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George C. Hamilton, Ph.D.
Extension Specialist in Pest Management
Department of Entomology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
96 Lipman Drive
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8536
(848) 932-9774 (Work)
(732) 932-9751 (FAX)
Ph.D. Entomology Rutgers University, 1985
M.S. Entomology University of Missouri, 1981
B.A. Biology Eastern Conn. State College, 1979
7/07 Present Department ChairDepartment of Entomology, Rutgers University
7/03 - Present Extension Specialist (Pest Management), Department of Extension Specialists, Rutgers
University. Appointment - 90% Extension, 10% Teaching.
7/98 - 12/99 Interim Department Chair, Department of Entomology, Rutgers University.
7/96 - 6/03 Associate Extension Specialist (Pest Management), Department of Extension Specialists, Rutgers
University. Appointment - 90% Extension, 10% Teaching.
3/87 - 6/96 Assistant Extension Specialist (Pesticides), Department of Extension Specialists, Rutgers
University. Appointment - 90% Extension, 10% Teaching.
1. USDA International IPM Award of Recognition: The BMSB SCRI CAP/StopBMSB Team. 8
IPM Symposium in Salt Lake City, UT. 2015.
2. Entomological Society of America IPM Team Award: Asian Tiger Mosquito Areawide Management Project.
3. Fenton Award for Outstanding Cook College Graduate School Alumni. Rutgers University. 2013.
4. NJAES Team Excellence: Asian Tiger Mosquito Areawide Management Project. Rutgers University. 2013.
5. Herb Streu Meritorious Service Award. Eastern Branch, Entomological Society of America. 2013.
6. National Association of County Agricultural Agents: National Communication Award (Video Category).
“Asian Tiger Mosquito Public Service Announcement.” 2012.
7. State of New Jersey New Jersey State Public Service Recognition Award for Teamwork/Partnership
Achievement Award. 2006.
8. Rutgers University Graduate School. Rutgers University Alumni Award for Distinguished
Accomplishments Biological Sciences. 2005.
9. Association of Natural Resource Education Professionals (ANREP): “Computer Graphics” Category.
“Wanted: Asian Longhorned Beetle” CDROM. 2004.
10. Agricultural Agents Association of New Jersey. Communication Award (Learning Module Category).
“Wanted: Asian Longhorned Beetle” CDROM. 2004.
11. The Associated Executives of Mosquito Control Work in New Jersey. 2004. “Jessie B. Leslie Award.”
12. National Association of County Agricultural Agents: National Communication Award (Web Site Category).
“Online Recertification for Licensed Pesticide Applicators in New Jersey, 2003.
13. Rutgers Cooperative Extension Team Award for “Vegetable Working Group”. 2001. Rutgers University.
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14. Rutgers Cooperative Extension Team Award for “If Plants Could Talk PBS Television Show.” 2000. Rutgers
15. Telly Award for “An American farm tale: Chronic organophosphate exposure The Rea family farm case
study videotape”. 2000. 22
Annual Telly Awards Honoring Outstanding Television Commercials, Video
Productions and Films.
16. Specialist of the Year Award. 1999. Department of Agriculture and Resource Management Agents, Rutgers
17. Certificate of Appreciation. 1999. United States Department of Agriculture.
18. Certificate of Appreciation. 1996. United States Department of Agriculture.
19. NJAA “Man of the Year” Award. 1996. New Jersey Agribusiness Association.
20. Certificate of Achievement. Section E Outstanding Presented Paper. 1995. Entomological Society of
21. American Society for Horticultural Science Extension Educational Aids Award. 1994. American Society for
Horticultural Science.
22. Pesticide Association of New Jersey Award for Outstanding Contributions to Pesticide Education. 1993.
Pesticide Association of New Jersey.
23. Merle V. Adams Achievement Award for Faculty in the Agricultural & Resource Management Specialist
Department. 1989. Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Journal Articles (Refereed, * denotes student)
1. Francoeur*, L., J.E. Cambridge* and G.C. Hamilton. Submitted. Determination of Nymphal Gender in the
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae. Entomological Science.
2. Hahn*, N., G.C. Hamilton, A. Nielsen, and C. Rodriguez-Saona. Submitted. Identifying Landscape Factors
affecting the Abundance and Distribution of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Peach
Orchards. Journal of Economic Entomology.
3. Abrams, P.K., K.A. Hoelmer, A. Acebes-Doria, H. Andrews, E.H. Beers, J.C. Bergh, R. Bessin, D.
Biddinger, P. Botch, M.L. Buffington, M.L. Cornelius, E. Costi, E.S. Delfosse, C. Dieckhoff, R. Dobson,
Z. Donais, M. Grieshop, G. Hamilton, T. Haye, C. Hedstrom, M.V. Herlihy
M.S. Hoddle, C.R.R. Hooks,
P. Jentsch, N.K. Joshi, T.P. Kuhar, J. Lara, J.C. Lee, A. Legrand, T.C. Leskey, D. Lowenstein, L.
Maistrello, C.R. Mathews, J.M. Milnes, W.R. Morrison
A.L. Nielsen, E.C. Ogburn, C.H. Pickett, K. Poley,
J. Pote, J. Radl, P.M. Shrewsbury, E. Talamas, L. Tavella, J.F. Walgenbach, R. Waterworth, D.C. Weber,
C. Welty, and N.G. Wiman. Accepted. Indigenous arthropod natural enemies of the invasive brown
marmorated stink bug in North America and Europe. Journal of Pest Science.
4. Cambridge*, J.E, L. Francouer*, and G.C. Hamilton. Accepted. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
(Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Attraction to Different Light Stimuli. Florida Entomologist.
5. Nielsen, A., S. Fleischer, G. Hamilton, T. Hancock, G. Krawczyk, J. Lee, E. Ogburn, J. Pote, A.
Raudenbush, Amy, A. Rucker, M. Saunders, V. Skillman, J. Sullivan, J. Timer, J. Walgenbach, N. Wiman,
and T. Leskey. 2017. Phenology of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Described Using Female
Reproductive Development. Ecology and Evolution. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.3125
6. Weidner*, L., J. Tomberlin, D. Gemmellaro* and G.C. Hamilton. 2017. Evaluation of bait traps as a
means to predict initial blow fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) communities associated with decomposing swine
remains in New Jersey, USA. Forensic Science International.
7. Hahn*, N.G., M.C. Hwang, and G.C. Hamilton. 2017. Circuitry and coding used in a flight mill system for
the study of flight performance of Halyomorpha halys. Florida Entomologist 100: 195-198.
8. Hahn*, N.G., C. Rodriguez-Saona and G.C. Hamilton. 2017. Characterizing the Spatial Distribution of
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), Populations in Peach
Orchards. PloS ONE.
9. Maslo, B., R. Valentin, K. Leu, K. Kerwin, G.C. Hamilton, A. Bevan, N.F. Fefferman and D.M. Fonseca.
2017. Chirosurveillance: The use of native bats to detect invasive agricultural pests. PloS ONE 12:1-10.
10. Rodriguez-Mozo*, L., S. McKamey, J.L. Ware and G. Hamilton. 2017. Two new species of Darnini
(Hemiptera: Membracidae) from Colombia and Peru. ZooTaxa 4281: 108-114.
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11. Fraga*, D.F., J. Parker, A.C. Busoli, G.C. Hamilton, A.L. Nielsen, and C. Rodriguez-Saona. 2016.
Behavioral responses of the predaceous minute pirate bug (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) to tridecane, a
volatile emitted by the brown marmorated stink bug. Journal of Pest Science. 12 pp. DOI 10.1007/s10340-
12. Rosen*, S., J. Cambridge* and G.C. Hamilton. 2016. Regular Rearing Protocol and Density Trials of the
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in a Laboratory Setting. Florida Entomologist
99: 808-810.
13. Hahn*, N.G., A.J. Kaufman, C. Rodriguez-Saona, A.L. Nielsen, J. LaForest and G.C. Hamilton. 2016.
Exploring the spread of brown marmorated stink bug in New Jersey through the use of crowdsourced
reports. American Entomologist 62:36-45.
14. Philips, C.R., T.P. Kuhar, G.P. Dively, G. Hamilton, J. Whalen, and K. Kamminga,
abundance and phenology of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) on different
pepper cultivars in the mid-Atlantic (US). Journal of Economic Entomology 9 pp. doi: 10.1093/jee/tow256.
15. Weidner*, L.M., M. Monzon and G.C. Hamilton. 2016.
Death eaters respond to the dark mark of
decomposition by day and night: observations of initial insect activity on pig carcasses. International
Journal of Legal Medicine. DOI 10.1007/s00414-016-1371-y
16. Cambridge* J., A. Payenski* and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. The Distribution of Overwintering Brown
Marmorated Stink Bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in College Dormitories. Florida Entomologist, 98:
17. Weidner*, L.M., D.E. Jennings, J.K. Tomberlin, and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. Seasonal and Geographic
Variation in Biodiversity of Forensically Important Blow Flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in New Jersey,
USA. J. Medical Entomology 52: 1-10. DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjv104.
18. Leskey, T.C., J.A. Agnello, C. Bergh, G.P. Dively, G.C. Hamilton, P. Jentsch, A. Khrimian, G.
Krawczyk, T.P. Kuhar, D-H. Lee, W.R. Morrison III, D.F. Polk, C.Rodriguez-Saona, P.W. Shearer, B.D.
Short, P.M. Shrewsbury, J.F. Walgenbach, C. Welty, J. Whalen, D.C. Weber and N. Wiman. 2015.
Attraction of the invasive Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) to traps baited with
pheromonal and kairomonal stimuli across the United States. Economic Entomology: 1-11. DOI:
19. Bartlett-Heal*y, K., G.C. Hamilton, T. Crepeau, S. Healy, I. Unlu, A. Farajollahi, and D. Fonseca. 2014.
Integrating the Public in Mosquito Management: Active Education by Community Peers Can Lead to
Significant Reduction in Peridomestic Container Mosquito Habitats. PLoS ONE E 9(9): e108504.
20. CABI, 2014. Halyomorpha halys (brown marmorated stink bug [original text by Leskey TC, GC Hamilton,
D Biddinger, ML Buffington, C Dieckhoff, GP Dively, H Fraser, T Gariepy, C Hedstrom, DA Herbert, KA
Hoelmer, CRR Hooks, D Inkley, G Krawczyk, TP Kuhar, DH Lee, AL Nielsen, DG Pfeiffer, C
Rodriguez-Saona, PW. Shearer, E Talamas, E Tomasino, J Tooker, PD Venugopal, J Whalen, V Walton, N
Wiman] In: Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
21. Rice, K.B., C.J. Bergh, E.J. Bergmann, D.J. Biddinger, C. Dieckhoff, G. Dively, H. Fraser, T. Gariepy, G.
Hamilton, T. Haye, A. Herbert, K. Hoelmer, C.R. Hooks, A. Jones, G. Krawczyk, T. Kuhar, H. Martinson,
W. Mitchell, A.L. Nielsen, D.G. Pfeiffer, M.J. Raupp, C. Rodriguez-Saona, P. Shearer, P. Shrewsbury, P.D.
Venugopal, J. Whalen, N.G. Wiman, T.C. Leskey, and J.F. Tooker. 2014. Biology, Ecology, and
Management of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). J. Integ. Pest Mngmt. 5(3): 1-
13; DOI:
22. Wallne*r AM, Hamilton GC, Nielsen AL, Hahn* N, Green EJ, Roriguez-Saona C. 2014. Landscape
Factors Facilitating the Invasive Dynamics and Distribution of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug,
Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), after Arrival in the United States. PLoS ONE 9(5):
e95691. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095691.
23. Weidner*, L.M., J.K. Tomberlin and G.C. Hamilton. 2014. Development of Lucilia coeruleivirdis
(Diptera: Calliphoridae in New Jersey, USA. Florida Entomologist 97: 849-851.
24. Williams GM, Faraji A, Unlu I, Healy SP, Farooq M, R. Gaugler, G. Hamilton, and D.M. Fonseca. 2014.
Area-Wide Ground Applications of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis for the Control of Aedes
albopictus in Residential Neighborhoods: From Optimization to Operation. PLoS ONE 9(10): e110035.
25. Fonseca, D., I. Unlu, T. Crepeau, A. Farajollahi, S. Healy, K. Bartlett-Healy*, D. Strickman, R. Gaugler,
G. Hamilton, D. Kline and G.G. Clark. 2013. Area-wide management of Aedes albopictus: II. Gauging the
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efficacy of traditional integrated pest control measures against urban container mosquitoes. Pest
Management Science 69:1351-1361.
26. Nielsen, A.L, K. Holmstrom, G.C. Hamilton, J. Cambridge and J. Ingerson-Mahar. 2013. Use of black
light traps to monitor the abundance and spread of the brown marmorated stink bug. Journal of Economic
Entomology 106(3): 1495-1502.
27. Xu, J., D.M. Fonseca, G.C. Hamilton, K.A. Hoelmer, and A.L. Nielsen. 2013. Tracing the origin of US
brown marmorated stink bugs, Halyomorpha halys. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-013-0510-3
28. Bickerton*, M. and G.C. Hamilton. 2012. Effects of intercropping with flowering plants on predation of
Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) eggs by generalist predators in bell peppers. Environmental
Entomology 41: 612-620.
29. Kuhar, T. P., Kamminga, K. L., Whalen, J., Dively, G. P., Brust, G., Hooks, C. R. R., Hamilton, G., and
Herbert, D. A. 2012. The pest potential of brown marmorated stink bug on vegetable crops. Online. Plant
Health Progress doi: 10.1094/PHP-2012-0523-01-BR.
30. Leskey, T.C., G.C. Hamilton, A.L. Nielsen, D.F.Polk, C.Rodriguez-Saona, J.C. Bergh, D.A. Herbert, T.P.
Kuhar, D.P., G.P. Dively, R.R.C. Hooks, M.J. Raupp, P.M. Shrewsbury, G. Krawczyk, P.W. Shearer, J.
Whalen, C. Koplinka-Loehr, E. Myers, D. Inkley, K.A. Hoelmer, D. Lee, and S.E. Wright. 2012.
