The Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey (GCSANJ) was
established in 1926 and is comprised of dedicated golf maintenance professionals and
agronomists who proudly maintain New Jersey’s 350 golf courses. GCSANJ serves the
golf course superintendent by advancing the profession, offering professional
development, and fostering relationships for all members and partners.
New Jersey, proudly known as the Garden State, has earned that name for being home
to various natural features, including pristine beaches, sprawling farmlands, picturesque
lake and river communities, and rugged mountainous regions. With this diverse
geography, it is no surprise that New Jersey would be home to so many beautifully
maintained golf courses, several of which are internationally renowned.
New Jersey golf course superintendents are committed to providing our golfers and
communities with the best playing conditions while being stewards of the
environment. To protect the environment with such vast differences in geography and
preserving natural resources for years to come, we created this guide of best
management practices (BMPs). The New Jersey Golf Industry Best Management
Practices covers all aspects of maintaining golf courses with environmental concerns
and sustainability as the basis for its use. Golf courses following these standards would
be exercising the most current means of sustainability while becoming leaders as
environmental stewards.
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) is the professional
association for the men and women who manage and maintain the game’s most
valuable resource the golf course. Today, GCSAA and its members are recognized
by the golf industry as one of the key contributors in elevating the game and business to
its current state.
Since 1926, GCSAA has been the top professional association for the men and women
who manage golf courses in the United States and worldwide. From its headquarters in
Lawrence, Kansas, the association provides education, information and representation
to more than 17,000 members in more than 72 countries. GCSAA’s mission is to serve
its members, advance their profession and enhance the enjoyment, growth and vitality
of the game of golf.
Environmental Institute for Golf
The Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG) fosters sustainability by providing funding for
research grants, education programs, scholarships and awareness of golf’s
environmental efforts. Founded in 1955 as the GCSAA Scholarship & Research Fund
for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, the EIFG serves as the
association’s philanthropic organization. The EIFG relies on the support of many
individuals and organizations to fund programs to advance stewardship on golf courses
in the areas of research, scholarships, education, and advocacy. The results from these
activities, conducted by GCSAA, are used to position golf courses as properly managed
landscapes that contribute to the greater good of their communities. Supporters of the
EIFG know they are fostering programs and initiatives that will benefit the game and its
environment for years to come.
United States Golf Association
The United States Golf Association (USGA) provides governance for the game of golf,
conducts the U.S. Open, U.S. Women’s Open and U.S. Senior Open as well as 10
national amateur championships, two state team championships and international
matches, and celebrates the history of the game of golf. The USGA establishes
equipment standards, administers the Rules of Golf and Rules of Amateur Status,
maintains the USGA Handicap System and Course Rating System, and is one of the
world’s foremost authorities on research, development and support of sustainable golf
course management practices.
The GCSAA and EIFG wish to thank the University of Florida, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, faculty, Dr. J. Bryan Unruh, Dr. Travis Shaddox, Dr. Jason Kruse,
and Mr. Don Rainey, who worked on this project, providing their knowledge and
expertise to help the golf course industry; the USGA for their grant to fund this important
project; the volunteers who served on the task group to review BMP and provide
technical assistance; and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for
permission to copy its publication, “Best Management Practices for the Enhancement of
Environmental Quality on Florida Golf Courses
Additional Acknowledgements
The development of the New Jersey Golf Industry Best Management Practices was
made possible by superintendents in the state of New Jersey, scientists at Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey, and the Golf Course Superintendents Association of
New Jersey. We are indebted to those individuals that provided their time and expertise
to develop and review drafts of best management practices to protect the natural
resources of New Jersey.
The committee members for this effort included the following;
Jeremy Hreben, CGCS, BMP Committee Chairman, Superintendent, Indian
Spring Golf Course
Darrell Marcinek, CGCS, Director of Golf Maintenance, Somerset County Parks
Brandon Perrine, Superintendent, Deerwood Country Club
Michael Tardogno, Superintendent, Skyway Golf Course at Lincoln Park West
Matthew Castagna, Superintendent, TPC Jasna Polana
Dr. James A. Murphy, Extension Specialist, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural
Experiment Station (NJAES) and Cooperative Extension
In addition, the following Rutgers NJAES and Cooperative Extension personnel assisted
in the development of this document:
Dr. Bruce Clarke, Extension Specialist in Turfgrass Pathology
Dr. Matthew Elmore, Assistant Extension Specialist in Weed Science
Dr. George Hamilton, Extension Specialist in Integrated Pest Management
Dr. Albrecht Koppenhöfer, Extension Specialist in Entomology
Dr. Christopher Obropta, Associate Extension Specialist in Water Resources.
Others assisting in the development of this document include our industry partners that
provided invaluable information and expertise:
Mark Kuhns, CGCS Regional Manager, Turco Golf
James Devaney, Storr Tractor Company
James Barrett, James Barrett Associates
Corey Angelo, Soil and Water Consulting
Kevin Doyle of GCSAA and Maureen Sharples, GCSANJ Executive Director also
provided valuable assistance in initiating, organizing, and promoting this project. We
also appreciate the photo contributions from superintendents across the state. We thank
the external reviewers both individuals and agency representatives for their time and
effort to strengthen our document and ensure its accuracy. Reviewers included the
Bradley Park, Laboratory Researcher, Rutgers NJAES Center for Turfgrass
Dr. Stephanie Murphy, Director, Rutgers Soil Testing Laboratory
Erin Landis, River Friendly Coordinator, The Watershed Institute
Jeffrey Hoffman, P.G., State Geologist, NJ Geological and Water Survey
L. Stanton Hales, Jr., Ph. D., Director, Barnegat Bay Partnership
Robert Karl, Supervisor, Source Water & Watershed Programs, Brick Township
Municipal Utilities Authority
Funding and support for this project were provided by the Golf Course Superintendents
Association of America (GCSAA), The Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG), and the
United States Golf Association (USGA).
