding and
highly context dependent.
Attend to an author's intent in writing the text, even if it is implicit and sometimes
ambiguous. (adapted from American, 2006, p. 17)
And to these goals, I would add two more:
Be able to summarize main ideas and key details from a text or electronic display.
Analyze, synthesize and evaluate written and/or visual material and integrate that
material into their own writing for their own purposes.
In short, the Outcomes document and all teaching in all subjects needs to move students along toward
these goals.
Adding to the WPA Outcomes document is one way for college teachers to renew their focus on
reading. Doing so would give teachers the rationale to provide students with more reading
experience. It is clear that reading a substantial amount of nonfiction prose can provide writers with
what language acquisition scholar Stephen Krashen (1983) calls the "din" of language—in this case,
academic written language. Though Krashen was writing about second language learning and the
need for exposure in order to have the sounds and syntactic patterns of the target language taken in
by the learner, the concept applies also to learning to write. I have argued elsewhere that learning to
write academic prose is for some, or perhaps an increasingly large number of students, like learning
a foreign language (Horning, 1987). Whether in language learning or in learning to write, then,
students need to have the sound patterns and sentence structures of the language they are trying to
learn in their heads, through listening and especially through reading. The absence of reading has a
direct impact on students' writing. If teachers want students to produce solid academic prose, they
must read such prose extensively and carefully in order for the "din" of that language to get into their
Finally, I want to suggest that the proper development of reading ability could help to address the
great current plague of plagiarism in student writing. I believe that true plagiarism is fundamentally
a reading problem, not a writing problem or a problem of morals or ethics. The kind of plagiarism I
mean in this claim is not the situation where students go to a term paper mill site on the Internet,
plunk down their dollars and buy a paper to hand in as their own. I also don't mean the situation
where students borrow papers from others in the same course or from others who took the course
in a prior term and so on. I mean the kind of plagiarism where students take the work of others and
copy word-for-word or do an approximate paraphrase that is essentially the same as the original,
without citation, sometimes referred to as "patchwriting" (Howard, 1995, p. 708-36). Even though
teachers have told them repeatedly that they must cite such quotes and paraphrases, shown them
examples, corrected their exercises and taught them how to do it, the problem persists. Underlying
this behavior is an inability to read well enough to understand, analyze, synthesize and evaluate
sources and then use those sources in support of an argument. Plagiarism is essentially a by-product
of students' inability to read.
Horning 10
So from the perspective of writing teachers and all teachers, there are a number of reasons why an
emphasis on Reading Across the Curriculum would help them achieve their own goals. Developing
students' writing skills requires developing their reading skills. If they haven't read and worked with
nonfiction prose models in the genres of their major discipline, it will be much harder for them to
produce such prose. Helping students join the conversation in their professional fields through upper
division writing intensive courses in their majors will be difficult to achieve if they don't have the
"din" of the prose style of their disciplines in their heads. And to help stem the tide of true plagiarism,
teachers must help students develop the reading skills that will allow them to understand source
materials and use them appropriately in support of their arguments. So teachers' goals in every
discipline could all be furthered by Reading Across the Curriculum.
National and International Needs
From the discussion thus far of students' problems with sustained critical reading of nonfiction prose
and teachers' perspectives on the use and importance of reading, readers of this article might well
conclude that critical literacy is chiefly an educational problem that should be addressed in public
education (K-12) as well as in colleges and universities. However, additional research on adult
reading abilities suggests that the absence of strong reading skills is a much broader problem. The
United States Congress was sufficiently concerned about the reading ability of the population at large
that it commissioned a national survey of adult literacy, first completed and reported in 1992 as the
National Adult Literacy Survey (Kirsch, et al., 1992), and a second similar survey, the National
Assessment of Adult Literacy completed in 2003 (U.S. Department of Education, 2006). Yet another
similar study has also been done internationally, among the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development) countries, a group of nations that represent more than half of the gross
domestic product in the world, i.e. most of the developed countries on the planet (Murray, et al.,
These studies (referred to hereafter as NALS, NAAL and IALS) are particularly interesting and
important for a number of different reasons. First, the studies are noteworthy because of their shared
methodology of direct testing: they ask respondents to perform a series of increasingly complex
literacy tasks using a variety of materials drawn from prose, documents and quantitative sources.