Status of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in the USA. Outlooks on Pest Management 23: 218-226.
31. Zhang*, J., J. Lashomb, A. Gould, and G. Hamilton. 2011. Relationship between Cicadomorpha Insect
Populations and Bacterial Leaf Scorch of Oak in Central New Jersey. Environmental Entomology 40:
32. Nielsen*, A.L., G.C. Hamilton and P.W. Shearer. 2011. Seasonal phenology and monitoring of the non-
native Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in soybean. Environmental Entomology 40:
33. Gouli, V., S. Gouli, M. Skinner, G. Hamilton, J.S. Kim and B.L. Parker. 2011. Virulence of Select
Entomopathogenic Fungi to the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), (Heteroptera:
Pentatomidae. Pest Management Science. DOI10.1002/ps.2310
34. Bartlett-Healy*, K., S. Healy and G.C. Hamilton. 2011. A model to predict evaporation rates in containers
most used by Aedes albopictus and Aedes japonicas. J. Medical Entomology 48:712-716.
35. Bartlett-Healy*, K., G. Hamilton, S. Healy, T. Crepeau, I. Unlu, A. Farajollahi, D. Fonseca, R. Gaugler, G.
Clark, and D. Strickman. 2011. Source Reduction Behavior as an Independent Measurement of the Impact
of a Public Health Education Campaign in an Integrated Vector Management Program for the Asian Tiger
Mosquito. International J. of Environmental Research and Public Health 8:1358-1367.
36. Nielsen*, A.L. and G.C. Hamilton. 2009. Life-History of the Invasive Species Halyomorpha halys
(Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in the Northeastern United States. Annuals of the Entomological Society of
America 102: 608-616.
37. Nielsen*, A.L., and G.C. Hamilton. 2009. Seasonal Occurrence and Impact of Halyomorpha halys
(Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in tree fruit. Economic Entomology 102: 1133-1140.
38. Johnson, M.P. and G.C. Hamilton. 2009. Invasive Species: Real Threats to the Homeland. American
Entomologist 55: 14.
39. Hamilton, G.C. 2009. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. American Entomologist 55: 19-20.
40. Nielsen*, A.L., P.W. Shearer and G.C. Hamilton. 2008. Toxicity of Insecticides to Halyomorpha halys
(Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Using Glass-Vial Assays. J. Economic Entomology 101:1439-1442.
41. Nielsen*, A.L., G.C. Hamilton and M. Matadha. 2008. Development Rate Estimation and Life Table
Analysis for Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Environmental Entomology 37: 348-
42. Khriminian, A., P.W. Shearer, A. Zhang, G.C. Hamilton, and J.A. Aldrich. 2008. Field Trapping of the
Invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys, with Geometric Isomers of Methyl 2,4,6-
Decatrienoate. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56: 197-203.
43. Borjan, M., M.G. Robson, G.C. Hamilton, C. Brown, and R. Meyer. 2006. Trends Indicated by the New
Jersey Pesticide Use Survey. Outlooks on Pest Management 17(4): 157-163. 2006
44. G
regory*, P., G. Hamilton, M. Borjan and M. Robson. 2006. Vulnerability Assessment of New Jersey’s
Food Supply to Invasive Species: The New Jersey IMPORT Project. New Solutions 16(3): 273-283.
45. Gould, AB. J. Zhang*, H. Staniszewska-Goraczniak, G. Hamilton, B. Hillman, R. Goraczniak and J.
Lashomb. 2005. Preliminary characterization of Xylella fastidiosa strains isolated from oak in New Jersey.
Phytopathology 95: S36.
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46. Gregory*, P., G. Hamilton and M. Robson. 2005. The role of cooperative extension in homeland security.
American Entomologist 51: 134-137.
47. Matadha*, D., G.C. Hamilton and J.H. Lashomb. 2005. Ovipositional preferences and functional response
of parasitoids of euonymus scale, Unapis euonymi (Comstock) and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus
(Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspidae). Biological Control 32: 337-347.
48. Gould, A. B., G. Hamilton, M. Vodak, J. Grabosky, J. and J. Lashomb. 2004. Bacterial leaf scorch of oak
in New Jersey: incidence and economic impact. Phytopathology 94:S36. Publication no. P-2004-0237-
49. Matadha*, D., G.C. Hamilton and J.H. Lashomb. 2004. Effect of temperature on development, fecundity
and life table parameters of Encarsia citrina Craw (Hymenoptera:Aphelinidae), a parasitoid of euonymus
scale, Unaspis eunymi (Comstock) and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspidiae).
Environmental Entomology 33: 1185-1191.
50. Brumfield, R.G., L.S. Martin, D. Polk and G. Hamilton. 2004. Costs of conventional versus low input
peach production in the eastern United States. Acta Horticulturae 638: 473-478.
51. Shrewsbury, P.M., J.H. Lashomb, G.C. Hamilton, J. Zhang, J.M. Patt and R.A. Casagrande. 2004. The
influence of flowering plants on herbivore natural enemy populations dynamics in ornamental
landscapes. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 30: 23-33.
52. Anastov, A., P.W. Shearer and G. Hamilton. 2003. Monitoring natural enemies of Grapholista molesta
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in New Jersey Peach Orchards with two different pest management programs.
Environmental Entomology 32: 780-788.
53. Matadha*, D., G.C. Hamilton, M.G. Hughes and J.H. Lashomb. 2003. Distribution of natural enemies of
euonymus scale, Unapis euonymi (Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspidae) in the state of New Jersey.
Environmental Entomology 32: 602-607.
54. Patt, J.M., S.C. Wainright, J. Dietrick, G.C. Hamilton, K. Bosley, D. Whittinghill, and J.H. Lashomb.
2003. Assimilation of floral nutrients by predaceous insect larvae. Ecological Entomology 28 717-728.
55. Atanassov, A., P.W. Shearer, G. Hamilton and D. Polk. 2002. Development and implementation of a
reduced risk peach arthropod management program in New Jersey. J. Economic Entomology 95: 803-802.
56. Robson, M.G., G.C. Hamilton and G.O. Brachman. 2001. Case Study on Chronic Organophosphate
Poisoning. New Solutions 11:243-249.
57. Patt, J.M., G.C. Hamilton, and J.H. Lashomb. 1999. Response of two parasitoid wasps to nectar odors as a
function of experience. Entomologia Experimentalis Applicata 90: 1-8.
58. Hamilton, G.C., J. H. Lashomb, S. Arpaia, R. Chianese, and M. Mayer. 1998. Sequential sampling plans
for Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in eggplant. Environmental Entomology 27: 33-38.
59. Jelenkovic, G., S. Billings, Q. Chen, J. Lashomb, G. Hamilton and G. Ghidiu. 1998. Transformation of
eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) with synthetic cryIIIA gene produces a high level of resistance to the
Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Say]). J. American Society Horticultural Science 123:
60. Dillard, H.R., S.A. Johnston, A.C. Cobb, and G.C. Hamilton. 1997. An assessment of the fungicide benefits
for the control of fungal diseases of processing tomatoes in New York and New Jersey. Plant Disease 81:677-
61. Hamilton, G.C., G.L. Jelenkovic, J. H. Lashomb, G. Ghidiu, S. Billings, and J.M. Patt. 1997. Effectiveness
of transgenic eggplant, Solanum melongena L. against the Colorado potato beetle. Advances Horticultural
Science 11: 192-199.
62. Hamilton, G.C. and J.H. Lashomb. 1997. Effect of insecticides on two predators of the Colorado potato
beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Florida Entomologist 80:10-23.
63. Hamilton, G.C., J. H. Lashomb, and S. Arparia. 1997. Development and usage of sequential sampling in
an eggplant BCIPM program. Advances Horticultural Science 11:169-174.
64. Hamilton, G.C., Robson, M.R. Ghidiu, R. Samulis and E. Prostko. 1997. IPM by 2000: A case study from
New Jersey. American Entomologist 43: 74-78.
65. Patt, J.M., G.C. Hamilton, and J.H. Lashomb. 1997. Foraging success of parasitoid wasps on flowers:
Interplay of inset morphology, floral architecture and searching behavior. Entomologia Experimentalis
Applicata 83: 21-30.
66. Patt, J.M., J.H. Lashomb, and G.C. Hamilton. 1997. Impact of strip-insectary interplanting with flowers on
conservation biological control of the Colorado potato beetle. Advances Horticultural Science 11: 175-181.
67. V
asquez*, B.L., J.H. Lashomb, and G. C. Hamilton. 1997. Alighting rate of the parasitoid Edovum puttleri
Grissell (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in response to colors mimicking three foodplants of the Colorado potato
Page 6
beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Entomological Science 32: 386-
68. Arpaia, S., J.H. Lashomb, G.C. Hamilton, and K. Vail*. 1996. Consumption of eggplant foliage by Colorado
potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Entomological Science 31: 191-198
69. Hamilton, G.C., and J. H. Lashomb. 1996. Comparison of conventional and biological control intensive pest
management programs on eggplant in New Jersey. Florida Entomologist 79: 488-496.
70. Hamilton, G.C., J.H. Lashomb and J. Patt. 1996. Impact of selected insecticides used in eggplant production
on Edovum puttleri Grissell (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). J. Entomological Science 31: 432-439.
71. Ghidiu, G.M., G.C. Hamilton, and G.W. Kirfman. 1994. Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. tenebrionis sprays
affect hatching of Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) eggs and subsequent larval dispersal.
J. Economic Entomology 87: 1298-1301.
72. Hamilton, G.C., F.C. Swift, and R. Marini. 1986. Effect of Aphis pomi DeGeer (Homoptera: Aphididae)
density on apples. J. Economic Entomology 79: 471-8.
73. Hamilton, G.C., R.L. Kirkland, and I.D.R. Peries. 1982. The population ecology of Schizaphis graminum
on Grain sorghum in central Missouri. Environmental Entomology. 1: 618-28.
74. Kirkland, R.L., I.D.R. Peries, and G.C. Hamilton. 1981. Differentiation and developmental rate of nymphal
instars of greenbug reared on sorghum. J. Kansas Entomological Society 54:743-7.
Book Chapters
Hamilton, G.C., J.J. Ahn, W. Bu, T.C. Leskey, A.L. Nielsen, Y.-L. Park, W. Rabitsch and K. Hoelmer. Accepted.
Halyomorpha halys. In Invasive Pentatomidae of North America [J.E. McPherson, ed.].
Parker*, J.E., W.E. Snyder, G. Hamilton and C. Rodriguez-Saona. 2013. Companion Planting and Insect Pest Control.
In Weed and Pest Control - Conventional and New Challenges [S. Soloneski and M. Larramendy, eds.]. INTECH
Publishing. 214 pp.
Robson, M.G. and G.C. Hamilton. 2005. Pest Control and Pesticides. In Environmental Health From Global to
Local [H. Frumkin, ed.]. Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint. San Francisco, CA. pp. 544-580.
Pesticide Training Manuals
1. Coleman, G. and G. Hamilton. [eds.]. 2008. School IPM Category 13. 137 pgs.
2. Hamilton, G.C. [ed.]. 2007. Forest Pest Control Category 2. 140 pgs.
3. Hamilton, G.C. [ed.]. 2005. Turf, Ornamentals and Interior Plantscape Pest Control - Category 3ABC.
Revision. 200 pgs.
4. Hamilton, G.C. [ed.]. 2004. CORE pesticide training manual. Revision. 100 pgs.
5. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Racz. [ed.]. 1998. Mosquito pest control - Category 8B. Revision. 66 pgs.
6. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Racz. [ed.]. 1997. Fumigation pest control Category 7C. Revision. 112 pgs.
7. Coleman, G.R, J.F. Menuti, G.C. Hamilton, and A. Racz. [ed.]. 1996. Private pesticide applicator manual.
244 pgs.
8. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Racz. [ed.]. 1996. Aerial application - Category 11. Revision. 128 pgs.
9. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Racz. [ed.]. 1995. CORE pesticide training manual. Revision. 100 pgs.
10. Racz, A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Gaseous Antimicrobial Pest Control Category 12AB. 136 pgs.
11. Hamilton, G.C. [ed.]. 1993. General and household pest control - Category 7A. Revision. 128 pgs.
12. Hamilton, G.C. [ed.]. 1993. Termites and other wood destroying insects pest control - Category 7B -.
Revision. 104 pgs.
13. Hamilton, G.C. and D.N. Riemer. 1993. Aquatic pest control - Category 5 -. Revision. 72 pgs.
14. Hamilton, G.C. [ed.]. 1992. Ornamental, turf and interior plantscape pest control Category 3ABC. Revision
and Addition of New Sub-category (C). 200 pgs.
15. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. Cooling tower pest control - Category 8D. [ed.]. Revision. 31 pgs.
16. Hamilton, G.C., W. Donze, and R. Smith. 1989. Pet groomer pest control - Category 8F. 60 pgs.
17. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. Core training manual. [ed.]. Revision. 177 pgs.
18. Hamilton, G.C. 1987. Right-of-way pest control - Category 6. [ed.]. Revision. 106 pgs.
19. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Pesticide dealer manual. [ed.]. Revision. 24 pgs.
20. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Regulatory pest control manual - Category 9. [ed.]. Revision. 65 pgs.
21. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. General and household pest control manual - Category 7A. [ed.]. Revision. 116 pgs.
Page 7
Journal Articles (Non-Refereed)
1. Polk, D.F., and G.C. Hamilton. 1996. Apple, acaricide airblast evaluation, 1995. Arthropod Management
Tests 21:39.
2. Hamilton, G.C., D. Polk, and E. Rizio. 1994. Apple, acaricide test, 1993. Arthropod Management Tests
3. Hamilton, G.C., D. Polk, and E. Rizio. 1994. Apple, leafhopper test, 1993. Arthropod Management Tests
4. Johnston, S.A., J. Lashomb, G.C. Hamilton and D. Fravel. 1994. Evaluation of the integration of soil
fumigation and microbial antagonists for the control of Verticillium wilt in Eggplant, 1993. Biological &
Cultural Tests for the Control of Plant Diseases 9:28.
5. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton and J.R. Phillips. 1994. Assessment of fungicide benefits for the control of
anthracnose on processing tomatoes, 1993. Fungicide Nematicide Tests 49:163.
6. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. Apple, all season insecticide test, 1992. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 18:17.
7. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. Eggplant, Colorado potato beetle control, 1992. Insecticide Acaricide Tests 18:131
1. Lashomb, J., Gould, A. B., and Hamilton, G. (eds). 2002. Proceedings of Conference on Bacterial Leaf
Scorch, 2001. Rutgers University, Sept. 11-12.
2. Atanassov, A., P. W. Shearer, G. Hamilton, & D. Polk. 2001. Reducing OP and carbamate use in NJ peach
orchards. 75
Annual Western Orchard Pest & Disease Management Conference. Portland, OR.
3. Atanassov, A., P. W. Shearer, G. Hamilton, & D. Polk. 2001. Reduced risk peach arthropod management
program. Proc. 76th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference. Winchester, VA.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 2001. 87
Annual Meeting Proceedings of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association.
[ed]. 80 pgs. Atlantic City, NJ.
5. Hamilton, G., P. Shearer, D. Polk, R. Meyer and A. Rush. 2001. The impact of two pest management
practices on peach pesticide residues. 76th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference. Winchester,
6. Atanassov, A., P. Shearer, D. Polk, and G. Hamilton. 2000. Reduced risk peach arthropod management.
75th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference. Winchester, VA.
7. Hamilton, G.C. 2000. 86
Annual Meeting Proceedings of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association.
[ed]. 100 pgs. Atlantic City, NJ.
8. Hamilton, G.C. 1999. 85
Annual Meeting Proceedings of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association.
[ed]. 90 pgs. Atlantic City, NJ.
9. Nitzsche, P.J., G. Hamilton, and D. Jones. 1999. A review of pesticide record keeping software. In 1999
New Jersey Annual Vegetable Meeting Proceedings. pp 127. Atlantic City, NJ.
10. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, W. T. Hlubik, and S. Convery. 2004. On-line Pesticide Safety Training and
Recertification for Licensed Pesticide Applicators. Proceedings of the 49
Annual Meeting and Trade
Show, Vegetable Growers’ Association of New Jersey, Inc. pp. 228. Atlantic City, NJ.
11. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, W. T. Hlubik, and S. Convery. 2004. The Virtual Classroom Report Card: An
Early Assessment of New Jersey’s On-Line Accreditation for Pesticide Applicators.” Proceedings of the
2004 Meeting of the Northeast Regional American Society for Horticultural Science. Boston, MA. p. 7-8.
12. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, W. T. Hlubik, and S. Convery. 2003. Now You Can Get Some of Your Pesticide
Credits on the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the 49
Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Vegetable
Growers’ Association of New Jersey, Inc. pp 105. Atlantic City, NJ.
13. Walker, S., G. Hamilton, W. Kline, G. Ghidiu, and K. Holmstrom. 1999. The effect of planting date on
insect infestations in bell peppers. In 1999 New Jersey Annual Vegetable Meeting Proceedings. pp 62.
Atlantic City, NJ.
14. Hamilton, G.C. 1998. 84
Annual Meeting Proceedings of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association.
[ed]. 110 pgs. Atlantic City, NJ.
15. Hamilton, G.C. 1997. 83
Annual Meeting Proceedings of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association.
[ed]. 95 pgs. Atlantic City, NJ.
16. Hamilton, G.C. 1996. 82
Annual Meeting Proceedings of the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association.
[ed]. 100 pgs. Atlantic City, NJ.
Page 8
17. Hamilton, G.C and J.H. Lashomb. 1993. A comparison of the pesticides used in conventional and IPM
grown eggplant. In Weigmann, D.L. [ed.]. New Directions in Pesticide Research, Development,
Management and Policy. pgs 590-595. VPI University.
18. Hamilton, G.C and R. Meyer. 1993. A nine year comparison of pesticide use in New Jersey. In Weigmann,
D.L. [ed.]. New Directions in Pesticide Research, Development, Management and Policy. pgs. 355-365.
VPI University.
19. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. The Role of Pesticides in an IPM Program. 1st Ann. Land. IPM Short Course. Rutgers
20. Lewis, J.B., M.G. Robson and G.C. Hamilton. 1989. New Jersey pesticide use survey. Pesticides in
Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments. VPI University.
21. Springer, J., J.A. Hopfinger, and G.C. Hamilton. 1988. Effect of post harvest calcium hypochlorite treatment
on peach quality in storage. 1987 Proceedings Southeast Professional Peach Workers Conference, 1987.
Clemson University.
22. Springer, J., J.A. Hopfinger, and G.C. Hamilton. 1988. Effect of post harvest calcium hypochlorite treatment
on peach quality in storage. 1987 Proceedings Cumberland - Shenandoah Fruit Research Workers
Symposia Organized
1. Hamilton, G.C., Nielsen, A.N. and T.C. Leskey. 2016. The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug An Invasive
Insect of Global Importance. Co-Organizer/Moderator. International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, FL
2. Wiman, N.G., K. Rice, T.C. Leskey and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Working
Group: Synergizing IPM Research to Deliver Solutions. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of
America. Minneapolis, MN.
3. Hollingsworth, R.G. and G.C. Hamilton. 2001. Quarantine Law and Practice: How Effectively Is
American Agriculture Being Protected? Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San
Diego, CA.
4. Hamilton, G.C. and J.J Jenkins. 1989. New Perspectives on Pesticides and Food Safety. 61st Annual
Meeting Entomological Society America - Eastern Branch. Baltimore, MD.
Invited Presentations
1. Fraga, D., C. Rodriguea-Saona, G.C. Hamilton, A. Nielsen and A.C. Busoli. 2015. O papel de voláteis de
Halyomorpha halys na capacidade de localização e predação de ovos de Orius insidiosus. Brazilian
Entomological Society Biologicol Control Symposium
2. Hamilton, G.C. 2006. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug: Nuisance or Potential Pest. Eastern Branch
Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting. Charlottesville, VA.
3. Hamilton, G.C. 2005. Educating Children and Youth Using Extension. Eastern Branch Entomological
Society of America Annul Meeting. Harrisburg, PA.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 2005. Invasive species New Threats to Urban Landscapes. PA Nursery and Landscape
Association Annual Meeting. State College, PA.
5. Hamilton, G.C. 2002. Pesticide Applicator Training in New Jersey. Congressional Briefing. Agriculture
Committee United States House of Representatives. Washington, DC
6. Hamilton, G.C. 2002. Pesticide Applicator Training in New Jersey. Program Briefing. United State
Department of Agriculture. Washington, DC
7. Hamilton, G.C. 2002. Pesticide Applicator Training in New Jersey. Program Briefing. Office of Pesticide
Programs, EPA. Washington, DC
8. Lashomb. J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2002. Video Production Techniques for Teaching and Extension Delivery.
Symposium Distributed Education and Technology. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of
America - Eastern Branch. Ocean City, MD.
9. Hamilton, G.C. 2000. Eggplant Pest Control in the U.S. Seminar Series - Office of Pesticide Programs,
EPA. Washington, DC.
10. Hamilton, G.C. 1999. Coping With the Reality of Specialty Categories: Lumpers vs. Splitters. National
Pesticide Applicator Certification and Training Workshop. Portland, ME.
Page 9
11. Shrewsbury, P, J. Lashomb, G. Hamilton, and R. Casagrande. 1999. Influence of Flowering Plants on
Natural Enemy and Azalea Lace Bug Populations. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America.
Atlanta, GA.
12. Hamilton, G.C. 1998. Pesticide Record Keeping by Computer. Agricultural Computing and Electronics
Expo. Lancaster, PA.
13. Hamilton, G.C. 1998. Eggplant IPM in New Jersey. Symposium - Vegetable Integrated Pest Management:
Now and In the Future. 69th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America - Eastern Branch.
Cherry Hill, NJ.
14. Hamilton, G.C. 1998. Registering Insecticides on Minor Use Crops Within the FQPA Framework.
Symposium - Ramifications of the Food Quality Protection Act. 69th Annual Meeting of the Entomological
Society of America - Eastern Branch. Cherry Hill, NJ.
15. Hamilton, G.C. 1997. An Overview of the Pesticide Education Program at Rutgers University. North
Carolina State Department of Entomology Fall Seminar Series. Raleigh, NC.
16. Hamilton, G.C., R. Chianese, and M. Mayer. 1997. A Comparison of a Biological Control Intensive (BCI)
IPM Program in Eggplant with Traditional Techniques. Symposium - Assessing the Impacts of IPM
Programs - Economic, Environmental, Social, Marketing. 68th Annual Meeting of the Entomological
Society of America - Eastern Branch. Burlington, VT.
17. Hamilton, G.C. 1996. Development and Usage of Sequential Sampling in an Eggplant BCIPM Program.
Symposium - An International Perspective of IPM in Solanum melongena. XX International Congress of
Entomology. Florence, Italy.
18. Patt, J.M., J.H. Lashomb, and G.C. Hamilton. 1996. Interplanting with Selected Flowers to Enhance
Parasitoid & Predator Abundance. Symposium - An International Perspective of IPM in Solanum melongena.
XX International Congress of Entomology. Florence, Italy.
19. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Spreadsheet Applications for Office Management and Administration:
Demonstration Program - Excel. 1994 New Jersey Mosquito Control Association Annual Meeting. Atlantic
City, NJ.
20. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Problems Associated with Mixing & Loading of Aerial Application Equipment. 1994
Northeast Aerial Applicators Association Annual Meeting & Educational Conference. Harrisburg, PA.
21. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. EPA Pesticide Safety Regulations. 1993 Annual Gypsy Moth Revue - National Gypsy
Moth Management Board. Harrisburg, PA.
22. Hamilton, G.C. 1990. How Pesticide Records are Collected in New Jersey. 1990 NE NAPIAP Conference.
Portsmouth, NH.
23. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. Implementing the New SARA Title III Law in New Jersey. 1989 NE Pesticide
Applicators Training Conference. Boston, MA.
24. Hamilton. G.C. 1989. How to Respond to the Concerned Citizen. American Registry of Professional
Entomologists Symposia, 61st Annual Meeting Entomological Society America - Eastern Branch. Baltimore,
Conference Presentations
1. Blaauw, B., C. Rodriguez, G.C. Hamilton and A. Nielsen. 2016. When stink bugs react: Host stimuli and
the brown marmorated stink bug. 2016 International conference of Entomology. Orlando, FL
2. Cambridge, J.M. and G.C. Hamilton. 2016. National moth week: A growing global event. 2016
International conference of Entomology. Orlando, FL.
3. Condon, G. and G.C. Hamilton. Habitat modification for Ostrinia nubilalis in North America. 2016
International conference of Entomology. Orlando, FL
4. Hamilton, G.C. 2016. Introduction and spread of BMSB in North America. 2016 International conference
of Entomology. Orlando, FL.
5. Fraga, D.F., C. Rodriguez-Saona, G.C. Hamilton and A.L. Nielsen. 2016. Eavesdropping the victim: a
generalist predator utilizes an alarm pheromone to locate an invasive pest. Annual Meeting of the
International Society of Chemical Ecology. Iguassu Falls, Brazil
6. Cambridge, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. A time and place for everything: Peaches and stink bugs. Annual
Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN.
7. Cambridge, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. Accurately monitoring an insect population is hard. Annual
Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN.
8. G.C. Condon and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. Habitat modification for Ostrinia nubilalis IPM in New Jersey
Page 10
peppers. The Northeastern Plant, Pest and Soils Conference. Philadelphia, PA
9. Fraga, D.F., C. Rodriguez-Saona, G.C. Hamilton, A. Nielsen and A.C. Busoli. 2015. Stink lover: A
predator uses a common stink bug volatile to find an invasive host pest. Annual Meeting of the
Entomological Society of America
10. Fraga, D.F., C. Rodriguez-Saona, G.C. Hamilton, A. Nielsen and A.C. Busoli. 2015. Tridecane, a brown
marmorated stink bug volatile attracts and arrests Orius spp. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society
of America
11. Hamilton, G.C. and T.C. Leskey. 2015. Coming together on brown marmorated stink bug: Genesis of the
BMSB Working Group. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN.
12. Hahn, N., C. Rodriguez-Saona and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. Making sense of the distribution of
Halyomorpha halys populations on fine and broad scales. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of
America. Minneapolis, MN.
13. Hahn, N. and G.C. Hamilton. 2015. Utilizing the power of the masses to examine invasive insect
migration. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN.
14. Cambridge, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2014. Patterns and predictions for visual sampling of the brown
marmorated stink bug. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR
15. Cambridge, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2014. Standardization of visual sampling techniques for Halyomorpha
halys in New Jersey peaches. Eastern Branch - Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting.
Williamsburg, VA.
16. Hahn, N., A. Kaufman and G.C. Hamilton. 2014. Using citizen science to track the spread of brown
marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys). Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland,
17. Hahn, N., G.C. Hamilton and C. Rodriguez-Saona. 2014. Landscape features associated with brown
marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) clustering in peach orchards. Eastern Branch - Entomological
Society of America Annual Meeting. Williamsburg, VA.
18. Weidner, L., A. Tarrone and G.C. Hamilton. 2014. Phenotypic variation in developmental characteristics
of the black blow fly Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) across New Jersey. Entomological Society of
America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR.
19. Weidner, L.M.. A. Tarone and G.C. Hamilton. 2014. Phenotypic variation int he developmental
characteristics of strains of the black blow fly Phormia regina (Diptera Calliphoridae) across New Jersey.
North American Forensic Entomological Association Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL
20. Weidner, L., A. Tarrone and G.C. Hamilton. 2014. Phenotypic variation in developmental characteristics
of the black blow fly Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) from three geographical regions in New
Jersey. Eastern Branch - Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Williamsburg, VA.
21. Cambridge, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2013. Brown marmornated stink bug diel sampling variance in peaches.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.
22. Hahn, N., C. Rodriguez-Saona and G.C. Hamilton. 2013. Factors affecting spatial patterns of brown
marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in peach orchards. Entomological Society of America Annual
Meeting. Austin, TX.