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................... 4
Additional Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ 6
BMP Index ....................................................................................................................... 9
Planning, Design and Construction ............................................................................... 11
Nutrient Management .................................................................................................... 21
Water Quality Monitoring and Management .................................................................. 35
Cultural Practices .......................................................................................................... 44
Integrated Pest Management ........................................................................................ 50
Pesticide Management .................................................................................................. 65
Pollinator Protection ...................................................................................................... 75
Maintenance Operations ............................................................................................... 78
Landscape ..................................................................................................................... 87
Energy ........................................................................................................................... 91
References .................................................................................................................... 97
Additional References ................................................................................................. 107
BMP Index
Planning, Design and Construction ............................................................................... 11
Regulatory Issues ...................................................................................................... 11
Planning ..................................................................................................................... 11
Design ....................................................................................................................... 12
Construction .............................................................................................................. 13
Grow-in ...................................................................................................................... 14
Erosion and Sediment Control ................................................................................... 14
Wetlands .................................................................................................................... 14
Drainage .................................................................................................................... 15
Surface Water: Stormwater, Ponds, Lakes ................................................................ 15
Maintenance Facilities ............................................................................................... 17
External Certification Programs ................................................................................. 19
Wildlife Considerations .............................................................................................. 19
Nutrient Management .................................................................................................... 21
Regulatory Considerations ........................................................................................ 21
Soil Testing ................................................................................................................ 23
Plant Tissue Analysis ................................................................................................. 24
Fertilizers Used in Golf Course Management ............................................................ 25
Soil pH ....................................................................................................................... 33
Nutrient Management ................................................................................................ 33
Water Quality Monitoring and Management .................................................................. 35
Regulatory Considerations ........................................................................................ 35
Site Analysis .............................................................................................................. 36
Water Quality Sampling Program .............................................................................. 37
Sampling Parameters, Collection, and Analysis ........................................................ 38
Buffer Zones .............................................................................................................. 39
Wetland Protection .................................................................................................... 41
Stormwater Management .......................................................................................... 41
Sediment ................................................................................................................... 42
Sodic/Saline Conditions ............................................................................................. 43
Cultural Practices .......................................................................................................... 44
Mowing ...................................................................................................................... 44
Cultivation .................................................................................................................. 46
Shade and Tree Management ................................................................................... 48
Integrated Pest Management ........................................................................................ 50
Regulatory Considerations ........................................................................................ 50
IPM Overview ............................................................................................................ 51
Written Plan ............................................................................................................... 52
Pest Thresholds ......................................................................................................... 52
Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 53
Record Keeping ......................................................................................................... 54
Turfgrass Selection .................................................................................................... 54
Biological Controls ..................................................................................................... 55
Pollinators .................................................................................................................. 56
Conventional Pesticides ............................................................................................ 56
Disease ...................................................................................................................... 57
Weeds ....................................................................................................................... 60
Insects ....................................................................................................................... 62
Nematodes ................................................................................................................ 64
Pesticide Management .................................................................................................. 65
Regulatory Considerations ........................................................................................ 65
Human Health Risks .................................................................................................. 67
Environmental Fate and Transport ............................................................................ 67
Pesticide Transportation, Storage, and Handling ...................................................... 68
Emergency Preparedness and Spill Response ......................................................... 69
Pesticide Record Keeping ......................................................................................... 69
Sprayer Calibration .................................................................................................... 70
Types of Sprayers ...................................................................................................... 70
Inventory .................................................................................................................... 70
Shelf Life .................................................................................................................... 71
Leaching Potentials ................................................................................................... 71
Mixing/Washing Station ............................................................................................. 72
Disposal ..................................................................................................................... 72
Personal Protective Equipment ................................................................................. 73
Pesticide Container Management .............................................................................. 73
Pollinator Protection ...................................................................................................... 75
Regulatory Considerations ........................................................................................ 75
Pollinator Habitat Protection ...................................................................................... 76
Maintenance Operations ............................................................................................... 78
Regulatory Considerations ........................................................................................ 78
Storage and Handling of Chemicals .......................................................................... 78
Equipment Storage and Maintenance ........................................................................ 80
Waste Handling ......................................................................................................... 81
Equipment Washing ................................................................................................... 81
Fueling Facilities ........................................................................................................ 82
Pollution Prevention ................................................................................................... 82
Landscape ..................................................................................................................... 87
Species Selection and Size Considerations .............................................................. 87
Design and Function .................................................................................................. 88
Planting Methods ....................................................................................................... 89
Energy ........................................................................................................................... 91
Energy Conservation ................................................................................................. 91
Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 92
Efficiency ................................................................................................................... 93
Design and Renovation ............................................................................................. 94
Implementation Plan .................................................................................................. 94
Infrastructure ............................................................................................................. 94
Alternative products, operations, and practices ......................................................... 95
Course Management Plan ......................................................................................... 95
Irrigation ..................................................................................................................... 96
Planning, Design and Construction
Regulatory Issues
The construction phase of any industry’s infrastructure poses the greatest risk of
ecosystem alteration. With proper planning and design, golf facilities can be constructed
and maintained with minimal impact to existing wildlife and their habitat. Furthermore,
facilities should be designed and constructed to maximize energy efficiency.
Regulatory Issues
Local and state regulations may be in place in your location. Early engagement among
developers, designers, local community groups, and permitting agencies is essential to
designing and constructing a golf facility that minimizes environmental impact and
meets the approval process.
Proper planning will minimize expenses resulting from unforeseen construction
requirements. Good planning provides opportunities to maximize/integrate
environmentally favorable characteristics into the property. This often requires the
involvement of golf course architects, golf course superintendents, civil engineers, soil
scientists, agronomists, irrigation designers, ecologists, etc.
Best Management Practices
Assemble a qualified team
o Golf course architect
o Golf course superintendent
o Clubhouse architect
o Irrigation engineer
o Environmental engineer
o Energy analyst
o Economic consultant
o Civil engineer
o Soil scientist
o Geologist
o Golf course builder
o Legal team
Determine objectives
Complete a feasibility study
o Are needs feasible given existing resources?
o Environmental
o Financial
o Water
o Energy
o Labor
o Materials
o Governmental regulatory requirements/restrictions
Select an appropriate site that is capable of achieving the needs of stakeholders.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the selected site.
Identify any rare, protected, endangered, or threatened plant or animal species
on the site.
Proper design will meet the needs of the stakeholders, protect the location's
environmental resources, and be economically sustainable.
Best Management Practices
Retain a qualified golf course superintendent/project manager at the beginning of
the design and construction process to integrate sustainable maintenance
practices in the development, maintenance, and operation of the course.
Design the course to minimize the need to alter or remove existing native
landscapes. The routing should identify the areas that provide opportunities for
Design the course to retain as much natural vegetation as possible. Where
appropriate, consider enhancing existing vegetation through the supplemental
planting of native vegetation/materials next to long fairways, out-of-play areas,
and along water sources supporting fish and other water-dependent species.
Design out-of-play areas to retain or restore existing native vegetation where
possible. Nuisance, invasive, and exotic plants should be removed and replaced
with native species that are adapted to that particular site.
o Select a location that has adequate sunlight to meet plant-specific needs
and provides sufficient drainage.
o Choose a green size and a sufficient number of hole locations that are
large enough to accommodate traffic and play damage, but not so large
that it is not sustainable with your resources.
o Select an appropriate root-zone material as designated by the USGA.
o Consider the number of bunkers as it relates to resources available for
daily maintenance.
o Greens should be irrigated separately from surrounding turf.
o Select a turf species/variety that meets the needs of the stakeholders
while adhering to the principle of “right plant, right place.”
Plant only certified turfgrass.
Decide whether bunkers will contain drainage.
Consider bunker entry and exit points. Consider wear patterns and create
adequate space for ingress/egress points on greens, tees, fairways, and
Select the proper color, size, and shape of bunker sand that meets your needs.
Define play and non-play maintenance boundaries.
Construction should be completed with care to minimize environmental impact and
financial ramifications caused by poor construction techniques.
Best Management Practices
Conduct a pre-construction conference with stakeholders.
Construction should be scheduled to maximize turfgrass establishment and site
Use environmentally sound construction techniques.
Use soil stabilization techniques to minimize soil erosion and maximize sediment
containment. Minimize soil compaction from heavy equipment.
Maintain a construction progress report and communicate the report to the
proper permitting agencies.
Use only qualified contractors who are experienced in the special requirements
of golf course construction.
Schedule construction and turf establishment to allow for the most efficient
progress of the work while optimizing environmental conservation and resource
Temporary construction compounds should be built in a way that minimizes
environmental impacts.
Erosion and Sediment Control
Soil carried by wind and water erosion transports contaminants with it.
Contaminants can dislodge, especially on entering water bodies, where they can
cause pollution.
Erosion and sediment control is a critical component of the construction and
grow-in of a golf course.
Best Management Practices
Develop a working knowledge of erosion and sediment control management.
Each state has its own specifications including types of acceptable structures,
materials, and design features.
Develop and implement strategies to effectively control sediment, minimize the
loss of topsoil, protect water resources, and reduce disruption to wildlife, plant
species, and designed environmental resource areas.
Hydro-seeding or hydro-mulching offer soil stabilization.
Most states consider wetlands as “waters of the state,” a designation that carries
significant legal ramifications. Furthermore, permitting requirements for wetlands
can have multiple overlapping jurisdictions of federal, state, and local agencies.