The survey population was constructed to reflect the population at large in each case, using national
census data as the base for constructing the sample. Because of their shared methods and
demographics, these surveys provide a clear overall picture of the state of human literacy, and their
findings are not good. Less than half the population functions at the highest levels of literacy on any
of these surveys. Writing in the International Review of Education in 2000, Dr. Jean-Paul Hautecoeur,
a senior researcher for UNESCO and adult literacy scholar, notes that across all the countries in the
IALS study, somewhere between a quarter and half of the population does not have sufficient literacy
skills to function in society.
The economic and social implications of these results bear on countries' long-term sustainable
development, prosperity, and social cohesion, not to mention their ability to participate in the global,
increasingly digital marketplace (Hautecoeur, 2000, p. 357-59). In response to these and other
findings, the United Nations declared a "literacy decade" in the years 2003-2012 and designated
UNESCO to lead its efforts to address literacy problems around the world (Muller & Murtagh, 2002).
So, not just in the United States and not just in public schools, but around the world, in school settings,
colleges and universities, community literacy programs and everywhere else, reading needs to be the
center of attention. Such a goal does not diminish the importance of writing, communicating and so
on, but it does mean that in addition to Writing Across the Curriculum, Reading Across the
Curriculum must move to the center of all educational efforts.
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 11
The survey data reported in NALS, NAAL and IALS is not the only place that shows the need for a
much greater focus on reading. Other studies such as the study of literary reading called Reading at
Risk (United States, National Endowment for the Arts, 2004) show a decline in reading in the
population at large based on a representative survey of 17,000 adults drawn from census data.
Within the United States, national organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of English
(NCTE, 2006), the Conference on College Composition and Communication and the International
Reading Association (IRA, 2006) are not paying nearly enough attention to reading, despite various
commissions and special groups. Thomas Friedman (2006) also makes this point in his critique of
education in the U.S. The recent report of the Spellings Commission on the future of higher education
makes note of the findings of NAAL, pointing specifically to a decline in prose literacy among college
graduates (United States, Test, 2006, p. 3). The point of all this discussion is that the national
organizations that provide leadership to teachers and literacy professionals of all kinds are not
providing sufficient advocacy for and attention to the need for superb reading skills among all
citizens, in school and out, at the public school level, in higher education, community education and
literacy programs. These broad surveys demonstrate the clear need for a renewed focus on reading.
Strategies for Reading Across the Curriculum
I am arguing that Reading Across the Curriculum should be the real goal of all courses in colleges and
universities, in the public schools and in community programs. The need for reading and critical
literacy is clear and it is growing as the world becomes increasingly digital and all forms of
communication are moved to electronic venues. People need to read faster, just because the amount
of material is growing exponentially. People need to read better, too, because it's no good to read fast
if readers can't recall and use the information. That is, readers must be able to go beyond main ideas
to analysis, synthesis and evaluation. These goals can be achieved through four specific strategies
that can make faster, better reading possible for everyone, including, first, an understanding of the
nature of the reading process; second, a consistent focus on direct classroom teaching of critical
reading skills that go beyond comprehension; third, opportunities for modeling and practice of these
critical reading skills; and fourth, the development of an understanding of the conventions of
disciplines and the genres used in an array of academic areas.