23. Hamilton, G. Brown Marmorated Stinkbug. 2013. Central Jersey Turf and Ornamentals Institute.
24. Hamilton, G. 2013. What We’ve Learned About BMSB. Maryland BMSB Workshop.
25. Hamilton, G. 2013. Invasives of Concern: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Society of American Florists.
26. Weidner, L., M.E. Benbow, J.L. Pechal , J.K. Tomberlin and G.C. Hamilton. 2013. Biodiversity and
distribution of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) across New Jersey Ecoregions. Entomological Society of
America Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.
27. Weidner, L., G.C. Hamilton, and J.K. Tomberlin. 2013. Distribution and biodiversity of blow flies
(Diptera: Calliphoridae) throughout New Jersey. Eastern Branch - Entomological Society of America
Annual Meeting. Lancaster, PA.
28. Weidner, L.M., J.L. Pechal, M.E. Benbow, J.K. Tomberlin and G.C. Hamilton. Distribution and
Biodiversity of Blow Flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Throughout New Jersey. North American Forensic
Entomological Association Annual Meeting. Dayton, OH.
29. Hahn, N., G.C. Hamilton, C Rodriguez-Saona and A. Kaufman. 2012. Landscape Effects on Spatial
Distribution of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) in Peach Orchards. Entomological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
30. Hamilton, G.C. 2012. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug One Year Later. . Four hour Symposium.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting Eastern Branch, Hartford, CT.
Page 11
31. Wallner, A. N.G. Hahn, A. Nielsen, G.C. Hamilton and C. Rodriguez-Saona. 2012. Examining the Spatial
and Temporal Factors that Facilitate the Distribution of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in
New Jersey, USA. International Congress of Entomology. Daegu, South Korea
32. Weidner, L., G.C. Hamilton and J.K. Tomberlin. 2012. Distribution and Biodiversity of blow flies
(Diptera: Calliphoridae) throughout New Jersey ecoregions. Entomological Society of America Annual
Meeting. Knowville, TN.
33. Weidner, L. and G.C. Hamilton. 2012. Distribution of Forensically Important Blow Flies (Diptera:
Calliphoridae) in New Jersey. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting Eastern Branch,
Hartford, CT.
34. Hamilton, G.C. 2011. Impact of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in US Agroecosystems. Four hour
Symposium. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV.
35. Hamilton, G.C. 2011. Introduction, distribution and spread of BMSB in the United States. 20 minute talk.
Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV.
36. Reed, L., S. Crans, R. Gaugler, G. Hamilton and M. Robson. 2010. Comparison of mosquito population
data from three manufacturers of New Jersey light traps. American Mosquito Control Association Annual
Meeting, Lexington, KY.
37. Bickerton, M and G.C. Hamilton. 2010. Intercropping for biological control of European corn borer
(Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner) in bell peppers. Eastern Branch - Entomological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Annapolis, MD.
38. Konar, T. and G.C. Hamilton. 2010. Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) survival
success when subjected to different diets. Eastern Branch of the ESA Annual Meeting, Annapolis, MD.
39. Hamilton, G.C. A. Khrimian, and P.W. Shearer, 2008. Field responses of Halyomorpha halys to methyl
2,4,6-decatrienoate. International Congress of Entomology. Durban, SA.
40. Hamilton, G.C. A. Khrimian, A. Nielsen and P.W. Shearer, 2008. Attraction of Halyomorpha halys to
varying amounts of 2E, 4E, 6Z)-decatrienoate. Eastern Branch of the ESA Annual Meeting, Syracuse NY.
41. Nielsen, A.L., P. Shearer and G.C. Hamilton. 2008. Comparison of Aggregation Traps using the
Attractant (E,E,Z) 2,4,6 decatrienoate for Halyomorpha halys (Stal) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Eastern
Branch of the ESA Annual Meeting, Syracuse NY.
42. Russo, Z., A.L. Nielsen and G.C. Hamilton. 2008. Ovarian Development of Halyomorpha halys (Stal)
(Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Eastern Branch of the ESA Annual Meeting, Syracuse NY.
43. Wagner, A., A.L. Nielsen and G.C. Hamilton. 2008. Feeding Preferences of Halyomorpha halys (Stal) in
New Jersey Crop: Phasceolus vulgaris, Capsicum annum, Lycoperison esculentum and Glycine max.
Eastern Branch of the ESA Annual Meeting, Syracuse NY.
44. Williams, A., A.L. Nielsen, K. Holmstrom and G.C. Hamilton. 2008. Distribution of Halyomorpha halys
(Stal) in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Eastern Branch of the ESA Annual Meeting, Syracuse NY.
45. Nielsen, A., Z. Russo and G. Hamilton. 2007. Female reproductive physiology and seasonal development
of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Entomological Society of America Annual Mtg., San
Diego, CA
46. Gould, A. B., Lashomb, J. H., Hamilton, G. C., Vodak, M., Grabosky, J., Zhang, J., and Staniszewska,
H. 2007. Poster presentation: Bacterial leaf scorch in the New Jersey urban forest, 2006. PennDel ISA
annual meeting. Valley Forge, PA.
47. Hoelmer, K.A., A.L. Nielsen, G.L. Bernon and G.C. Hamilton. 2007. Low Levels of parasitism of brown
marmorated stink bug in the eastern US by native parasitoids. Entomological Society of America Eastern
Branch Annul Meeting. Harrisburg, PA.
48. Gould, A. B., Hamilton, G., Vodak, M., Grabosky, J., Staniszewska, H., and Lashomb, J. 2006. Incidence
and severity of bacterial leaf scorch in New Jersey. Northeastern Division APS annual meeting, Burlington,
49. Gould, A., G.C. Hamilton, M. Vodak, J. Grabowsky and J. Lashomb. 2006. Economic impact of bacterial
leaf scorch in the New Jersey urban forest. Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting.
Indianapolis, IN.
50. Hamilton, G.C. 2006. Brown marmorated stink bug. Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting.
Indianapolis, IN.
51. Nielsen, A.L. and G.C. Hamilton. 2006. Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera:
Pentatomidae): Biology and seasonal phenology. Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting.
Indianapolis, IN.
Page 12
52. Zhang, J., J. Lashomb, A. Gould and G.C. Hamilton. 2006. Xylophages inhabiting red and pn oak in New
Jersey. Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting. Indianapolis, IN.
53. Khrimian, A., P. W. Shearer, A. Zhang, A, G. C. Hamilton and J.A. Aldrich. 2006. Field responses of
invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, to geometric isomers of methyl
2,4,6-decatrienoate. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Engineering. Barcelona,
54. Zhang, J., J.H. Lashomb, A.B. Gould, and Hamilton, G.C. 2006. Insect Xylophages Inhabiting Red and Pin
Oaks. Eastern Branch Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting. Charlottesville, VA.
55. Gould, A., J. Zhang, H. Staniszewska-Goraczniak, G.C. Hamilton, B. Hillman, R. Goraczniak, and J.H.
Lashomb. 2005. Preliminary characterization of Xylella fastidiosa strains isolated from oak in New
Jersey. American Phytopathological Society.
56. Zhang, J., H. Staniszewska-Goraczniak, G.C. Hamilton, B. Hillman, J.H. Lashomb, and A.B. Gould. 2005.
Nucleotide identity of Xylella fastidiosa strains isolated from oak. American Phytopathological Society.
Austin, TX.
57. Nielsen, A., and G.C. Hamilton. 2005. Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera:Pentatomidae). Eastern Branch
Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting. Harrisburg, PA.
58. Shearer, P.W., A. Nielsen, G. Hamilton, J. Aldrich, A. Khrimian, K. Bernhard and G. Bernon. 2005. Using
the group approach and behavioral studies to understand the biology and pest status of the brown marmorated
stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: A recently imported pest. Eastern Branch
Entomological Society of America Annul Meeting. Harrisburg, PA.
59. Bernon, G., A. Nielsen, G. Hamilton. 2004. Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): Investigations
of a recently introduced species. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Salt Lake City,
60. Nielsen, A., G.C. Hamilton and D. Matadha. 2004. Distributional survey of Halyomorpha halys in New
Jersey and a study of their developmental rates at varying temperatures. Annual Meeting of the
Entomological Society of America. Salt Lake City, UT.
61. Gould, A.B., G.C. Hamilton, M. Vodak, J. Grabowsky, J. Lashomb, P. Odermans and L. Pozdnyakova.
2004. Bacterial Leaf Scorch of Oak in New Jersey: Incidence and Economic Benefit. American
Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA.
62. Hamilton, G.C., J.H. Lashomb, J.M. Patt, D. Matahda. 2004. Attractiveness of flowering plants in urban
landscapes to beneficial Syrphidae and Hymenoptera. International Congress on Entomology. Brisbane, AU.
63. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, W. T. Hlubik, and S. Convery. 2004. On-line Pesticide Safety Training and
Recertification for Licensed Pesticide Applicators. The 49th Annual Meeting and Trade Show, Vegetable
Growers’ Association of New Jersey, Inc. Atlantic City, NJ.
64. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, W. T. Hlubik, and S. Convery. 2004. The Virtual Classroom Report Card: An
Early Assessment of New Jersey’s On-Line Accreditation for Pesticide Applicators. The 2004 Meeting of
the Northeast Regional American Society for Horticultural Science. Boston, MA.
65. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, and W. T. Hlubik. 2003. Online Recertification for Licensed Pesticide
Applicators in NJ. NACAA Annual Meeting. Green Bay, WI.
66. Hamilton, G.C. J. Lashomb, D. Matahda and J. Zhang. 2003. Attractiveness of various flowering plants to
hymenoptera. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Cincinnati, OH.
67. Hamilton, G.C., P. Shearer, D. Polk and R. Meyer. 2002. A comparison of pesticide residues found in two
peach pest management systems. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Lauderdale,
68. Hamilton, G.C. J. Lashomb and J. Zhang. 2002. Attractiveness of various flowering plants to adult Syrphid
flies. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
69. Hasting. P.D. and G.C. Hamilton. 2002. The New Jersey information network for pesticides and alternative
strategies. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
70. Mahar, J., S. Walker, K. Holmstrom, G. Hamilton, M. Infante-Casella, R. Samulis, W. Sciarappa, S.
Johnston and F. Spiecker. 2002. Pumpkin Demonstration for Adopting IPM Practices in New Jersey. 83rd
Annual Meeting of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Reno, NV.
71. Matadha, D. and G. Hamilton. 2002. Distribution of Natural Enemies of Euonymus Scale, Unapis euonymi
(Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) in the State of New Jersey. Annual Meeting of the Entomological
Society of America - Eastern Branch. Ocean City, MD.
Page 13
72. Atanassov, A., P. Shearer, G. Hamilton, D. Polk and D. Schmitt. 2001. Comparative Study of Three
Commercial Pheromone Formulations of Oriental Fruit Moth Mating Disruption. Annual Meeting of the
Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA.
73. Hamilton, G.C., J.H. Lashomb, J. Zhang and L. Reed. 2001. A Comparison of Carabid Species in Azaleas
and Azaleas Planted With Flowers. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego,
74. Atanassov, A., P. Shearer, G. Hamilton and D. Polk. 2000. Monitoring Oriental Fruit Moth and Tarnished
Plant Bug Populations and Damage Levels in Commercial Orchards with Different Pest Management
Programs. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Montreal, Canada.
75. Atanassov, A., P., Shearer, G. Hamilton, and D. Polk. 2000. Evaluation of Beneficial Fauna in Commercial
Peach Orchards with Different Pest Management Programs. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society
of America - Eastern Branch. Springfield, MA.
76. Hamilton, G.C., J.H. Lashomb, J. Ingerson-Mahar. 2000. Comparison of Carabid Species in Four Vegetation
Types. 21st International Congress of Entomology. Iguassu Falls, Brazil.
77. Hamilton, G.C., M. Hughes, K. Holmstrom and S. Walker. 2000. Spatial Mapping of Two Pest Populations
in New Jersey Sweet Corn. 21st International Congress of Entomology. Iguassu Falls, Brazil.
78. Matadha, D., G. Hamilton, and J. Lashomb. 2000. Ovipositional Preferences of Aphytis sp. and Encarsia sp.
nr. diaspidicola (Silvestri) (Aphelinidae: Hymenoptera), Parasitoids of Euonymus Scale, Unapis euonymi
(Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspididae). Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America.
Montreal, Canada.
79. Patt, J.M., G. Hamilton, S.C. Wainwright and J. Lashomb. 2000. Assimilation of Floral Nutrients by a
Predaceous Insect Larva. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Montreal, Canada.
80. Atanassov, A., P. W. Shearer, G. Hamilton, & D. Polk. 1999. Reduced Risk Peach Arthropod Management
Program. 75th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference. Winchester, VA.
81. Atanassov, A., P. Shearer, D. Polk, and G. Hamilton. 1999. Reduced Risk Peach Arthropod Management.
Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Atlanta, GA.
82. Hamilton, G., M. Hughes, S. Walker, and K. Holmstrom. 1999. Spatial Mapping of Adult Corn Earworm
and European Corn Borer Populations in New Jersey. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of
America. Atlanta, GA.
83. Hamilton, G.C. and J.H. Lashomb. 1998. Effectiveness of Transgenic Eggplant Against the Colorado Potato
Beetle. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Las Vegas, NV.
84. Lashomb, J.H., J. Ingerson-Mahar, G.C. Hamilton, and L Reed. 1998. Carabid Community Structure in
Decomposing Leaf Mulch. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Las Vegas, NV.
85. Hamilton, G.C. and J.H. Lashomb. 1997. Sequential sampling for Colorado potato beetle in eggplant.
Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Nashville, TN.
86. Hamilton, G.C. and R. Meyer. 1996. Insecticide Usage by New Jersey Growers During 1994. Annual
Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Louisville, KY.
87. Hamilton, G.C. and J.H. Lashomb. 1995. A Comparison of Biological Control Intensively and
Conventionally Grown Eggplant in New Jersey. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America.
Las Vegas, NV.
88. Patt, J.M., G.C. Hamilton and J.H. Lashomb. 1995. Parasitoid Access to Nectar is Constrained by Floral
Architecture. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Las Vegas, NV.