At the federal level alone, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE), EPA,
U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), and maritime agencies may all be involved.
Wetlands act both as filters for pollutant removal and as nurseries for many
species of birds, insects, fish, and other aquatic organisms. The biological activity
of plants, fish, animals, insects, and especially bacteria and fungi in a healthy,
diverse wetland is the recycling factory of our ecosystem.
When incorporated into a golf course design, wetlands should be maintained as
preserves and separated from managed turf areas with native vegetation or
structural buffers. Constructed or disturbed wetlands may need to be permitted to
be an integral part of the stormwater management system.
Best Management Practices
Ensure that proper permitting has been obtained before working on any
Ensure that wetlands have been properly delineated before working in and
around any wetlands.
Adequate drainage is necessary for growing healthy grass.
A high-quality BMP plan for drainage addresses the containment of runoff,
adequate buffer zones, and filtration techniques in the design and construction
process to achieve acceptable water quality.
Drainage of the golf course features is only as good as the system’s integrity.
Damaged, improperly installed, or poorly maintained drainage systems will result
in inferior performance that negatively impacts play and increases risks to water
Best Management Practices
When constructing drainage systems, pay close attention to engineering details
such as subsoil preparation, the placement of gravel, slopes, and backfilling.
Internal golf course drains should not drain directly into an open waterbody, but
should discharge through pretreatment zones and/or vegetative buffers to help
remove nutrients and sediments.
Drainage should discharge through proper drainage and stormwater
management devices, for example, vegetative buffers, swales, etc.
The drainage system should be routinely inspected to ensure proper function.
Surface Water: Stormwater, Ponds, Lakes
Stormwater is the conveying force behind nonpoint source pollution.
Controlling stormwater on a golf course is more than preventing the flooding of
facilities and play areas. In addition to controlling the amount and rate of water
leaving the course, stormwater control also involves storing irrigation water,
controlling erosion and sediment, enhancing wildlife habitat, removing
waterborne pollutants, and addressing aesthetic and playability concerns. Keep
in mind that not all stormwater on a golf course originates there; some may be
from adjoining lands, including residential or commercial developments.
It may be appropriate to maintain 12” to 14” of freeboard in the irrigation pond for
storm water retention.
Each water body should have a comprehensive plan to maintain water quality
and quantity. Aquatic plant management is an important component of this
strategy. The strategy should address the intended uses of the waterbody, the
aquatic plants that are reasonably anticipated to be present, and the
management techniques that will be used to control them. This should include
both desired and nuisance vegetation. Nuisance vegetation can negatively affect
a pond’s water quality, storage capacity and treatment capacity.
Best Management Practices
Stormwater treatment is best accomplished by a “treatment train” approach, in
which water is conveyed from one treatment to another by conveyances that
themselves contribute to the treatment.
Eliminate or minimize as much directly connected impervious area (DCIA) as
possible. Disconnect runoff from gutters and roof drains from impervious areas,
so that it flows onto permeable areas that allow the water to infiltrate near the
point of generation.
Utilize vegetated buffers adjacent to water bodies to filter pollutants and slow the
flow of runoff into the waterbody.
Use vegetated swales to slow and infiltrate water and trap pollutants in the soil,
where they can be naturally destroyed by soil organisms.
Use depressed landscape islands or rain gardens in parking lots to catch, filter,
and infiltrate water, instead of letting it run off. When hard rains occur, an
elevated stormwater drain inlet allows the island to hold the treatment volume
and settle out sediments, while allowing the overflow to drain away.
Maximize the use of pervious pavements, such as brick or concrete pavers
separated by sand and planted with grass. Special high-permeability concrete is
available for cart paths or parking lots.
The use of cisterns and sump pumps may be useful in retaining runoff for future
irrigation needs. Runoff can be pumped back to irrigation and retention ponds.
Regulatory Considerations
Course owners and superintendents should investigate regulatory requirements that
apply to the golf facility to protect surface and groundwater quality and quantity.
Best Management Practices
Golf course design and construction should be in accordance with all state and
local regulations. Consulting with local officials early in the planning process will
ensure that all regulatory requirements are met. This may include construction
permitting, natural resource inventory and permitting, stormwater management
and water allocation.
Environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands, floodplains or wildlife habitat
are protected under federal, state and local regulations. Consult with the
appropriate officials prior to any construction or management activities in those
Golf course design and management may be affected by Total Maximum Daily
Loads (TMDLs), regional stormwater management plans and watershed
restoration and protection plans. Consultation with state and local officials will
ensure that the golf course supports implementation of those plans.
Consult with the appropriate officials when planning the irrigation source for the
golf course. Water allocation permits may be required for the selected water
Application of chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers may be regulated
under state or local regulations. Ensure that all staff hold the appropriate licenses
for the work they are performing and that any necessary permits for application
are obtained.
Aquatic plant management may require additional permits or licensing. This may
include use of grass carp, aeration, mechanical controls, biological controls, and
chemical controls. Consult with federal, state and local agencies prior to
implementing management actions for ponds or wetlands.
Management of stormwater runoff may require permitting or compliance with
state and local regulations. During design, this will include ensuring that the
volume of water discharged from the golf course does not adversely affect
downstream properties and that water quality criteria are met. Following
construction, this will include operation and maintenance of best management
practices. Disposal of sediments from stormwater ponds may be subject to
regulations. New Jersey has state stormwater management regulations that
apply to design and operations to protect water quality and quantity. Local
municipalities may have additional requirements.
Maintenance Facilities
The maintenance facilities must incorporate best management practices to minimize the
potential for contamination of soil and water resources. The pesticide mixing and
storage facility, the equipment wash pad, and the fuel center are focal points.
Best Management Practices
Design and build pesticide storage structures to keep pesticides secure and
isolated from the surrounding environment.
Store pesticides in a roofed concrete or metal structure with a lockable door.
Construct floors of seamless metal or concrete sealed with chemical-resistant
Ensure that flow from floor drains does not discharge directly to the ground and
that drains are not connected to the sanitary sewer line or septic system.
Equip the floor with a continuous curb to retain spilled materials.
Do not store pesticides near burning materials or hot work (welding, grinding), or
in shop areas.
Provide storage for personal protective equipment (PPE) where it is easily
accessible in the event of an emergency, but do not store in the pesticide storage
Provide adequate space and shelving to segregate herbicides, insecticides, and
Use shelving made of plastic or reinforced metal. Keep metal shelving painted.
Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation and an emergency wash area.
Always place dry materials above liquids, never liquids above dry materials.
Never place liquids above eye level.
Locate operations well away from groundwater wells and areas where runoff may
carry spilled pesticides into surface waterbodies.
Do not build new facilities on potentially contaminated sites.
An open building must have a roof with a substantial overhang (minimum 3
from vertical, 45° recommended) on all sides.
In constructing a concrete mixing and loading pad, it is critical that the concrete
has a water-to-cement ratio no higher than 0.45:1 by weight.
The sump should be small and easily accessible for cleaning.
Ensure that workers always use all personal protective equipment as required by
the pesticide label and are provided appropriate training.
Assess the level of training and supervision required by staff.
Any material that collects on the pad must be applied as a pesticide according to
the label or disposed of as a (potentially hazardous) waste according to state
laws and regulations.
Clean up spills immediately!
Always store nitrogen-based fertilizers separately from solvents, fuels, and
pesticides, since many fertilizers are oxidants and can accelerate a fire. Ideally,
fertilizer should be stored in a concrete building with a metal or other type of
flame-resistant roof.
Always store fertilizers in an area that is protected from rainfall. The storage of
dry bulk materials on a concrete or asphalt pad may be acceptable if the pad is
adequately protected from rainfall and from water flowing across the pad.