Strategy 1: Understanding reading. As a first strategy, readers need to understand the nature of
reading in both print and digital contexts. Effective reading is fast, not precise and not strictly or even
mostly a visual activity. These characteristics of reading are quite interesting and easily
demonstrated with a few simple psycholinguistic exercises. Kenneth Goodman's work contains many
examples of the right kinds of exercises (1996), as does the work of Frank Smith (2004), Stephen
Kucer (2005) and Steven Pinker (1994), such as this one from The Language Instinct that illustrates
something of how redundancy works in language: "Thanks to the redundancy of language, yxx cxn
xndxrstxnd whxt x xm wrxtxng xvxn xf x rxplxcx xll thx vxwxls wxth xn "x" (t gts lttl hrdr f y dn't vn
kn whr th vwls r)" (p. 181). These psycholinguists can help readers understand the nature of the
reading process in ways that will allow them to read faster and better. Reading Across the Curriculum
should mean that readers come to understand the reading process in ways that improve their reading
Strategy 2: Overt teaching of critical reading skills. Readers must be taught specifically and overtly
how to do critical reading so that they can develop the key skills of critical literacy in all the reading
that they do. They must be able to analyze, including summary of key points, main ideas and the point
of view of a writer. They must be able to synthesize, that is, draw ideas together from several sources
to support their own views and ideas. And finally, readers should be able to evaluate what they are
reading, judging authority, accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and bias. When readers can do all these
Horning 12
things, they will be able to read more efficiently and effectively, the ultimate goal of Reading Across
the Curriculum.
There are a number of good guides to classroom activities that lead readers in this direction,
including Keene and Zimmermann's Mosaic of Thought. Although the book is addressed to K-12
teachers, the strategies and approaches described, such as a reader's workshop that includes silent
reading, a mini lesson, some workshop time for students to exchange responses and whole-class
exchange, can easily be used in the college classroom or community literacy setting. Keene and
Zimmermann advocate the focused teaching of reading comprehension strategies, which can help
move readers to the critical literacy essential to successful reading in college and beyond. This
approach can and should be expanded to include critical evaluation skills, speed, search capabilities,
web page design, video conferencing skills and other strategies, which will be essential for high levels
of literacy according to Leu et al. (2004, p. 1589).
Strategy 3: Providing opportunities for practice. Studies not only of students but also of the
population at large show that people are reading less and less, as discussed above, so there is a clear
need for more reading and more practice with focused critical reading. In my own teaching, I have
been moving to create more reading practice with my outside reading assignment. My assignment
requires that students read two books outside of class from a short list of choices of current books
on topics related to those discussed in the course. They must also write about these books in a review
that not only summarizes key ideas but also ties them to concepts in the course, making cheating
difficult. I grade these reviews and they count in students' course grades with sufficient weight that
they must do this work. The most interesting thing is that although I do not ever discuss the reading
task in class beyond casual questions about what they are reading and their reactions to the books,
this work has changed students' behavior, responsiveness and level of engagement in every one of
my classes, from developmental reading to Master's level psycholinguistics.
The work of Carnegie Mellon reading scholar Nancy Spivey (1997) suggests additional particular
types of reading and writing tasks that can support students' development as active readers and
writers. Her studies of what she calls discourse synthesis offer opportunities for students to develop
expert reading and writing abilities. Spivey defines discourse synthesis as "the process in which
writers are engaged when they read multiple texts and produce their own related texts" particularly
for the purpose of the writing task and in which they use the texts they have read in some direct way
(1997, p. 146). Spivey conducted four studies of the discourse synthesis process, three of which
involved undergraduates as subjects and one of which examined developing skills among younger
students. These studies entailed having participants generate their own texts based on materials they
were given to read. The participants were given a variety of rhetorical situations and audiences, such
as preparing a research proposal or an informative article about a local event for newcomers to the
area. The findings show that
writers shape their meanings with organizational patterns, make selections on the basis
of some criterion or criteria of relevance, and generate inferences that integrate material
that might seem inconsistent or even contradictory. (Spivey, 1997, p. 191)
In addition, Spivey points out that writers read the source texts intertextually, making connections
among them with reference to the context in which they occur (1997, p. 191). Discourse synthesis, a
kind of task common not only in college composition but also in disciplinary writing assignments,
offers clear opportunities for students to practice reading more actively within their respective
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 13
Teachers can also provide focused practice in reading in every assignment that they give, building
readers' skills over the course of every semester through the use of a carefully constructed set of
reading guides. Some examples are provided in Syracuse University education professor Harold
Herber's Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (1978), an old but thoughtful approach to moving
students from reading the lines of a text to reading between and beyond those lines (1978, p. 56).