89. Polk, D.F., J.L. Frecon and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Ecological Approaches and Multiple Control Strategies
for the Peach Insect Pest Complex. 66th Annual Meeting Entomological Society America - Eastern Branch.
Newport, RI.
90. Polk, D.F. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. The Effects of IPM Programs on Pesticide Use in the New Jersey
Peach Industry. 66th Annual Meeting Entomological Society America - Eastern Branch. Newport, RI.
91. Hamilton, G.C and J.H. Lashomb. 1991. Sublethal Effects of Pesticides on Selected Parasites and
Predators of the Colorado Potato Beetle. 1991 Northeast NAPIAP Conference. Wooster, MA.
92. Lashomb J.H. and G.C. Hamilton. 1991. Biological Control Intensive Pest Management of Colorado Potato
Beetle. Annual Meeting Entomological Society America. Reno, NV.
93. Lashomb, J.H., and G.C. Hamilton. 1990. Survivorship of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Larvae and Edovum
puttleri Parasitized Colorado Potato Beetle Eggs in Eggplant. Annual Meeting Entomological Society
America. New Orleans, LA.
Extension Bulletins
Page 14
1. Hamilton, G.C. 2001. Be safe with pesticides. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. E261A. 8 pgs.
2. Hamilton, G.C. 2001. 2001 Control recommendations for household and structural pests. Rutgers
Cooperative Extension. E262A. 6 pgs.
3. Davis, R.M., G. Hamilton, W.T. Lanini, T.H. Spreen and C. Olsteen. 1998. The importance of pesticides
and other pest management practices in U.S. tomato production. USDA Document Number 1-CA-98.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 1995. A comparison of eggplant grown under conventional and biological control intensive
pest management conditions in New Jersey. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E196.
5. Hamilton, G.C. and D. Prostak. 1995. A survey of the pesticides applied to IPM grown sweet corn in New
Jersey. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E190.
6. Ghidiu, G.M. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Procedures for obtaining a section 18 emergency exemption label.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E184.
7. Ghidiu, G.M. and G.C. Hamilton. 1993. Vegetable insecticide guide - a compendium of the insecticides
registered for use on New Jersey vegetables. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E176A.
8. Hamilton, G.C., R. Meyer, and C. Brown. 1993. Pesticide use in New Jersey - a survey of golf course and
lawn care industries. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E174.
9. Hamilton G.C. and J. Mahar. 1992. Agricultural pesticide use in New Jersey - an assessment of the pesticides
applied on IPM grown field crops during 1991. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E170.
10. Hamilton. G.C. and L. Meyer. 1992. Agricultural pesticide use in New Jersey - a survey of private
applicators in 1985 and 1988. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E155.
11. Hamilton. G.C., T.B. Shelton, and S. Lance. 1991. Agricultural pesticide use in New Jersey - reducing
threats to groundwater quality. Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Bulletin E150.
Research Reports
1. Gould, A. B., Lashomb, J., and Hamilton, G. 2004. Incidence of bacterial leaf scorch in New Jersey. NCR-
193 Regional Report.
2. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, and J.R. Phillips. 2000. Evaluation of fungicides for the control of leaf
blights on carrot, 1999. Vegetable Plant Pathology 1999 Research Results, Report No. 24: 3-4. NJAES.
3. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, and J.R. Phillips. 1999. Evaluation of the benefits of fungicide
applications for the control of leaf blights on carrot, 1998. Vegetable Plant Pathology 1998 Research
Results, Report No. 23: 6-8. NJAES.
4. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, and J.R. Phillips. 1999. Evaluation of the benefit of foliar fungicide
application and resistant varieties in reducing disease and yield loss in spinach due, Fall, 1998. Vegetable
Plant Pathology 1998 Research Results, Report No. 23: 31-34. NJAES.
5. Hamilton, G.C. 1998. An analysis of pesticide use by New Jersey’s agricultural community during 1994.
NAPIAP Special Project Report. 20 pp.
6. Hamilton, G.C. 1998. An analysis of pesticide use by peach growers participating in the Rutgers Cooperative
Extension tree fruit IPM program during 1992. NAPIAP Special Project Report. 12 pp.
7. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, P.R. Probasco, and J.R. Phillips. 1998. Evaluation of the benefits of soil
fumigants and nematicides for the control of root-knot nematodes on carrot, 1997. Vegetable Plant Pathology
1997 Research Results, Report No. 22: 5-6. Rutgers University.
8. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, P.R. Probasco, and J.R. Phillips. 1998. Evaluation of the benefits of
fungicide applications for the control of leaf blights on carrot, 1997. Vegetable Plant Pathology 1997
Research Results, Report No. 22: 4-5. Rutgers University.
9. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, and J.R. Phillips. 1998. Evaluation of the benefit of foliar fungicide
application in reducing disease, yield and quality loss in spinach due to leaf disease in New Jersey, Fall, 1997.
Vegetable Plant Pathology 1997 Research Results, Report No. 22: 19-20. Rutegrs University.
10. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, and J.R. Phillips. 1998. Evaluation of the benefit of foliar fungicide
application in reducing disease, yield and quality loss in spinach due to leaf disease in New Jersey, Spring,
1997. Vegetable Plant Pathology 1997 Research Results, Report No. 22: 18. Rutgers University.
11. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, P.R. Probasco, and J.R. Phillips. 1997. Evaluation of the benefits of soil
fumigants and nematicides for the control of root-knot nematodes on carrot, 1996. Vegetable Plant Pathology
1996 Research Results, Report No. 21: 4. Rutegrs University.
Page 15
12. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, P.R. Probasco, and J.R. Phillips. 1997. Evaluation of the benefits of
fungicide applications for the control of leaf blights on carrot, 1996. Vegetable Plant Pathology 1996
Research Results, Report No. 21: 5. Rutgers University.
13. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton, and J.R. Phillips. 1997. Evaluation of the benefit of foliar fungicide
application in reducing disease, yield and quality loss in spinach due to leaf disease in New Jersey, Fall, 1996.
Vegetable Plant Pathology 1996 Research Results, Report No. 21: 18-20. Rutgers University.
14. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton and J.R. Phillips. 1995. Assessment of fungicide benefits for the control of
anthracnose on processing tomatoes, 1994. 1994 Vegetable Plant Pathology Research Results Report No. 19.
Rutgers University.
15. Johnston, S.A., J. Lashomb, G.C. Hamilton and D. Fravel. 1995. Evaluation of the integration of soil
fumigation and microbial antagonists for the control of Verticillium wilt of eggplant, 1994. 1994 Vegetable
Plant Pathology Research Results Report No. 19. Rutgers University.
16. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton and J.R. Phillips. 1995. Assessment of fungicide benefits for the control of
anthracnose on processing tomatoes, 1994. Rutgers Research and Development Center 1994 Research
Summary. Rutgers University.
17. Johnston, S.A., J. Lashomb, G.C. Hamilton and D. Fravel. 1995. Evaluation of the integration of soil
fumigation and microbial antagonists for the control of Verticillium wilt of eggplant, 1994. Rutgers Research
and Development Center 1994 Research Summary. Rutgers University.
18. Polk, D.F., G.C. Hamilton, J.L. Frecon, B.A. Majek, and E.F. Rizio. 1995. Ecological approaches to peach
IPM in New Jersey - mating disruption, ground cover manipulation, and nematode use - 1994. Cream Ridge
Fruit Research and Development Center 1993 Annual Report.
19. Hamilton, G.C., D. Polk, and E. Rizio. 1994. Apple acaricide test, 1993. Cream Ridge Fruit Research and
Development Center 1993 Annual Report.
20. Hamilton, G.C., D. Polk, and E. Rizio. 1994. Apple, leafhopper test, 1993. Cream Ridge Fruit Research and
Development Center 1993 Annual Report.
21. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton and J.R. Phillips. 1994. Assessment of fungicide benefits for the control of
anthracnose on processing tomatoes, 1993. 1993 Vegetable Plant Pathology Research Results Report No.
18. Rutgers University.
22. Johnston, S.A., J. Lashomb, G.C. Hamilton and D. Fravel. 1994. Evaluation of the integration of soil
fumigation and microbial antagonists for the control of Verticillium wilt of eggplant, 1993. 1993 Vegetable
Plant Pathology Research Results Report No. 18. Rutgers University.
23. Johnston, S.A., G.C. Hamilton and J.R. Phillips. 1994. Assessment of fungicide benefits for the control of
anthracnose on processing tomatoes, 1993. Rutgers Research and Development Center 1993 Research
Summary. Rutgers University.
24. Johnston, S.A., J. Lashomb, G.C. Hamilton and D. Fravel. 1994. Evaluation of the integration of soil
fumigation and microbial antagonists for the control of Verticillium wilt of eggplant, 1993. Rutgers Research
and Development Center 1993 Research Summary. Rutgers University.
25. Polk, D., G.C. Hamilton, M. Cantarella and E. Rizio. Peach acaricide tests, 1993. 1994. Cream Ridge Fruit
Research and Development Center 1993 Annual Report.
26. Polk, D., G.C. Hamilton, and K. Beatty. Peach field acaricide tests, 1993. 1994. Cream Ridge Fruit Research
and Development Center 1993 Annual Report.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Production Manuals
1. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. E261. 11 pgs.
2. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Gould. [ed.] Pesticides for New Jersey, 1993, 1995, 1997. RCE Bulletin E045G. 100
3. Hamilton, G.C. and D. Polk. [ed.]. Commercial tree fruit pesticide recommendations, 1995. RCE Bulletin
E002K. 38 pgs.
4. Gould, A and G.C. Hamilton. [ed.] Pesticides for New Jersey, 1994, 1996, 1998-2002. RCE Bulletin E045F.
100 pgs.
5. Polk, D. and Hamilton, G.C. [ed.]. Commercial tree fruit pesticide recommendations, 1994. RCE Bulletin
E002J. 41 pgs.
6. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "New Jersey Commercial Nursery Production Manual, 1989."
11 pgs.
Page 16
7. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Insect and Disease Control Recommendations for Shade Trees
and Woody Ornamentals, 1988." 2 pgs.
8. Hamilton, G.C. Pesticide safety, In "Insect and Disease Control on Lawn and Turf Areas, 1988-92." 2 pgs.
9. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "New Jersey Commercial Strawberry Production Manual, 1988-
10. 11 pgs.
11. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Pest Control Recommendations for Commercial Nurserymen,
1987." 2 pgs.
12. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Home Grounds Tree, Shrub and Flower Pest Control, 1987-90."
2 pgs.
13. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Pest Control Recommendations for Commercial Flowers
Growers, 1987-90." 2 pgs.
14. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Vegetable production recommendations 1987-2016." RCE
Bulletin E001. 10 pgs.
15. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Field crop production recommendations, 1987-94." 11 pgs.
16. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Pesticides for New Jersey, 1987-2002." 10 pgs.
17. Hamilton, G.C. Be safe with pesticides. In "Tree fruit production recommendations, 1987-2016." 8 pgs.
Crop Profiles
1. Hamilton, G.C. 2006. Kale Crop Profile for New Jersey.
2. Hamilton, G.C., J. Ingerson-Mahar and P. Hastings. 2001 Asparagus crop profile for New Jersey.
3. Hamilton, G.C., J. Ingerson-Mahar and P. Hastings. 2001. Forage Alfalfa crop profile for New Jersey.
4. Hamilton, G.C., J. Ingerson-Mahar and P. Hastings. 2001. Spinach crop profile for New Jersey.
5. Atanassov, A., P. Shearer and G.C. Hamilton. 2000. New Jersey peach crop profile.
6. Hamilton, G.G. and P. Hastings. 2000. Crop profile for cranberries in New Jersey.
7. Hamilton, G.G. and P. Hastings. 2000. Crop profile for highbush blueberries in New Jersey.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Audio/Visual Aids
1. Robson, M.G. and G.C. Hamilton. 2006. Arrest the Pests in Your Nest. 30 minute video tape.
2. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, W. T. Hlubik, and S. Convery. 2003. Online Pesticide Safety Learning Module
and Recertification Credits for Pesticide Applicators. Module II - Pesticide Safety Equipment and
3. Polanin, N., G. Hamilton, W. T. Hlubik, and S. Convery. 2002. Online Pesticide Safety Learning Module
and Recertification Credits for Pesticide Applicators. Module I - Pesticide Storage.
4. Hamilton, G.C. and M.G. Robson. 2000. An American farm tale: chronic organophosphate exposure the
Rea family farm case study. 30 minute video tape. .
5. Hamilton, G.C. 2000. Children and pesticide safety. In “If plants could talk”. 30 minute television show.
6. Lashomb, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2000. Controlling the lily leaf beetle biologically. 15 minute video tape.
7. Lashomb, J., G.C. Hamilton, and J. Patt. 1995. Video - Biological control intensive pest management in
eggplant. 30 min.
8. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Racz. 1994. Groundwater and agriculture: keeping New Jersey's drinking water
clean. 63 slides.
9. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Racz. 1994. The endangered species act: what does it mean to growers? 32 slides.
10. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Racz. 1994. An overview of the worker protection standard for agricultural
pesticides. 39 slides.
Page 17
11. Hamilton, G.C. 1992. Pesticide safety for the homeowner. 40 slides.
12. Fenske, R. and G.C. Hamilton. 1990. Pesticide exposure evaluation with fluorescent tracers - a slide
presentation. 20 slides.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets
1. Hamilton, G.C. and P.W. Shearer. 2003. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug - A New Exotic Insect in New
Jersey. FS002. 2 pgs.
2. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2003. The gypsy moth on home grounds. FS004. Revision. 2 pgs.
3. Polanin, N., M. Maletta, and G. Hamilton. 2003. How to Hire a Residential Pest Control Professional.
FS018. 2 pgs.
4. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2002. Control of cat and dog fleas. FS090. Revision. 2 pgs.
5. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2002. Clover mite control around the home. FS093. Revision. 2 pgs.
6. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2002. Aphids. FS077. Revision. 2 pgs
7. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2002. The boxedler bug and its control. FS075. Revision. 2 pgs.
8. Hamilton, G.C. and M.G. Robson. 2001. pH effects on pesticide stability and efficacy. FS051. Revision.
2 pgs.
9. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2001. Carpet beetles. FS175. Revision. 2 pgs.
10. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2001. House ants and their control. FS137. Revision. 2 pgs.
11. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2001. Silverfish and firebrats and their control. FS008. Revision. 2 pgs.
12. Hamilton, G.C. 2001. Millipedes. FS005. Revision. 2 pgs.
13. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2001. The black carpenter ant and its control. FS006. Revision. 2 pgs.
14. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2001. About the American dog tick. FS092. Revision. 2 pgs.
15. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2001. About the European earwig. FS211. Revision. 2 pgs.
16. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 2001. Subterranean termites. FS338. Revision. 2 pgs.
17. Hamilton, G.C. and L. Vasvary. 1999. Wasps and their control. FS212. Revision. 2 pgs.
18. Fiola, J.A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994-1997. New Jersey commercial strawberry pest control
recommendations I. FS193. 4 pgs.
19. Fiola, J.A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994-1997. New Jersey commercial strawberry pest control
recommendations II. FS194. 4 pgs.
20. Fiola, J.A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994-1997. New Jersey commercial bramble pest control recommendations
I. FS251. 4 pgs.
21. Fiola, J.A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994-1997. New Jersey commercial grape pest control recommendations I.
FS253. 4 pgs.
22. Fiola, J.A., B.A. Majek and G.C. Hamilton. 1994-1997. New Jersey commercial bramble pest control
recommendations II. FS252. 4 pgs.
23. Fiola, J.A., B.A. Majek and G.C. Hamilton. 1994-1997. New Jersey commercial grape pest control
recommendations II. FS254. 4 pgs.
24. Hamilton, G.C. 1997. New Jersey pesticide applicator certification. FS052. Revision. 4 pgs.
25. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Worker protection series - EPA's worker protection standard. FS771. 4 pgs.
26. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Worker protection series - pesticide applications and field posting. FS772. 2 pgs.
27. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Worker protection series - WPS central information posting. FS773. 2 pgs.
28. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Worker protection series - special WPS requirements for nurseries and greenhouses.
FS774. 2 pgs.
29. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Worker protection series - worker protection deadline changes. FS775. 2 pgs.
30. Racz, A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Worker protection series - personal protective equipment (PPE)
requirements. FS777. 2 pgs.
31. Racz, A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Worker protection series - early-entry work situations. FS778. 2 pgs.
32. R
acz, A. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Worker protection series - decontamination sites and emergency
requirements. FS779. 2 pgs.
33. Zhao, W. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Worker protection series - WPS safety training for agricultural workers
and pesticide handlers. FS776. 4 pgs.
34. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. NJ DEP clean water information series - managing agricultural pesticides. 4 pgs.
35. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. NJ DEP clean water information series - managing agricultural fertilizers. 4 pgs.
36. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. NJ DEP clean water information series - managing pesticides around your home. 4
Page 18
37. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. NJ DEP clean water information series - maintaining pesticide application equipment
around your home. 4 pgs.
38. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. NJ DEP clean water information series - maintaining agricultural pesticide application
equipment. 4 pgs.
39. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. NJ DEP clean water information series - maintaining fertilizer application equipment
around your home. 4 pgs.
40. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. NJ DEP clean water information series - maintaining granular and manure fertilizer
application equipment. 4 pgs.
41. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Romani. 1993. Contaminacion por medio de los pesticidas. FS673. 2 pgs.
42. Hamilton, G.C. and A. Romani. 1993. Equipo de proteccion en el uso de pesticidas. FS664. 2 pgs.
43. Hamilton, G.C. 1992. Pesticide application records and the 1990 farm bill. FS621. 4 pgs.
44. Prostko, E., and G.C. Hamilton. 1992. Cleaning and storage of pesticide sprayers. FS628. 2 pgs.
45. Ghidiu, G., and G.C. Hamilton. 1991. Pesticide storage facilities. FS603. 2 pgs.
46. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. Pesticides and food safety. FS421. 4 pgs.
47. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. Pesticides classified as restricted use materials as of November 21, 1988 by the state
of New Jersey, DEP pesticide control program. FS402. 2 pgs.
48. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. Pesticides and related chemicals covered under SARA title III. FS353. 2 pgs.
49. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. Pesticides and related chemicals covered under the OSHA hazard communication
standard. FS352. 4 pgs.
50. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. Complying with the OSHA hazard communication standard. FS351. 2 pgs.
51. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. SARA title III Law. FS350. 2 pgs.
52. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. Storage of pesticides and their containers. FS320. 2 pgs.
53. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. Facts about the pesticide carbaryl. FS319. 2 pgs.
54. Hamilton, G.C. and S. Wittenberg. 1988. Complying with the New Jersey right-to-know law. FS337. 2 pgs.
55. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Pesticide service vehicles. FS209. 2 pgs.
56. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Facts about the pesticide aldicarb. FS203. 2 pgs.
57. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Facts about the pesticide lindane. FS202. 2 pgs.
58. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Facts about the pesticide chlordane. FS201. 2 pgs.
59. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Protective equipment for using pesticides. FS199. 2 pgs.
60. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Disposal of pesticides. FS198. 2 pgs.
61. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. Toxicity of pesticides. FS197. 2 pgs.
62. Hamilton, G.C. 1986. New Jersey pesticide applicator certification. FS052. Revision. 4 pgs.
63. Hamilton, G.C. and J.A. Hopfinger. 1986. Facts about daminozide. FS200. 2 pgs.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Information Sheets
1. Hamilton, G.C. 1998-2005. Tree fruit integrated pest management program. IS006. 2 pgs.
2. Hamilton, G.C. 1998-2005. Vegetable integrated pest management program. IS005. 2 pgs.
3. Hamilton, G.C. 1998-2005. Blueberry crops integrated crop management program. IS004. 2 pgs.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 1998-2001. Field crops integrated crop management program. IS007. 2 pgs.
Hamilton, G.C. 1986 to 1997. Extension Pesticide Report. Published Monthly
Articles in Popular Press
1. Hamilton, G.C. 1995. Are you in compliance with WPS. New Jersey Grower 18, No. 2:2-3.
2. Hamilton, G.C. and D.W. Schaffner. 1992. Unwarranted concern about pesticides. Asbury Park Press.
September 2. Pg A11.
3. Ghidiu, G., and G.C. Hamilton. 1990. The Effect of The FIFRA '88 re-registration of pesticides. New Jersey
Grower 13, No. 3:2-3.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. Worker reentry Standards, now and in the future. Pennsylvania Fruit News 69, No.
5. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. The OSHA and SARA laws. The Shade Tree 61:85-9.
6. Hamilton, G.C. 1988. Storage of pesticides and their containers. The Plant Press 4:3.
Page 19
7. Hamilton, G.C. 1987. Storage and disposal of pesticides and used containers. The Shade Tree 60:110-2.
8. Hamilton, G.C. 1987. Facts about the pesticide carbaryl. The Plant Press 3:4.
9. Hamilton, G.C. 1987. Facts about the pesticide lindane. The Plant Press 3:3.
10. Hamilton, G.C. 1987. Protective equipment for using pesticides. The Plant Press 3:2.
11. Hamilton, G.C. 1987. Pesticide services vehicles. The Plant Press 3:1.
Miscellaneous Publications
1. Gould, A. B., Lashomb, J., and Hamilton, G. 2004. Incidence of bacterial leaf scorch in New Jersey. NCR-
193 Regional Report.
2. Hamilton, G.C. and M.G. Robson. 2000. An American farm tale: Chronic organophosphate exposure the
Rea family farm case study - facilitators Guide. Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
3. Robson, M.G., Hamilton, G.C., R. Samulis and E. Prostko. 1994. An assessment of regulatory, market and
financial obstacles to integrated pest management in New Jersey. Final Report to NJ Dept. of Environmental
4. Springer, J.K. and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. [ed.]. The importance of plant disease management in U.S.
production of leafy green vegetables. NAPIAP Report # 1-CA-94.
5. Hamilton, G.C. and J. Rabin. 1993. WPS pesticide notification board. Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
6. Hamilton, G.C. 1991. Spanish wallet size pesticide safety card. Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
7. Hamilton, G.C., J. Baron, and M.G. Robson. 1990. The 1989 Amendments to the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act: Facing the problems of re-registration. Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
8. Hamilton, G.C. 1990. English wallet size pesticide safety card. Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
External Competitive Grants Funded
1. Nielsen, A. and G.C. Hamilton. 2016-2020. An Areawide Biointensive Management Plan for Brown
Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys (Stål), to Reduce Impacts Throughout the Agro-
Urban Interface. $229,945. (Subcontract of larger grant headed by T. Leskey at USDA ARS). USDA
Areawide Grant.
2. Hamilton, G.C., A. Nielsen and D. Polk. 2016-2017. Management of Brown Marmorated Stnk Bug in US
Specialty Crops. $186,298. (Subcontract of larger grant headed by J. Walenbach at North Carolina State).
USDA Specialty Crops Research Initiative Grant.
3. Leskey, T. and G.C. Hamilton. 2016-2017. BMSB IPM Working Group: Addressing Consumer/Pest
Management Professional Needs and Coordination. $20,000. NE IPM Center.
4. Hamilton, G.C., Nielsen, A.L. and D. Polk. 2014-2017. Development of an IPM program for blueberries
and grapes. $210,750. USDA EIP.
5. Hamilton, G.C. 2013-2014. NJ Pesticide Safety Education Program. $16,000. NASDARF.
6. Hamilton, G.C. 2013. Development and Revision of NJ Pesticide Applicator Training Manuals. $30,000.
NJ Department of Environmental Protection.
7. Hamilton, G.C., Nielsen, A.L., C. Rodriguez and D. Polk. 2013-2016. Management of the brown
marmorated stink bug in tree fruit, vegetables and small fruit. $576,951. Renewal (Subcontract of larger
grant headed by T. Leskey at USDA ARS). USDA Specialty Crops Research Initiative Grant.
8. Nielsen, A.L. and G. Hamilton. 2013. Whole Farm Organic Management of BMSB and Endemic
Pentatomids through Behavior-based Habitat Manipulation. $2,700,000. USDA Organic Research and
Extension Initiative Grant.
9. Hamilton, G.C., D. Polk and A.L. Nielsen. 2013. Coordination of IPM programs in peaches and
blueberries in New Jersey. $101,243 . USDA EIPM.
10. Hamilton, G.C. 2012. NJ Pesticide Safety Education Program. $10,000. US EPA.
11. Hamilton, G.C., G. Dively, G. Ghidiu, C.R. Hooks and T. Kuhar and J. Whalon. 2011. Development of
Management Strategies Targeting the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys in Peppers.
USDA NE Regional IPM. $135,000.
12. Hamilton, G.C., and D. Polk. 2010-2013. Coordination of IPM programs in peaches and blueberries in
New Jersey. $303,729 . USDA EIPM.
13. Hamilton, G.C., C. Rodriguez and D. Polk. 2010-21013. Management of the brown marmorated stink bug
in tree fruit, vegetables and small fruit. $759,000 (Subcontract of larger grant headed by T. Leskey at
USDA ARS). USDA Specialty Crops Research Initiative Grant.
Page 20
14. Leskey T. and G.C. Hamilton. 2010-2015. Development and coordination of a brown marmorated stink
bug working group. $30,000. Northeast Pest Management Center.
15. Hamilton, G.C., G. Dively, A. Herbert, K. Hoelmer, T. Leskey, and B. Parker. 2010. Biology, Distribution
and Pest Status of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) in Agronomic, Fruit and Vegetable Crops,
and Urban Areas. USDA Critical Issues Grant. $90,000.
16. Hamilton, G.C. 2010. New Jersey Extension IPM Coordination. USDA EIPM. $106,000.
17. Hamilton, G.C. 2010. New Jersey Pesticide Safety Education Program. US EPA PSEP. $30,000.
18. Hamilton, G.C. 2009. New Jersey Information Network for Pesticide and Alternative Strategies. $5,000.
Northeast IPM Center Partnership Grants.
19. Hamilton, G.C. 2009. New Jersey Extension IPM Coordination. USDA EIPM. $106,000.
20. Fonseca, D. etc. 2008. Areawide Management of the Asian Tiger Mosquito in NJ. USDA ARS.
21. Hamilton, G.C. 2008. New Jersey Information Network for Pesticide and Alternative Strategies. $5,000.
Northeast IPM Center Partnership Grants.
22. Hamilton, G. and G. Williams. 2008. Development of Novel Application Technology for the Control of
the Asian Tiger Mosquito in Urban Environments. USDA NE Regional IPM Grants. $60,000.
23. Hamilton, G.C. 2007. New Jersey Information Network for Pesticide and Alternative Strategies.
$15,000. Northeast IPM Center Partnership Grants.
24. Hamilton, G.C. and J. Ingersohn-Mahar. 2007. Holding a Working Group Meeting for Setting Objectives
for Wireworm IPM in the Mid-Atlantic States. $3,000. Northeast IPM Center Partnership Grants.
25. Hamilton, G.C., L. Reed, R. Gaugler, and M. Robson. 2007. New Jersey Mosquito Light Trap: Field
Evaluation of Two Traps by Different Manufacturers for County IPM Mosquito Programs and Risk
Analysis Model Suitability. EPA Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program. $49,606.
26. Hamilton, G.C. S. Healy and T. Schulze. 2007. Integrated Pest Management to Control Vector Ticks on
Public Lands. USDA Northeast Regional IPM Grants. S60,000.
27. Lashomb, J.H., A.B. Gould and G. Hamilton. 2007. Impact of Imidacloprid on Disease Severity and
Vector Recolonization in Oaks susceptible to Bacterial Leaf Scorch. Tree Research and Education
Endowment. $7,500.
28. Hamilton, G.C. 2006. Technical Assistance and staff training for the JCHA IPM Program. $7,475.
Jersey City Housing Authority.
29. Hamilton, G.C. 2006. Development of Surveys, Profiles and Strategy Plans for New Jersey Vegetables.
$20,000. Northeast IPM Center Partnership Grants.
30. Hamilton, G.C. 2006. New Jersey Information Network for Pesticide and Alternative Strategies.
$20,265. Northeast IPM Center Partnership Grants.