Sweep up any spilled fertilizer immediately.
Do not wash equipment unnecessarily.
Clean equipment over an impervious area, and keep it swept clean.
Brush or blow equipment with compressed air before, or instead of, washing.
Use spring shutoff nozzles.
Use a closed-loop recycling system for wash water.
Recycle system filters and sludge should be treated and disposed of
Each piece of equipment should have an assigned parking area. This allows oil
or other fluid leaks to be easily spotted and attributed to a specific machine so
that it can be repaired.
Use solvent-recycling machines or water-based cleaning machines to cut down
on the use of flammable and/or toxic solvents.
Use a service to remove the old solvents and dispose of them properly.
Design pesticide storage to keep pesticides secure and isolated from the
External Certification Programs
Golf-centric environmental management programs or environmental
management systems can help golf courses protect the environment and
preserve the natural heritage of the game.
These programs help people enhance the natural areas and wildlife habitats that
golf courses provide, improve efficiency, and minimize potentially harmful
impacts of golf course operations.
Golf courses can gain valuable recognition for their environmental education and
certification efforts.
Best Management Practices
Obtain and review materials to ascertain whether the facility should seek
Work with staff to establish facility goals that lead to certification.
Establish goals to educate members about the certification program.
Wildlife Considerations
Golf courses occupy large land areas, generally in urban areas, providing critical
links between urban and rural/natural environments.
Maintaining wildlife habitat on golf courses better maintains biological diversity,
which is especially important in the urban environment.
Most golfers enjoy observing non-threatening wildlife as they play the game.
Best Management Practices
Identify the different types of habitat specific to the site.
Identify the habitat requirements (food, water, cover, space) for identified wildlife
Identify species on the site that are considered threatened or endangered by the
federal or state government, including species the state deems “of special
Preserve critical habitat.
Identify and preserve regional wildlife and migration corridors.
Design and locate cart paths to minimize environmental impacts. Construct the
paths of permeable materials, if possible.
Avoid or minimize crossings of wildlife corridors. Design unavoidable crossings to
accommodate wildlife movement.
Remove nuisance and exotic/invasive plants and replace them with native
species that are adapted to a particular site.
Maintain clearance between the ground and the lowest portion of a fence or wall
to allow wildlife to pass, except in areas where feral animals need to be
Retain dead tree snags for nesting and feeding sites, provided they pose no
danger to people or property.
Construct and place birdhouses, bat houses, and nesting sites in out-of-play
Plant butterfly gardens around the clubhouse and out-of-play areas.
Retain riparian buffers along waterways to protect water quality and provide food,
nesting sites, and cover for wildlife.
Minimize stream or river crossings to protect water quality and preserve stream
Retain riparian buffers along waterways to protect water quality, provide food,
nesting sites, and cover for wildlife.
Nutrient Management
Regulatory Considerations
Proper nutrient management plays a key role in the reduction of environmental risk and
increases course profitability. Among other benefits, applied nutrients increase the
available pool of nutrients for dense, vigorous growth and allow turfgrass to recover
from damage, increase its resistance to stress, and increase its playability. However,
the increase in available nutrients also increases the potential risk of environmental
impact. Nutrients may move beyond the turfgrass rootzone via leaching or runoff, which
may directly impact our environment. Other organisms also respond to increases in
nutrients and, in some cases, these organisms may deleteriously alter our ecosystem. A
proper nutrient management plan should incorporate the 4R concept: Right fertilizer
source at the Right rate, at the Right time, and in the Right place. Stewardship requires
the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) that optimize the efficiency of
fertilizer use. The goal of fertilizer BMPs is to match nutrient supply with the need to
achieve an acceptable playing surface (crop requirements) and apply these nutrients in
a manner that maximizes plant uptake and minimizes nutrient losses. Selection of
BMPs varies by location, and those chosen for a given golf course are dependent on
local soil and climatic conditions, turfgrass species, management conditions, and other
site-specific factors.
Regulatory Considerations
As of January 5, 2012, all professional fertilizer applicators are required to undergo
training and become certified through the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
(NJAES) at Rutgers University or other qualified organization. (Source: New Jersey Act,
P.L. 2010, c. 112 (C.58:10A-64),
Local and state regulations are in place to better manage nutrient risks based on
the unique conditions that exist in your location. Designing a nutrient
management plan within these regulations addresses local concerns and
minimizes risk within your unique ecosystem.
Depending on your location, regulatory agencies may include federal, state, or
local policies.
In general, if your location is regulated by nutrient policies (such as nutrient
management plans), all of your nutrient BMP will be designed according to these
Understand the importance of nutrient licensing.
Best Management Practices
Identify who must be certified/licensed.
o Persons responsible for decisions regarding the management of fertilizers
containing nitrogen and/or phosphorus/phosphate at the facility must be
certified/licensed (certified fertilizer applicator).
Describe differing licenses, if applicable.
o Persons making applications of fertilizers containing nitrogen and/or
phosphate at the facility must be either certified or trained (trained fertilizer
o Trained fertilizer applicators can only apply fertilizer containing nitrogen or
phosphate while under the supervision of a certified fertilizer applicator.
Provide the minimum requirement.
o Certified fertilizer applicator: trained and pass the certification exam
o Trained fertilizer applicator: trained
Detail the Continued Education Unit required to maintain the license.
o Certified fertilizer applicators must attain 8 units of continuing education
during a 5-year recertification cycle and pay an annual certification fee.
o Trained fertilizer applicators must receive training each year and pay an
annual certification fee; Certified fertilizer applicators must attest to that
training being received.
Understand the value of training programs.
o Protect all New Jersey surface and groundwaters from impairment by
minimizing nitrogen and phosphorus loading that may be derived from
Contact local and state organizations for regulatory restrictions.
o The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) is responsible
for the training and certification of professionals fertilizer applicators
through the Professional Fertilizer Applicator Certification and Training
(ProFACT) program.
Website: https://profact.rutgers.edu
Phone: 848-932-6373
E-mail: ProFACT@sebs.rutgers.edu
Mail: ProFACT
Department of Plant Biology
59 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8520
Soil Testing
Soil testing may or may not provide the appropriate answers to your nutrient
management questions. Consult with your local land-grant university to get the
most current information and to better understand which soil test values are
relevant in your location.
o Rutgers Soil Testing Laboratory can provide further details and is located
at 57 US Highway 1, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8554. Phone: 848-932-
9295, Email: soiltest@njaes.rutgers.edu
Through proper sampling, laboratory analysis, interpretation of results,
recommendations, and record-keeping, soil testing can be used to manage
nutrients more efficiently. Resources for detailed information on the interpretation
of soil tests and resulting recommendations include:
o Turfgrass soil fertility and chemical problems: assessment and
management authored by R.N. Carrow, D.V. Waddington, and P.E. Rieke
(2001, Sleeping Bear Press. Chelsea, MI).
o Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Mehlich-3 Values for
Relative Level Categories. Available: https://njaes.rutgers.edu/soil-testing-
Interpretations of results are affected by various philosophies of laboratories or
individuals and typically involves two approaches:
o Percentage saturation of basic cations as a guide to whether nutrients are
o Sufficiency level, which evaluates the amount of available nutrients
Recommendations are typically based on two approaches:
o Sufficiency to meet the immediate needs of the plant
o Buildup soil levels to an optimum and maintenance to meet plant
Best Management Practices
Accurate and consistent sampling is essential to providing useful soil test
information over time.
Divide the course into logical components such as greens, fairways, tees,
roughs, etc., for each hole.
Ten to 15 soil samples should be randomly taken from each component and
blended together to provide a representative, uniform soil sample for that
Each soil sample should be taken from the same depth.