Herber's procedures would fit will with standard assessment techniques currently in widespread
use: determining learning outcomes and creating reading guides that help students achieve those
outcomes. He advocates reading guides that at first help students get literal meaning, to develop basic
comprehension and vocabulary, suitable perhaps for the introductory chapters of a textbook. Then,
he suggests reading guides that move students to an interpretive level, where they must read to
create, support or respond to generalizations made by their texts. In this work, the kind of think-
aloud approach suggested by Haswell et al. (1999) as discussed earlier might be helpful. Finally,
Herber recommends reading guides that help students apply concepts from the reading to the
broader issues and problems under discussion in the course, using both material from the reading
and other knowledge readers may have, from class discussion, now from Internet sources, and other
materials. In my own experience using reading guides of this kind, I have found that students do
become stronger readers over time, and in addition, the reading guides serve as a basis of lively
classroom discussion, small group work, and a source of peer pressure to make sure students actually
DO the reading.
Strategy 4: Learning to read in specific disciplines. To be an expert reader in a particular subject
area, students need to come to understand the genres and conventions of that discipline. So in the
natural and social sciences, for instance, understanding research reports that use the typical APA
form (Statement of Problem, Review of the Literature, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion)
is one way to facilitate reading in these areas. More detailed understanding of where an article fits in
a body of work on a topic may also be helpful to students and other readers. While teachers in any
discipline will already have an intuitive understanding of the discourse conventions of their
discipline, several studies of reading practices within subject areas can provide helpful background
for discussion.
Literacy scholar Charles Bazerman's study of physicists reading (1988), for example, reports the
reading approaches of seven practicing physicists in several different research fields within that
science. In this study, Bazerman, who chairs the Department of Education at the University of
California Santa Barbara, conducted detailed interviews with these scientists about their reading and
then observed them actually searching for and reading materials in their fields. Bazerman found a
number of distinctive features of these scientists' reading: they have a clear purpose for their reading
and rely on a schema, defined by Bazerman as "structured background knowledge" (1988, p. 236).
While these scientists' search strategies would surely be somewhat different now since this work
was done prior to widely available computerized data bases, their fundamental ways of looking at
material would probably be unchanged.
The decision to read a particular article is based on three factors: mention of "objects or phenomena"
(p. 239), "names of approaches or techniques" (p. 239) or "names of individuals or research groups"
(p. 240). If this information is missing or not clear from the title or authors, these readers look at the
abstract to decide whether to read the whole article. Reading the body of an article, according to this
study, is a selective and purpose-driven process, supporting the overall psycholinguistic view
discussed earlier that every kind of reading is fast, selective and not mostly or strictly visual.
Bazerman's study shows that these scientists "generally do not read articles sequentially ...looked at
the introduction and conclusions...scanning figures...the detailed mathematics are skipped over" (p.
243). Readers moving through an article rely on their own experience with experiments and on their
Horning 14
knowledge of other studies in the area to evaluate content. Thus, skilled readers and researchers
offer a model for how readers choose their texts and what they do with those chosen that can be
useful for helping readers understand the process within a particular discipline.
There is also useful research on the nature of communication patterns in different disciplines that
can be helpful to those teaching reading across the curriculum. Sussex University professor Tony
Becher's investigation of twelve different academic disciplines, for instance, examines the nature of
both written and oral exchange of ideas in the pure sciences, applied sciences, social sciences,
humanities and several other areas that don't fit into one of these recognized academic categories,
including law, geography and mathematics (1989, p. 2). Through detailed interviews with practicing
academics, Becher examines the kinds of publications commonly produced in these various
disciplines, style and citation conventions and other features of their written language. While not
focused on teaching reading, writing or working with students directly, the findings of Becher's study
reveal the key features of citation and publication in disciplines he studied (1989, p. 77-104). It is
easy to see how some comparison and contrast work using Becher's findings as a base for discussion
of disciplinary areas would be useful for students learning to read and write in any specific subject.