31. Hamilton, G.C. and J. Mahar. 2006. Conducting a Blacklight Survey for Exotic Species of Wireworms
and Copitarsia Moths. $19,987. USDA APHIS Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
32. Hamilton, G.C. and J. Mahar. 2006. Conducting a Pheromone Trap Survey for Swede Midge (Contarinia
nasturtii (Keiffer)). $25,993. USDA APHIS Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
33. Rajotte, E., T. Snyder and G.C. Hamilton. 2006. Design and Delivery of IPM Outreach to Low-Income
Urban Neighborhoods. $108,791. USDA Northeast IPM Competitive Grants.
34. Hamilton, G.C. 2005. Supporting a County Based Mosquito Identification Program. $33,000. Somerset
County Mosquito Control Commission.
35. Hamilton, G.C. 2005. Pesticide Applicator Initial (7AB) and Recertification Training. $7,500. Jersey
City Housing Authority.
36. Hamilton, G.C., J. Mahar and K. Holmstrom. 2005. Conducting a Blacklight Survey for Exotic Species
of Wireworms, Copitarsia moths and stink bugs. $19,998. USDA APHIS Cooperative Agricultural Pest
37. Hamilton, G.C. and P. Shearer. 2005. Developing Control Strategies for the Control of Stink Bugs in
Peaches and Nectarines. $7,600. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.
38. Hamilton, G.C. and M. Straghelini. 2005 2007. A Multi-level Approach to Facilitate Large Scale
Adoption of Parasitic Honey Bee Mite IPM Practices. $134,854. USDA Crops at Risk.
39. Hamilton, G.C. 2004. Education and Utilization of Volunteers in Pest Detection Programs. $22,485.
USDA APHIS Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
40. Hamilton, G.C. 2004. Increasing Public Awareness about the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. $20,000.
NE IOM Center Critical Issues.
41. Hamilton, G.C. 2004. Supporting a County Based Mosquito Identification Program. $30,000. Somerset
County Mosquito Control Commission.
Page 21
42. Hamilton, G.C. 2004. Pesticide Applicator Initial (7AB) and Recertification Training. $7,500. USDA
APHIS Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
43. Hamilton, G.C., J. Mahar and K. Holmstrom. 2004. Conducting a Blacklight Survey for Exotic Species
of Wireworms, Copitarsia moths and stink bugs. $20,000. USDA APHIS Cooperative Agricultural Pest
44. Gould, A. J. Lashomb and G. Hamilton. 2004 Estimation of Tree Loss and Economic Impact due to
Bacterial Leaf Scorch in New Jersey. $15,000. USFS Forest Health Monitoring Project.
45. Hamilton, G.C., J. Mahar, K. Holmstrom and S. Walker. 2002. Evaluation and Demonstration of Two-
Spotted Spider Mite Biological Control in New Jersey High-Tunnel Vegetable Production. $35,000. US
EPA Alternative Agriculture Funding.
46. Hamilton, G.C. and P.D. Hastings. 2001. Mid-Atlantic information network for pesticides and alternative
strategies NJ. $125,360.00. USDA NE Pest Management Center Grants.
47. Hamilton, G.C., P. Shearer and R. Meyer 2001. Reducing peach production insecticide use, residues and
associated risks to farm workers, infants and children. $39,637.00. EPA Pesticide Environmental
Stewardship Program.
48. Hamilton, G.C., and D. Smith-Fiola 2000. The Promotion of integrated pest management in New Jersey
and New York schools. $40,000.00. EPA Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program.
49. Lashomb, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2000. What is biological control? a guide for teachers. $13,000.00.
USDA APHIS National Biological Control Institute.
50. Shearer, P., D. Polk, G.C. Hamilton, and R. Brumfield 2000-2002. Reducing insecticide use and their
associated risks in peach production. $115,000.00. USDA Pest Management Alternatives Program.
51. Hamilton, G.C., J. Ingerson-Mahar, and P. Hastings 1999. Development of Crop profiles for asparagus,
spinach and forage alfalfa. $12,000.00. USDA Pest Management Alternatives Program.
52. Shearer, P., G.C. Hamilton and D. Polk 1999-2001. Reduced risk peach arthropod management program.
$99,372.00. USDA Pest Management Alternatives Program.
53. Johnston, S.A., and G.C. Hamilton. 1999. Benefit of fungicides in resistance management for cucurbit
powdery mildew. $16,680.00. USDA NE-NAPIAP.
54. Johnston, S.A., and G.C. Hamilton. 1996-98. Benefit of foliar application, used alone and with plant
resistance in reducing disease, yield and quality loss in spinach due to leaf diseases in New Jersey.
$45,000.00. USDA NE-NAPIAP.
55. Johnston, S.A., and G.C. Hamilton. 1996-98. Benefits of nematicides and fungicides to marketable yields
in carrots. $45,000.00. USDA NE-NAPIAP.
56. Hamilton, G.C. 1995. An assessment of the agricultural use of pesticide in New Jersey during 1994.
$22,247.00. USDA NAPIAP.
57. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. An assessment of the pesticides applied to conventional and IPM grown eggplant in
New Jersey during 1994. $13,700.00. USDA NAPIAP.
58. Lashomb, J.H., and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Development of an educational videotape of the BCIPM program
in eggplant. $10,000.00. USDA APHIS.
59. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. An assessment of the pesticides applied to conventional and IPM grown eggplant in
New Jersey during 1993. $13,700.00. USDA NAPIAP.
60. Johnston, S.A., and G.C. Hamilton. 1993-95. Assessment of fungicide benefits for the control of anthracnose
in processing tomatoes. $61,894.00. USDA NE-NAPIAP.
61. Hamilton, G.C., and D. Polk. 1992. Assessing the use of pesticides applied to New Jersey peaches during
1992. $10,000.00. USDA NAPIAP.
62. Hamilton, G.C., and J. Ingerson-Mahar. 1991. Assessing the use of pesticides applied to New Jersey field
crops during 1991. $10,000.00. USDA NAPIAP.
63. Helsel, Z., G.C. Hamilton, G. Ghidiu, F. O'Hara, R. Samulis, and S. Tweed. 1991. Agricultural health
promotion systems for New Jersey. $117,814.00. Center for Disease Control.
64. Hamilton, G.C., and D. Prostak. 1990. Assessing the use of pesticides applied to New Jersey fresh Market
sweet corn during 1990. $9,000.00. USDA NAPIAP.
65. Hamilton, G.C., T. Shelton, and J. Ponessa. 1990. New Jersey comprehensive water quality program plan.
$35,000.00. USDA Special Projects.
66. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. Improving awareness about the interactions of pesticides, soils and groundwater.
$10,000.00. USDA Special Projects.
67. Lashomb, J.H., G.C. Hamilton. 1989-90. Consequences of sublethal dosages of insecticides to Colorado
Potato Beetle on selected parasites and predators. $40,000.00. USDA NE-NAPIAP.
Page 22
68. Lashomb, J.H., S. Johnston, and G.C. Hamilton. 1989. Eggplant: A model system for integrating biological
control of Colorado potato beetle and Verticillium wilt. $25,000.00. USDA LISA.
69. Swift, F.C., G.C. Hamilton, and D. Polk. 1987-89. Monitoring for resistance of European red mites to
acaricides. $12,514.00. USDA CSRS.
External Non-Competitive Grants Funded
1. Hamilton, G.C. 2002. Nursery/greenhouse crop IPM expansion. $100,000.00. NJ Dept. of Agriculture Block
2. Hamilton, G.C., J. Mahar, K. Holmstrom, S. Walker, M. Infante-Casella, R. Samulis and S. Johnston 2001.
EPA Demonstration and evaluation of integrated crop scouting on pumpkins in southern New Jersey.
$39,999.00. EPA Food Quality Protection Act Initiative.
3. Hamilton, G.C., J. Ingerson-Mahar, and P. Hastings 1999. Development of crop profiles for apples, peppers
and eggplant. USDA NAPIAP Special Grant. $4,000.00. USDA NAPIAP Special Grant.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 1998. Development of crop profiles for high bush blueberry, cranberry, tomato and lettuce.
$5,000.00. USDA NAPIAP Special Grant.
5. Hamilton, G.C. and M.G. Robson 1998. Agricultural pesticide training video. $42,216.00. USDA PAT
Special Projects.
6. Hamilton, G.C. 1996-99. Improved program support for pesticide impact assessment activities in New
Jersey. $119,852.00. USDA NAPIAP.
7. Hamilton, G.C. 1995. Assessing the agricultural use of pesticides in New Jersey during 1994. $6,252.00.
8. Hamilton, G.C. 1995. The importance of pesticide and other pest management practices in U.S. tomato
production. $8,000.00. University of California Research Agreement K941575.
9. Hamilton, G.C. 1994. Assessing the use of pesticides in New Jersey's eggplant IPM program during 1994.
$6,252.00. USDA CSRS.
10. Hamilton, G.C. 1993. Assessing the use of pesticides in New Jersey's eggplant IPM program during 1993.
$6,252.00. USDA CSRS.
11. Hamilton, G.C., and Z. Helsel. 1992. Pesticide reduction and pollution prevention through a supported
integrated crop management program for New Jersey. $272,000.00. NJ DEP.
12. Hamilton, G.C., and R. Meyer. 1992. Assessing the use of agricultural pesticides in New Jersey during 1991.
$6,252.00. USDA CSRS.
13. Hamilton, G.C., and M.G. Robson. 1992. Assessment of regulatory market and financial obstacles to
integrated pest management in New Jersey. $7,500.00. NJ DEP.
14. Hamilton, G.C., and R. Meyer. 1991. Assessing the use of commercial pesticides in New Jersey during
1990. $6,252.00. USDA CSRS.
15. Heckman, J.R., T.B. Shelton, J.T., Ponessa, and G.C. Hamilton. 1991. New Jersey comprehensive water
quality plan. $45,000.00. USDA Special Projects.
16. Hamilton, G.C., and R. Meyer. 1990. Assessing the use of agricultural pesticides in New Jersey during 1988
and 1989. $6,252.00. USDA CSRS.
17. Hamilton, G.C. 1987-2001. Pesticide applicator training grant. $346,000.00. USDA ES.
18. Hamilton, G.C. 1987-1995. Pesticide impact assessment grant. $190,00.00. USDA ES.
Internal Competitive Grants Funded
1. Hamilton, G.C. 2002. Detection of a newly introduced insect pest in New Jersey. $4,500.00. NJAES Rapid
Response Grant.
2. Hamilton, G.C., N. Polanin and W. Hlubik. 2002. Internet technologies for pesticide safety education.
$5,000.00. RCE Innovative Technologies Grant.
3. Hamilton, G.C. 2002. Internet technologies for pesticide safety education. $1,000.00. NE Pesticide
Applicator Training Grant.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 2001. The development of an IPM program for nurseries in southern and central New Jersey.
$4,100.00. NJAES PEG.
5. Shearer, P., G.C. Hamilton and W. Tietjen 1998. Tree fruit arthropod phenology model - validation and
implementation. $37,289. NJAES SARE.
Page 23
6. Lashomb, J.H., G. Ghidiu, G.C. Hamilton, G. Jelenkovic, and S. Johnston. 1994. Managing two important
pests in eggplant: Colorado potato beetle and verticillium wilt via biological control and genetic engineering.
$18,000.00. NJAES ICM Initiative Grants.
7. Polk, D., G.C. Hamilton, B. Majek, J. Frecon, and C. Silcox. 1994. Ecological approaches and multiple
control strategies for the peach insect pest complex. $9,250.00. NJAES ICM Initiative Grants.
8. Rabin, J., R. Van Vranken, P. Nitzsche, and G.C. Hamilton. 1994. Establish NJAES/RCE office of crop
management communications. $30,000.00. NJAES ICM Initiative Grants.
9. Lashomb, J.H., G.C. Hamilton, and S.A. Johnston. 1993. Expansion of BCIPM of eggplant for insects to
include protection from Verticillium dahliae. $10,000.00. Rutgers ICM Initiative.
Internal Non-Competitive Grants Funded
1. Holmstrom, K.E., M. Hughes, G.C. Hamilton, D. Robinson, E. Green and W. Strawderman. 2002.
Statistical modeling of European corn borer and weather data. 2002. $47,394.00. NJ AES PEG.
2. Hamilton, G.C. 2001. Biological studies of two parasitoids of the euonymus scale, Unapis diaspidicola.
$1,250. (Non-Competitive). NJ Hatch Project.
3. Lashomb, J. and G.C. Hamilton. 2000. $1,500. Development of a video on beneficial insects attracted to
perennials. NJ SARE.
4. Hamilton, G.C. 1989. Mapping the use of agricultural pesticides in New Jersey. $2,000.00. RCE.
Undergraduate/Graduate Instruction
1. Pesticide Impacts on Human and Environmental Health. 2010 - 2016. Entomology 370:439. Fall Semester.
3 Credit. Average Enrollment: 20 Students.
2. Integrated Pest Management. 2010-2016. Entomology 370:506. Spring Semester. Average Enrollment: 5
3. Entomology for anglers. 1998 - 2016. Entomology 370:256. Spring Semester. 1 Credit. Average
Enrollment: 10 Students.
4. Agricultural entomology and pest management. 1991-2016. Entomology 370:350. Spring Semester. 3
Credits. Average Enrollment: 30 Students.
5. How pesticides are regulated. 1991-1996. Lecture. Entomology 370:309, “Forest and Shade Tree
Entomology.” Fall Semester. 1 Credit. 15 Students.
6. How pesticides are regulated. 1992, 1994. Lecture. Entomology 370:506, “Insect Pest Management”. Spring
Semester. 3 Credits. Average Enrollment: 5 Students.
7. Insecticide Classification and Use. 1990. Lecture. Entomology 370:309, "Forest & Shade Tree Entomology."
Fall Semester. 1 Credit.
8. Population Dynamics and Regulation. 1990. Lecture. Entomology 370:525, “Insect Ecology." Spring
Semester. 3 Credits.
9. The Legal Aspects of Using Pesticides. 1988, 1989, 1990. Lecture. Entomology 370:350, "Agricultural Pest
Management." Fall Semester. 3 Credits.