Poor-quality turfgrass areas that are of concern should be sampled separately
from higher-quality turfgrass areas.
The purpose of a soil test is to identify deficiencies and provide the grower with a
prediction of a plant’s response to an applied nutrient.
Use an extractant appropriate for your soils. Many soil testing labs use Mehlich-3
as the primary soil test extractant in this region including Rutgers NJAES.
Different chemical extractants used by soil testing labs have different correlations
to nutrient availability and calibrations for fertilizer response. In order to compare
soil test results over time, the same extractant must be used for each test.
Keeping soil tests from prior years will allow you to observe changes over time.
This practice can provide good evidence of the impact of your nutrient
management plan.
Building up nutrient levels is more feasible in fine-textured soils that have greater
cation exchange capacity (CEC). Nutrient levels in sand and soils with a low CEC
(~4 cmol kg
or lower), having less nutrient-holding capacity, cannot be built up
to levels possible in fine-textured soils.
Annual soil testing is recommended when soil fertility status is very low or large
changes are desired. Soil testing every two to three years will be adequate when
soil fertility status is sufficient/high.
At a minimum, soil testing should be used to identify whether any soil nutrient is
at a very low level, which indicates action is required.
Nitrogen availability is not a routine soil analysis due to its dynamic nature and
should be applied according to turf growth needs as recommended on soil test
reports and accessed in real-time by experienced turf managers.
Plant Tissue Analysis
Tissue testing provides a precise measurement of nutrients within the plant.
Tissue test sufficiency ranges are only as good as the correlation data of a given
element to an acceptable quality level of a given turfgrass.
Through proper sampling, consistent intervals, and record-keeping, tissue
sampling may be used to measure existing turf health.
Keep in mind that factors other than soil test levels may affect the nutrient status
of the plant tissue; examples include limited root growth, soil pH, soil aeration, or
soil water content.
Best Management Practices
Tissue samples may be collected during regular mowing.
Do not collect tissue after any event that may alter the nutrient analysis. Events
may include fertilization, topdressing, pesticide applications, etc.
Place tissue in paper bags, not plastic.
If possible, allow tissue samples to air-dry at your facility before mailing them.
Poor-quality turfgrass that is of concern should be sampled separately from
higher-quality turfgrass for comparison.
When turfgrass begins to show signs of nutrient stress, a sample should be
collected immediately.
More frequent tissue sampling allows a more accurate assessment of your
turfgrass nutrient status changes over time.
The frequency of tissue analysis you choose to use is entirely up to you and your
needs. However, two to four tests per year are common on greens and one to
two tests per year are common on tees and fairways.
Keeping tissue tests from prior years will allow you to observe changes over
Tissue testing can provide good evidence of the impact of your nutrient
management plan.
Fertilizers Used in Golf Course Management
Understanding the components of fertilizers, the fertilizer label, and the function of each
element within the plant are all essential in the development of an efficient nutrient
management program.
Grade or analysis is the percent by weight of Nitrogen (N), Available Phosphate
) and Soluble Potash (K
O) that is guaranteed to be in the fertilizer.
A complete fertilizer contains N, P
, and K
The laws governing the labeling of fertilizer vary among states. Consult your
land-grant university or the appropriate state agency regarding the laws in your
The label is intended to inform the user about the contents of the fertilizer which,
if understood and the product is applied accordingly, will result in little to no
environmental risk.
The fertilizer label may contain:
o Brand
o Grade
o Manufacturer’s name and address
o Guaranteed analysis
o “Derived from” statement specifying source of nutrients
o Net weight
o Directions for Use
Macronutrients are required in the greatest quantities by plants and include nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).
Understanding the role of each macronutrient within the plant should provide you with a
greater awareness of why these nutrients play such a key role in proper turfgrass
The role of nitrogen (N)
Nitrogen is required by the plant in greater quantities than any other element except
carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O). Nitrogen plays a role in numerous plant
functions including an essential component of amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids.
Fate and transformation of N
o The goal of all applied nutrients is to maximize plant uptake while
minimizing nutrient losses. Understanding each process will increase your
ability to make sound management decisions and ultimately leads to an
increase in course profitability and a reduction in environmental risk.
o Nitrogen exists in many forms in soil and environment and undergoes
many processes in changing from one form to another. Its dynamic nature
can make it especially challenging to manage.
o Soluble forms of N are the most common cause of eutrophication in
saltwater systems, and nitrate-N is a human-health hazard in drinking
Nitrogen processes
o Mineralization: the microbial-mediated conversion of organic N into plant-
available NH
o Nitrification: the microbial-mediated conversion of NH
to plant-available
o Denitrification: the microbial-mediated conversion of NO
to N gases,
which is a loss of plant-available N; this primarily occurs in wet (low-
oxygen) environments and is enhanced by high soil pH and temperature.
o Volatilization: the conversion of NH
to NH
(ammonia) gas, another
potential loss of plant-available N
o Leaching: the downward movement of an element below the rootzone
o Runoff: the surface lateral movement of an element beyond the intended
turfgrass location (loss) and potentially into water bodies (pollution)
The release mechanism and factors influencing N release from available N
sources: Understanding how certain N sources should be blended and applied is
an essential component in an efficient nutrient management plan. Application of
N sources without regard to their release characteristics is an improper practice
and increases the risk of negative environmental impact. Each N source
(particularly slow-release forms) is unique and therefore should be managed
accordingly. Applying a polymer-coated urea in the same manner one would
apply a sulfur-coated urea greatly reduces the value of the polymer-coated urea.
Similarly, applying 1 pound of N from ammonium sulfate may cause burning,
while applying 1 pound of N from certain polymer-coated urea products may not
provide the desired turfgrass response. Rate, application date, location, turfgrass
species and age of turf all should be included in your nutrient application
Soluble nitrogen sources
o Urea (46-0-0)
o Ammonium nitrate (34-0-0)
o Ammonium sulfate (21-0-0)
o Diammonium phosphate (18-46-0)
o Monoammonium phosphate (11-52-0)
o Calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0)
o Potassium nitrate (13-0-44)
Slow-release nitrogen sources: A slow-release N source is any N-containing
fertilizer where the release of plant-available N into the soil is delayed either by
requiring microbial degradation of the N source, by coating the N substrate which
delays the dissolution of N, or by reducing the water solubility of the N source.
These include:
o Sulfur-coated urea
o Polymer/resin-coated
o Isobutylidene diurea
o Urea-formaldehyde/ureaformaldehyde reaction products
o Natural organic
Urease and nitrification inhibitors
o Urease inhibitors reduce the activity of the urease enzyme resulting in a
reduction of volatilization and loss of plant-available N.
o Nitrification inhibitors reduce the activity of Nitrosomonas bacteria, which
are responsible for the conversion of NH
to NO
(nitrite). This
reduces loss of plant-available N via denitrification.
The role of phosphorus (P)
Phosphate (biologically active form of phosphorus) can be a growth-limiting factor for
many unintended organisms and is a major contributor to eutrophication of freshwater
bodies. Thus, proper timing and rates of fertilizer application should be implemented to
reduce the risk of off-site movement of phosphates.
Phosphate forms high-energy compounds that are used to transfer energy within the
plant. Phosphate may remain in an inorganic form or may become incorporated into
organic compounds. Phosphate application rates should be based upon soil test results
derived from documented calibrations demonstrating a turf/crop response to soil test
phosphate levels.