Use of these four strategies can help teachers improve students' critical literacy in significant ways
across the disciplines. From the point of view of students, RAC has the potential to make all of their
educational experience much more rewarding and successful. Reading is clearly the key to work in
all courses and in every discipline. The ACT study discussed here shows clearly that half of the current
population of students who earn the benchmark score of 21 on the reading portion of this test go on
to be successful in higher education while those who score below that level (half of the students
college professors are looking at in their classrooms) do not. If students want to be successful in
college and in their professional lives, more and better reading is essential, a strong argument for
RAC. Teachers are also invested in student success in broad terms. More importantly, though, all
teachers want students to learn what they are teaching. Again, achieving this goal is within reach if
students can and do read the material assigned in their courses. Too often, this is not happening. A
widespread RAC movement would support faster and better reading in every subject, across the
curriculum. Teachers could show students the conventions of texts and websites and pages in their
disciplines. If we raise the level of expectation, more and better reading will follow and teachers will
be more successful through RAC. Nationally and internationally, RAC fits well with the UN's Literacy
Decade program and other attempts to address the widespread illiteracy in both developed and
developing nations. For economic and social reasons, too, a renewed focus on reading across the
curriculum both in and out of school is definitely in order. Thoughtful application of the four
strategies of RAC will provide the basis for student success across the curriculum.
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science. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
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Keynes, England: Open University Press.
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 15
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Appendix: Writing Program Administrators' First Year Writing
Outcomes document
Rhetorical Knowledge
By the end of first year composition, students should
Focus on a purpose
Respond to the needs of different audiences
Respond appropriately to different kinds of rhetorical situations
Use conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situation
Adopt appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality
Understand how genres shape reading and writing
Write in several genres
Faculty in all programs and departments can build on this preparation by helping students learn
The main features of writing in their fields
The main uses of writing in their fields
The expectations of readers in their fields
Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
By the end of first year composition, students should
Use writing and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating
Understand a writing assignment as a series of tasks, including finding, evaluating, analyzing,
and synthesizing appropriate primary and secondary sources
Integrate their own ideas with those of others
Understand the relationships among language, knowledge, and power
Faculty in all programs and departments can build on this preparation by helping students learn
The uses of writing as a critical thinking method
Reading Across the Curriculum as the Key to Student Success 17
The interactions among critical thinking, critical reading, and writing
The relationships among language, knowledge, and power in their fields
By the end of first year composition, students should
Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text
Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proof-reading
Understand writing as an open process that permits writers to use later invention and re-
thinking to revise their work
Understand the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes
Learn to critique their own and others' works
Learn to balance the advantages of relying on others with the responsibility of doing their part
Use a variety of technologies to address a range of audiences
Faculty in all programs and departments can build on this preparation by helping students learn
To build final results in stages
To review work-in-progress in collaborative peer groups for purposes other than editing
To save extensive editing for later parts of the writing process
To apply the technologies commonly used to research and communicate within their fields
Knowledge of Conventions
By the end of first year composition, students should
Learn common formats for different kinds of texts
Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and
Practice appropriate means of documenting their work
Control such surface features as syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Faculty in all programs and departments can build on this preparation by helping students learn
The conventions of usage, specialized vocabulary, format, and documentation in their fields
Strategies through which better control of conventions can be achieved
The author would like to thank Michael Pemberton for his editorial guidance and patience as she worked on
this article. "Nothing I've written has failed to benefit from thoughtful editing," writes Alice Horning, "and
that's particularly true in this case."
Horning 18
Contact Information
Alice S. Horning
Department of Rhetoric, Communication and Journalism
Oakland University
Rochester, MI
Complete APA Citation
Horning, Alice S. (2007, May 14). Reading across the curriculum as the key to student
success. Across the Disciplines, 4. Retrieved from