Board Meeting – February 20, 2024
Item. VI. Consent Calendar Recommendations
A. Adoption of Board Resolution 31: to Recognize Read Across
America Day, March 2, 2024
The Superintendent recommends that the County Board adopt
Board Resolution No. 31 as part of the regular County Board
meeting on February 20, 2024; and further recommends that the
Board recognize March 2, 2024 as Read Across America Day.
Board Resolution No. 31 is shown on the following page.
Next Steps:
The LACOE Reading/Language Arts Unit will provide free
resources for districts to help celebrate with students including:
o The Readers Bill of Rights
o The Reading Pledge
o 14 Big Ideas for Celebrating
o K-12 Recommended Books List
o Tips for Guest Readers
o Equity Audits: Self-Assessing Your Classroom Library
o Live and Recorded Read-Alouds
o Articles on why diverse books matter
o Online learning quick modules:
Building Positive Self-Image in Young Children through
Diverse Books (TK-2)
Using Picture Books to Explore Activism, Black
History, and Self- confidence (K-5)
Using Picture Books for Conversations with Teens on
Race and Protest (6-12)
o Social media blasts on activities and classrooms that are
NO. 31: 2023-24
Read Across America Day (March 2, 2024)
WHEREAS, Read Across America Day is marked by the National Education Association (NEA) to be
celebrated on March 2, 2024; and
Read Across America Day began in 1998 by the NEA as a day to celebrate reading; and
the day is commonly commemorated by families,
schools and libraries to promote the
importance of reading; and
WHEREAS, the day is characterized by celebrating with various events and activities, including read-
alouds and author visits; and
Read Across America Day promotes the idea that there is room in our community for all
readers; and
WHEREAS, reading allows students to see a world or character portrayed in books that might be similar
to or different from them; and
WHEREAS, reading is a social justice issue and students must receive equitable access to literacy as a right
and duty; and
reading serves to solidify learning experiences, build background knowledge and even soothe
the reader in times of crisis, and
LACOE’s Reading/Language Arts Unit’s mission is to advance literacy in all areas, for all
students; and
WHEREAS LACOE’s Reading/Language Arts Unit’s provides technical support and professional
development to staff who serve students attaining literacy proficiency; and
LACOE advocates the importance of literacy through partnerships with parents, community
members and community organizations; and
WHEREAS LACOE promotes inclusion and believes that all children and youth can learn to read; and
WHEREAS LACOE strives to meet the emerging needs of the community and to provide leadership and
support for children, schools and the greater community; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Los Angeles County Board of Education hereby proclaims
March 2, 2024 as Read Across America Day and calls on districts, schools and community
organizations in Los Angeles County to observe this day with appropriate programs and
activities and to help spread the important message that reading is crucial to success in life.
ADOPTED this 20th day of February, by the Los Angeles County Board of Education in Downey,
Debra Duardo, M.S.W., Ed.D. Yvonne Chan, Ed.D.
Superintendent Board President