Phosphate deficiency symptoms
o Initially, reduced shoot growth and dark green color may be observed
o Later, lower leaves may turn reddish at the tips and then the color may
progress down the blade
Phosphate sufficiency ranges
o Soil test P levels <13 ppm (<26 lb/A) using the Mehlich-3 extractant are
considered very low and a spoon feeding approach, where P is applied
two to six times per year at low rate of 0.25 to 0.5 lb P
per 1,000 sq. ft.,
will be important. The higher of these rates for several years may be
needed to build up soil test levels.
o Tissue testing can be used to help diagnose a true deficiency, but the
sufficiency range may vary with species, cultivar, and growing conditions.
o Consult your land-grant university for additional information.
Phosphate fertilizer sources
o Diammonium phosphate (18-46-0)
o Concentrated superphosphate (0-44-0)
o Monoammonium phosphate (11-52-0)
o Natural organics
The role of potassium (K)
Potassium is of no environmental concern, but can be an economic concern, particularly
when potassium is over-utilized. Too much potassium in soil has an antagonistic effect
on uptake of certain other nutrients. Furthermore, two common K sources have risk of
osmotic ‘burning’ of plant tissue (high salt index). Thus, over-application of potassium is
discouraged for agronomic as well as economic considerations. Generally, potassium
concentrations in turfgrass tissue are about ⅓ to ½ that of nitrogen.
Potassium is not a component of any organic compound but is a constituent of plant cell
cytosol and moves readily within the plant. Potassium is key component of
osmoregulation which has been documented to increase stress resistance.
K deficiency symptoms
Except under severe, documented deficiencies, K may not have an observable
influence on turfgrass quality. Yellowing of older leaves followed by tip dieback
and scorching of leaf margins have been reported. K sufficiency ranges
o Soil test K levels less than the range of 20-40 ppm (40-80 lb/A) using the
Mehlich-3 extractant are considered very low. Research indicates that
annual bluegrass is more susceptible to anthracnose when K levels in the
sand-topdressed, mat layer of putting greens are <50 ppm (<100 lb/A),
o Potassium cannot be built up in low CEC soil (sands) that are subject to
leaching from high rainfall and, therefore, must be maintained by a spoon-
feeding approach. Annual fertilization rates for N and K
O that produce a
O ratio of ~1:1 are common.
o Percent K saturation on the soil CEC is useful in monitoring whether the
percent K is changing over time in response to fertilization or irrigation. A
target of 2 to 7% K saturation is a reasonable range to maintain.
o There is limited data establishing K sufficiency ranges for turfgrass tissue;
however, a general recommendation of 1.0 to 2.5% K in turfgrass leaf
tissue is often used. Research indicates that annual bluegrass is much
more susceptible to anthracnose at leaf K concentrations below 2.0%.
Other reports indicate that leaf K concentrations below 2.1, 2.2, and 1.5%
were deficient for ryegrasses (annual and perennial), tall fescue, and
Kentucky bluegrass, respectively.
o Consult your land-grant university for additional information
K fertilizer sources
o Potassium sulfate (0-0-50,low salt index)
o Potassium chloride, or Potash (0-0-60, high salt index)
o Potassium nitrate (13-0-45, medium salt index)
Secondary Macronutrients
Secondary macronutrients are essential to plant function and are required in quantities
less than N, P, and K, but more than micronutrients. These include calcium (Ca),
magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S)
The role of calcium (Ca)
Primarily a component of cell walls and structure
Calcium deficiency is rare in grasses.
Application of limestone to increase pH in acidic soil, typical of NJ, generally
provides sufficient Ca for nutritional needs.
Soil test Ca levels less than the range of 375-503 ppm (750-1007 lb/A) using the
Mehlich-3 extractant are considered low.
Ca saturation of 65 to 80% of the soil CEC is sometimes presented as the “ideal”.
General guides to cation balance in the soil are 8.5:1 for Ca:Mg; 15:1 for Ca:K.
Tissue Ca concentration <0.5% is considered deficient.
Found in gypsum, limestone, and calcium chloride
The role of magnesium (Mg)
Central ion in the chlorophyll molecule and chlorophyll synthesis
Application of dolomitic limestone to increase pH in acidic soil acts a slow-
release source of Mg.
Soil test Mg levels less than 23 ppm (46 lb/A) using the Mehlich-3 extractant are
considered very low (Rutgers NJAES)..
Carrow et al. (2001) recommends Mehlich-3 extractable Mg of 70-140 ppm (140-
280 lb/A) for sandy (low CEC) soils and >140 ppm (>280 lb/A) for finer-textured
Mg saturation of 10 to 20% on the soil CEC is normal. Typical guidelines for Mg
ratios based on percent cation saturation are 8.5:1 for Ca:Mg; 5:1 for Mg:K.
Tissue Mg concentration <0.15% is considered deficient.
Found in S-Po-Mg (langbeinite, 11% Mg), dolomitic limestone, and magnesium
The role of sulfur (S)
Metabolized into the amino acid, cysteine, which is used in various proteins and
Tissue content of S in turfgrasses ranges from 0.15 to 0.50% (dry weight) with
<0.20% often considered deficient
Grasses have a lower S requirement than many other plants
Turfgrass often receives S additions as a component of: N-fertilizers like SCU,
ammonium sulfate; from K-fertilization as K
, potassium-magnesium sulfate
(Sul-Po-Mag [langbeinite], 22% S); from P-fertilization in superphosphate 0-20-0
(12% S); in CaSO
(gypsum) to amend calcium-deficient or sodic soil; from Mg
fertilizer like MgSO
; with micronutrients applied as sulfate forms; and in use of
elemental S to reduce soil pH and/or in irrigation water that has been acidified.
The most reliable method to confirm S deficiency is a combination of tissue
testing and trial application of a SO
-containing fertilizer
o Since S deficiency results in chlorosis, a foliar application of 0.05 lb S per
1,000 ft
as K
or CaSO
in 3 to 5 gallons of water should provide a
greening response if S is deficient.
Consult your land-grant university for additional information
Found in ammonium sulfate, elemental sulfur, gypsum, potassium sulfate
Understanding the role of each micronutrient within the plant should provide you with a
greater appreciation of why these nutrients play such a key role in proper turfgrass
Micronutrients are just as essential for proper turfgrass health as macronutrients, but
they are required in very small quantities compared to macronutrients. Micronutrients
include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), molybdenum
(Mo), Chlorine (Cl), and Nickel (Ni). Deficiencies of most are very rarely observed (Zn,
Cu, Mo, B) or never reported (Cl, Ni) under field situations. Iron (Fe) deficiencies are
relatively common; manganese (Mn) deficiencies are less often observed but not
Micronutrient categories are less well defined than macronutrient categories.
Micronutrient Units
ppm soil
ppm soil
ppm soil
ppm soil
pH dependent: calculate an activity index
MnAI = 101.7 + 3.75Mn - 15.2pH
25 100
Values below the "critical level" should be considered deficient
Values above "high" should be considered a warning. Certain micronutrients
can be toxic to plants at excessive levels.
In addition to its effect on manganese availability, soil pH also affects the
availability of other micronutrients. Aeration can also be a factor.
Iron (Fe) deficiency symptoms first occur on younger leaves, due to its immobility
in the plant, as interveinal yellowing. In contrast, N deficiency appears initially on
older leaves. Leaves turn pale yellow to white under prolonged deficiency and
exhibit thin spindly growth with older leaves becoming chlorotic. Tissue
concentrations of Fe are usually within 100 to 500 ppm. Critical deficiencies vary
with bentgrass <100 ppm and bermudagrass <50 ppm. Calcareous soils
generally have a pH between 7.3 to 8.5 and are prone to causing Fe deficiency
because of its low solubility in alkaline soil.