10. Control Methods - Insecticides. 1987, 1988, 1989. Lecture. Entomology 370:202, "Insects and Man." Spring
Semester. 3 Credits.
11. Natural Control. 1988. Lecture. Entomology 370:525, "Insect Ecology." Spring Semester. 3 Credits.
12. Silent Spring - Where We've Been and How Far We've Come. 1987. Lecture. "Issues in Agriculture and
Environmental Science." Spring Semester. 3 Credits.
Graduate Students Advised
2016 - Present William Reichert. Ph. D. Student. Department of Plant Science. Degree Completion Ongoing.
Dissertation: Genetic improvement of catnip for use in repelling insect pests. Member of
Dissertation Committee.
2016 - Present Denise Gemmalloro. Ph. D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Completion Ongoing.
Dissertation: Studies on the impact of ecotype and altitude on blow fly diversity. Primary advisor.
Page 24
2015 - Present George Condon. Ph. D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Completion Ongoing.
Dissertation: The role of spatial design of companion flower planting on the management of
European corn borer in peppers. Primary advisor.
2011 - 2016 Noel Hahn. Ph. D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Completed Expected 10/2016.
Dissertation: Studies on the spatial movement of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha
halys. Primary advisor.
2011 - 2016 John Cambridge. Ph. D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Completed 10/2016.
Dissertation: Behavioral Patterns of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug anf the Implications for
Monitoring Programs. Primary advisor.
2011 - 2015 Lauren Weidner. Ph. D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Completed 10/2015
Dissertation: Biology and Ecology of Forensically Important Blow Flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
in New Jersey With a Focus on the Black Blowfly Phormia regina. Primary advisor.
2008 2011 Matthew Bickerton. Masters Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Completed 7/2011.
Thesis: Intercropping for Conservation Biological Control of European Corn Borer in Bell
Peppers. Primary Advisor.
2003 - 2008 Anne Nielsen. Ph.D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Completed 10/08.
Dissertation: Studies on the biology and control of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha
halys. Primary advisor.
2002 2003 Peter Gregory, MPH student. Department of Public Health, UM DMJ. Degree Completed 12/03.
Thesis: Evaluation of the potential agricultural bioterrorism threats at the Port of Elizabeth, NJ.
2000 2003 Jae H. Kwak, Ph.D. student. Department of Food Science. Degree Conferred 5/03. Dissertation:
Comparison of pesticide residues in organic and conventional foods. Member of Dissertation
2000 - 2002 Jong Hong. Ph.D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Conferred 12/02. Thesis: Gender
and Organophosphate Toxicity in Oriental Fruit Moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera:
Trotricidea). Member of Dissertation Committee.
1999 - 2003 Jamey Scott. Ph.D. Student. Department of Entomology. Degree Conferred 5/03. Dissertation:
Biology and habits of Aedes japonicus in New Jersey. Member of Dissertation Committee.
1999 - 2003 Deepak Matadha. Ph.D. student. Department of Entomology. Degree Conferred 5/03.
Dissertation: Biological Studies of Aphytis Sp. And Encarsia sp. Nr. Diaspidicola (Aphelinidae:
Hymenoptera, parasitoids of euonymus scale. Primary advisor.
1999 2000 Tadgh Rainey. Masters Student. Department of Entomology. Degree conferred 10/00. Thesis:
Emergence patterns of Culiseta melanura (Coquillett) (Diptera:Culicidae) in New Jersey and the
impact on EEEV Amplification. Member of Thesis Committee.
1999 June Zang, Ph.D. student. Department of Food Science. Degree conferred 5/99. Dissertation:
Analysis and photochemistry or organic pesticides used by organic farmers. Member of Dissertation
1998 - 2002 Peter Bozak. Ph.D. student. Department of Entomology. Degree conferred 5/02. Dissertation:
Behavior and Morphological Aspects of the Cattail Mosquito, Coqueillettidia perturbans (Walker)
in Relation to Eastern Equine Encephalomylitus Virus in New Jersey. Member of Dissertation
Page 25
1994 - 1999 Kristian Holmstrom. Masters student. Department of Plant Pathology. Degree conferred 5/99.
Dissertation: The effect of cruciferous amendments with soil solarization on damping-off fungi in
greenhouse media. Member of Thesis Committee.
1992 - 1996 Michael Olszewski. Masters student. Department of Plant Pathology. Degree completed 5/96.
Dissertation: Identification of the possible vectors of Xylella fastidiosa, causal agent of oak leaf
scorch. Member of Thesis Committee.
Curricula Developed
Pesticides: issues and answers - a curriculum for Cook College freshman. 1993. Lectures for “Perspectives in
Agriculture and the Environment.” Agriculture. & Environmental. Science 015:101.
Formal Extension Courses/Workshops
1. Pesticide safety for landscape contractors short course. March 28, 2002. Rutgers University.
2. Mosquito control training workshop. March 20, 2001. Rutgers University.
3. Mosquito control training workshop. March 5, 2001. Atlantic City, New Jersey.
4. Pesticide safety for landscape contractors short course. March 1, 2001. Rutgers University.
5. Mosquito control training workshop. March 16, 2000. Atlantic City, New Jersey.
6. Pesticide safety for landscape contractors short course. February 29, 2000. Rutgers University.
7. Mosquito control training workshop. April 4, 1999. Atlantic City, New Jersey.
8. Mosquito control training workshop. March 29, 1999. Rutgers University.
9. Pesticide safety for landscape contractors short course. November 23, 1998. Rutgers University.
10. Mosquito control training workshop. April 14, 1998. Rutgers University.
11. Mosquito control training workshop. April 6, 1998. Atlantic City, New Jersey.
12. Pesticide safety for landscape contractors short course. December 5, 1997. Rutgers University.
13. Mosquito control training workshop. February 27, 1997. Atlantic City, New Jersey.
14. Mosquito control training workshop. February 2, 1997. Rutgers University.
15. Pesticide safety for landscape contractors short course. December 3, 1996. Rutgers University.
16. WPS train the trainer workshop. May 4, 1995. Bergen County Cooperative Extension.
17. WPS train the trainer workshop. April 6, 1995. Hunterdon County Cooperative Extension.
18. WPS train the trainer workshop. March 17, 1995. Burlington County Cooperative Extension.
19. WPS train the trainer workshop. March 16, 1995. Mercer County Cooperative Extension.
20. WPS train the trainer workshop. February 28, 1995. Morris County Cooperative Extension.
21. WPS train the trainer workshop. February 24, 1995. Warren County Cooperative Extension.
22. WPS train the trainer workshop. February 17, 1995. Cumberland County Cooperative Extension.
23. WPS train the trainer workshop. January 26, 1995. Gloucester County Cooperative Extension.
24. Worker protection. January 17, 1995. General Session - 38th Annual New Jersey Vegetable Meeting.
25. WPS worker training session. January 13, 1995. Rutgers Blueberry Cranberry Research and Development
26. Train the trainer certification workshop. December 15, 1994. New Jersey Agribusiness Association 2nd
Annual Meeting.
27. Issues in pesticide safety and use. November 29, 1994. Turf Expo '94.
28. In-service on the EPA worker protection standard law. May 25, 1994. Rutgers University.
29. Workshop on the SARA Title III, the OSHA hazard communication standard and the New Jersey right-to-
know laws. January 10, 1992. New Jersey Golf Course Superintendents Association.
30. Right-to-know, how to keep in compliance, developing a compliance program. December 2, 1991. Turf
Expo '91.
31. Insects and other animals affecting man. October 26 to November 23, 1991. Co-Coordinator with Coby Schal.
Cook College Short Course.
32. Core preparatory course. October 22, 1991. Union County Adult Education School.
33. CPA 7D training school. 1991 to 1996. Cook College Short Course. Summer Semester each year.
34. Core preparatory course. May 3, 1990. Salem County Community College.
35. Core preparatory course. April 26, 1990. Brookdale Community College.
36. Core preparatory course. March 13, 1990. Union County Adult Education School.
Page 26
37. Core preparatory course. November 14, 1989. Union County Adult Education School.
38. Organic farming and pesticides. October 25, 1989. Monmouth Co. Cooperative Extension Office.
39. Pesticide liability. May 3, 1989. 1989 RCE In-Service Training Series.
40. The Safety of our food supply - issues and answers. April 26, 1989. Kings Supermarkets. Wayne & Short
Hills, NJ.
41. Food safety and pesticides. April 19, 1989. Gloucester Co. Cooperative Extension Office.
42. Core training session. April 12, 1988. Hunterdon County Library.
43. Core preparatory course. April 6, 1989. Brookdale Community College.
44. Implementing right-to-know on the farm. March 10, 1989. Camden Co. Cooperative Extension Office.
45. Pesticide applicator core/category training and exam. March 17, 1988. Gloucester County Extension Office.
46. Category 10 training - a half day seminar in pesticide recertification. March 2, 1988. Cook College Short
47. Monthly core training course. June 1987 - 1998. Rutgers University.
Television/Radio Programs
1. Groundwater and pesticides. Program aired on May 31, 1990 on WWBZ Radio Station. Pittman. NJ.
2. Safe food - a panel discussion. Program aired on April 30, 1989 as part of the "New Jersey" series shown on
Cable Television Network.
Extension Presentations to Agricultural and other Clientele Groups
Since 1987, an average of 39 talks per year, each lasting normally 1 hour or less, were given to approximately 50,000
people per year on a variety of subjects ranging from pesticide safety and regulations to hazards presented by pesticides
to pesticide applicators and the general public, etc.
Professional Service
American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators - Charter Member, 1992 to Present.
Journal of the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators Editorial Board, 2005 to Present
Governing Board Representative - Northeast, 1997 to 2000.
Nominations Committee 1997, 1999 (Chair).
Program Committee 2001 to 2002, 1992 to 1996, Chair - 1995/96.
Record Keeping Committee - 1995 (Chair).
Auditing Committee - 1995 to 2000 (Chair).
C & P Press Advisory Panel. 1991.
Biological Control Article Reviewer, 2005 to Present.
Entomology Society of America - Member, 1979 to Present.
Board of Governors, 2003 to 2009.
Eastern Branch Past President, 2012
Eastern Branch President, 2011
Eastern Branch President Elect, 2010.
Eastern Branch Archivist/Historian, 2003 to Present.
Eastern Branch Treasurer, 2000 to 2003.
Eastern Branch Meeting Registration Committee - 1998 (Chair).
Eastern Branch Annual Program Editor, 1988-1990
Eastern Branch Representative to the national selection committee for the ESA Distinguished Service to the
Certification Program Award, 1998 - 1999.
Section E Nominations Committee, 1996 to 1998.
Section E Student Paper Competition Committee, 1997, 1998 (Chair 1997).
Article Reviewer - Environmental Entomology, Economic Entomology, 1990 to Present.
Environmental Protection Agency Certification and Training Review Committee. 1997 to 2000.
National Pesticide Impact Assessment Program Technical Committee, Northeast Region. 1989 to 1999.
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New Jersey Agribusiness Association, 1994 to Present.
President, 1996.
Vice President, 1995.
Secretary, 1994.
Board of Director, 1994 to 2004.
New Jersey Specialist Association, 1986 to Present.
President, 1990.
Vice President, 1989.
Secretary, 1988.
Northeast Pesticide Coordinators Working Group. 1986 to Present.
Mid-Atlantic Certified Pest Advisor Program
Exam Advisory Panel, 1994 to Present.
Pesticide Association of New Jersey, 1986 to 1993.
Secretary, 1987 to 1993.
Awards Committee, 1987 to 1993.
USDA PIA GPRA Reporting Requirements Committee - 1998.
USDA PAT GPRA Reporting Requirements Committee - 1997.
USDA Carbofuran Pesticide Benefits Assessment Team. 1989.
USDA Diazinon Pesticide Benefits Assessment Team. 1991 to 1994. (Chair).
USDA Leafy Vegetables Pesticide Benefits Assessment Team. 1992 to 1994. (Co-Chair).
USDA Tomato Pesticide Benefits Assessment Team. 1994 to 1999. (Chair - Insecticide Section).
University Service
Cook College, Rutgers University.
NJAES Mission and Programs Strategy Team. 2000 to 2003. (Co-Chair).
Building and Grounds Committee. 1994 to 1996.
Dean’s Designate, NJ Department of Agriculture Food Safety Committee. 1993 to 2006.
Dean's Designate, New Jersey Governor's Pesticide Advisory Council. 1987 to 2006.
Governor's Task Force on Structural IPM. 1993 to 1994.
Department of Agriculture State Board Committee on Environmental Regulation. 1991 to 2006.
Department of Environmental Protection IPM Task Force. 1998 to 2006.
Interagency Water Quality Group, 1990 to 2006.
Pest Survey Steering Committee, CASP. 1987 to 2006.
Rutgers Pesticide Advisory Committee, 1986 to 2006.
State Liaison, USDA Pesticide Applicator Training Program, 1986 to 2006.
State Liaison, USDA Pesticide Impact Assessment Program, 1986 to 1999.
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University.
Dean’s Designate, NJ Department of Agriculture Food Safety Committee. 2006 to Present.
Dean's Designate, New Jersey Governor's Pesticide Advisory Council. 2006 to Present.
Department of Agriculture State Board Committee on Environmental Regulation. 2006 to Present.
Department of Environmental Protection IPM Task Force. 2006 to Present.
Pest Survey Steering Committee, CASP. 2006 to Present.
Rules of Procedure Committee, 2007 to Present.
Rutgers Pesticide Advisory Committee, 2006 to Present.
State Liaison, USDA Pesticide Applicator Training Program, 2006 to Present.
Department of Entomology, Rutgers University.
Department Chair. 1998 to 1999, 2007 to Present.
Department Safety Officer. 1987 to Present.
Entomology Ag Day and Visitation Committee, 1986 to 1997 (Chair - 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1997).
Insect Diagnostic Center Committee. 1997.
Clientele Board Committee. 1997 to 1998.
Department of Extension Specialists, Rutgers University.
Awards Committee, 2001.
Personnel Evaluation Committee, 1999.
Department Secretary. 1994 to 1998.
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RCE Directions in Extension Task Force. 1991 to 1992.