Manganese (Mn) deficiencies can be observed on turfgrasses grown on acid
sandy soils and calcareous sands. Frequent use of foliar Fe contributes to Mn
deficiencies by suppressing Mn uptake. Deficiencies of Mn are most often
associated with high pH soils or recently limed soils. Acidifying N-carriers may
increase Mn availability on alkaline soils by enhancing Mn solubility.
Consult your land-grant university for additional information on micronutrients.
The role of iron (Fe)
Is part of the catalytic enzymes and is required for chlorophyll synthesis
Affects photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and respiration
The role of manganese (Mn)
Involved in photosynthesis
Required as a cofactor for ~35 enzymes
Lignin biosynthesis depends on Mn. Reduced lignin content in roots (thinner root
cell walls) may contribute to susceptibility to take-all patch and other root
The role of boron (B)
Found in the cell wall; probably required for the structural integrity of the cell wall
The role of copper (Cu)
Cu-protein plastocyanin is involved in photosynthesis
Cofactor for a variety of oxidative enzymes
The role of zinc (Zn)
Structural component of enzymes
Required for protein synthesis
Carbohydrate metabolism affected by Zn
The role of molybdenum (Mo)
Primarily related to nitrogen metabolism
Structural and catalytic functions of enzymes
The role of chlorine (Cl)
Required for the oxygen-evolving reactions of photosynthesis
Also appears to be required for cell division in both leaves and shoots
The role of nickel (Ni)
Relatively recent classification as an essential nutrient for higher plants
Nickel is a metal component of urease (enzyme) necessary for proper structure
and activity of urease, which catalyzes the transformation of urea, CO(NH
, to
Soil pH
Identifying pH levels may be the most important soil test result for turfgrass managers.
In most cases, a pH of 6.3 is ideal because it provides the greatest probability of
micronutrient availability. Soil pH adjustments may occur slowly and are temporary.
Best Management Practices
To increase soil pH, apply a liming material (calcium carbonate, calcium oxide,
dolomitic limestone) that contains Ca
and neutralizes acidity.
To lower soil pH, products containing elemental sulfur should be applied.
In some cases, utilizing injection pumps into irrigation water to address pH can
be beneficial.
Nutrient Management
Within each state, environmental conditions vary greatly including differences
among soils, topography, rainfall, and temperature. These differences require
that a nutrient management plan be flexible enough to allow turfgrass managers
to address their unique needs.
Understand the importance of application timing for most effective use of applied
Best Management Practices
The objective of all nutrient applications is plant uptake and the corresponding
desirable response, healthy and vigorous plants.
Apply nutrients when turfgrass is actively growing and therefore able to take up
and utilize the nutrients.
Apply slow-release N fertilizers at the appropriate time of year to maximize the
products’ release characteristics. For example, an application of slow-release N
to warm-season turfgrasses in fall may not be as effective as the same
application applied in early summer because of the prolonged-release time in fall.
Follow N application rate recommendations from your local land-grant university.
See Rutgers Cooperative Extension bulletin E327, Best Management Practices
for Nutrient Management of Turf in New Jersey at
N application rates from slow-release materials should take into consideration the
release rate of the chosen material. If insufficient material is applied, the desired
response may not be observed.
Consult your local land-grant university for efficient N:K in your location. Annual
fertilization rates for N and K
O that produce a N:K
O ratio of ~1:1 are common.
The reduced height of cut and excessive traffic damage on putting greens result
in an increased need for growth leading to an increase in nutritional
Tees and landing areas often have higher fertility requirements than fairways and
roughs because they suffer constant divot damage.
Fairways and roughs often require less nutrient inputs than other locations
because of their increased height of cut, less damage, and clipping return.
Exercise caution when applying nutrient applications, especially N and P, during
turfgrass establishment as these applications are particularly susceptible to loss
via leaching and runoff or erosion and can contribute to eutrophication of water
In the seedling stage, provide appropriate rates and products to minimize N loss
without reducing turfgrass establishment.
o Increased water applications
o Increased nutrients to hasten establishment
o Low root density and mass compared to mature turfgrass
Be aware of the different types of spreaders and understand the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
Not all fertilizers can be spread with every spreader. For example, if sulfur-coated
urea was spread through a drop spreader, the sulfur coating could be damaged,
essentially leading to an application of soluble urea.
Choose the appropriate spreader for a given fertilizer material.
o Walk-behind rotary
o Drop spreader
o Bulk rotary
o Spray
Calibration of spreaders and sprayer settings reduces environmental risk and
increases profitability.
Proper fertilizer storage, loading, and clean-up reduce environmental risk.
Avoid applying fertilizer to soils that are at, or near, field capacity or following rain
events that leave the soils wet.
Do not apply fertilizer when the National Weather Service has issued a flood,
tropical storm, or hurricane watch or warning, or if heavy rains are likely.
Water Quality Monitoring and Management
Regulatory Considerations
Regulatory Considerations
Golf course owners and superintendents should investigate regulatory requirements
that may exist in their location to protect surface and groundwater quality.
Best Management Practices
Aquatic management of plants may be regulated under construction permitting
and regulatory licensing requirements. Consult with federal, state, and local
water management agencies before managing golf course lakes and wetland
Consult with federal, state, and local water management agencies, and/or
consult an approved management plan before performing cultural practices:
fertilization; installation of plants; hand removal of plants, or mechanical
The introduction of aquatic triploid grass carp, biological controls, aeration, and
chemical controls (herbicide/algaecide) must be approved and monitored
according to permit and licensing protocols and compliance.
The disposal of sediments from surface-water ponds (stormwater detention) may
be subject to regulation.
Golf course owners are responsible for Total Maximum Daily Loading (TMDLs),
mitigation, and watershed basin management action plans (BMAP).
Wetlands are protected areas; consult with federal and state agencies before
altering natural aquatic areas.
Constructed wetlands should have an impervious bottom to prevent groundwater
Studies of water supplies are needed for irrigation systems, including studies of
waterbodies or flows on, near, and under the property are needed to properly
design a course’s stormwater system and water features to protect water
Site Analysis
Design an aquatic plant management strategy that addresses the intended uses of the
waterbody to maintain water quality. Identify the site’s physical attributes and location,
the invasive or weedy species present, aesthetics, watershed and groundwater
assessments, and other environmental considerations.
Best Management Practices
Accommodate natural lake processes in the construction of lakes and ponds;
include herbaceous and woody vegetation and emergent and submergent
shoreline plants to reduce operational costs.
Use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and native or naturalized vegetation
wherever practical.
Apply appropriate herbicides to minimize damage to non-target littoral plantings.
Maintain a narrow band of open water at the pond edge to control the expansion
of plants into more desirable littoral plantings.
Use appropriate aquatic herbicides to avoid turfgrass injury.
Where appropriate, use mechanical means to control nuisance vegetation. For
example, remove algae by hand to prevent negative effects on aquatic wildlife or
desirable vegetation.
Document maintenance of waterbodies and chemical treatment of waterbodies
Irrigation should not directly strike or runoff to waterbodies and no-fertilization
buffers should be maintained along edges.
Outline goals and priorities to guide the development of the BMP necessary to
support the lake/aquatic management plan.
Superintendents should monitor designated waters in their area for the
persistence of highly toxic herbicides and algaecides in the environment.
Secondary environmental effects on surface water and groundwater from the
chemical control of vegetation should be monitored and recorded.
Apply fertilizer and reclaimed (reuse) irrigation/fertigation appropriately to avoid
surface and groundwater contamination. Reclaimed (reuse) irrigation should be
analyzed quarterly throughout the growing season.
Apply copper products per label instructions to reduce the risk of negative
biological impacts and impairing water quality.
Identify the position of property in relation to its watershed.
Identify overall goals and quality concerns of the local watershed.
Indicate surface water and flow patterns.
Indicate stormwater flow as well as existing and potential holding capacity.
Indicate impervious surfaces, such as buildings, parking lots, or pathways.
Indicate major drainages and catch basins that connect to local surface water
Identify and understand the depth to water tables and soil types.
Locate and protect wellheads.
Water Quality Sampling Program
Every golf course should have a plan to monitor the state of the environment and
the effects the golf course may be having on the environment.
Monitoring is the method used to determine whether outside events are
impacting the water quality entering the golf course, or whether the golf course is
having a positive, neutral, or negative effect on water quality. It also provides a
body of evidence on the golf course’s environmental impact.
A water quality monitoring plan should be prepared to ensure the ongoing
protection of groundwater and surface-water quality after construction is
completed. The same sites should be monitored during the preconstruction
phase, although the monitoring plan can be modified based on site-specific
Sampling parameters are determined based on golf course operation and basin-
specific parameters of concern (these may be identified by local/state Total
Maximum Daily Load [TMDL] Programs). Typically, samples should be analyzed
for nutrients, pH and alkalinity, sediments, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen
(DO), heavy metals, and any pesticides expected to be used on the golf course.
Some things can be monitored with handheld sensors but all can be analyzed by
a certified laboratory.
Establish thresholds for important water quality parameters such as dissolved
oxygen to maintain a healthy ecosystem and reduce stress or death to aquatic
wildlife such as fish.
Ongoing, routine water sampling provides meaningful trends over time. A single
sample is rarely meaningful in isolation. Select one time per year, at a minimum,
and consistently use that season year after year for sampling.
Post-construction surface-water quality sampling should begin with the
installation and maintenance of golf course turf and landscaping. Samples should
be collected a minimum of three times per year.
Should there be no discharge on the scheduled sample date, samples should be
taken during the next discharge event.
Post-construction surface-water quality sampling should continue through the
first three years of operation and during the wet and dry seasons every third year
thereafter, provided that all required water quality monitoring has been completed
and the development continues to implement all current management plans. It
may also be wise to sample if a significant change has been made in course
operation or design that could affect nearby water quality.
Best Management Practices
Establish dissolved oxygen (DO) thresholds to prevent fish kills (occur at levels of
2 ppm), for example, use artificial aeration (diffusers).
Reduce stress on fish; keep DO levels above 3 ppm.
Select algaecides containing hydrogen peroxide instead of one containing copper
or endothall to treat high populations of phytoplankton. Consult with a
professional to properly identify the algae type.
Use IPM principles to limit the excessive use of pesticides.
Spot-treat filamentous algae or frequently remove algae by hand to prevent
lowering oxygen concentrations in water.
Use dyes and aeration to maintain appropriate light and DO levels.
Apply algaecides to small areas to prevent fish mortality; do not treat the entire
pond at once.
Coordinate construction/renovation activities to minimize the amount of disturbed
area and possible risk of contamination via runoff.
Plan construction/renovation activities in phases to limit soil disruption and
Sod, sprig, or reseed bare or thinning turf areas.
Mulch areas under tree canopies to cover bare soil.
Avoid the use of trimmers that reduce debris from entering bodies of water.
Mow lake and pond collars at 2 inches or higher to slow and filter overland flow to
water bodies.
Remove excess sediments to reduce irrigation system failures.
Treat dredged materials as a toxic substance. Avoid contact with turf. Collecting
a sample of dredged material from a pond can be helpful to determine toxicity
and use parameters.
Locate littoral shelves at the pond’s inlets and outlets to reduce problems with the
playability and maintainability of a water hazard.
Sampling Parameters, Collection, and Analysis
A water quality monitoring program must include monitoring of surface water,
groundwater, and pond sediments. It should be implemented in three phases:
background, construction, and long-term management.
Sampling of all watershed ingress and egress points is important to know what is
coming into the property to identify potential impacts and baseline of water
quality data.
The purpose of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) is to ensure that
chemical, physical, biological, microbiological, and toxicological data are
appropriate and reliable and are collected and analyzed using scientifically sound
It is strongly recommended that a certified laboratory be used even if the data are
only for proprietary use and are not reported to any regulatory agency.
QA/QC procedures should be followed. Golf course management must have
good data to make good decisions. If a golf course should ever want to produce
data for an agency or in court to defend the facility from unwarranted charges,
those data must meet QA/QC standards to be defensible as evidence.
Best Management Practices
Seek professional assistance from an environmental specialist to design an
appropriate water sample collection strategy.
Determine what sites will be analyzed and use reputable equipment and qualified
Demonstrate responsible land and water use practices based on water data.
Define data values appropriately based on the associated BMP used to protect
water quality.
Record observations of fish, wildlife, and general pond conditions.
Buffer Zones
Buffers around the shore of a waterbody or other sensitive areas filter and purify
runoff as it passes across the buffer. Ideally, plant buffers with native species
provide a triple play of water quality benefits, pleasing aesthetics, and
habitat/food sources for wildlife. As discussed above, it is important to continue
these plantings into the water to provide emergent vegetation for aquatic life,
even if the pond is not used for stormwater treatment.
Effective BMPs in these areas include filter and trap sediment, site-specific
natural/organic fertilization, and limits on pesticide use, primarily focusing on the
control of invasive species.
Golf course stormwater management should include “natural systems
engineering” or “soft engineering” approaches that maximize the use of natural
systems to treat water.
Best Management Practices
Riparian buffers are zones adjacent to waterbodies that help to filter pollutants
from runoff and protect the waterbody.
Establish low-maintenance zones adjacent to waterbodies where chemicals are
not applied and vegetation is not frequently mowed. This will improve the filtering
ability of these zones. The nutrients in runoff encourage aquatic plant growth and
algae blooms.
Riparian buffer areas are above the high-water mark and should be unfertilized
and left in a natural state.
Collect and dispose of grass clippings where runoff and wind will not carry them
back to the water body.
Establish chemical-free zones adjacent to waterbodies. The nutrients runoff
encourages aquatic plant growth and algae blooms.
The placement of bunkers and the shaping of contours surrounding a green
should allow proper drainage and provide for the treatment and absorption of
runoff from the green.
Use turf and native plantings to enhance buffer areas. Increase the height of cut
in the riparian zone to filter and buffer nutrient movement to the water.
Practice good fertilizer management to reduce the nutrient runoff into ponds that
causes algae blooms and ultimately reduces DO levels.
Use a deflector shield to prevent fertilizer and pesticide prills from contacting
surface waters.
Apply fertilizer and pesticides based on the effective swath; keep application on
target and away from buffers or channel swales.
Use a swale and berm system to allow for resident time (ponding) for water to
infiltrate through the root zone to reduce lateral water movement to the surface
water body.
An appropriate-sized buffer (steeper slope requires great buffer width) of turf
mowed at a higher height of cut and minimally fertilized with enhanced-efficiency
fertilizers can provide an effective buffer.
Ideally, littoral zones should have a slope of about 1-foot vertical to 6-10 foot
Encourage clumps of native emergent vegetation at the shoreline.
Reverse-grade around the perimeter to control surface water runoff into ponds
and reduce nutrient loads.
Planting on slopes with less than a 6-foot horizontal to a 1-foot vertical may not
be as successful over the long term.
Construct random small dips and ridges of a few inches to a foot to promote
diversity within the plant community and provide a healthier and more productive
littoral zone.
All or most of the out-of-play water bodies should have shoreline buffers planted
with native or well-adapted noninvasive vegetation to provide food and shelter for
Manipulate water levels to prevent low levels that result in warmer temperatures
and lowered DO levels.
Aerate shallow lakes less than 6 feet in depth to maintain acceptable DO levels.
Where applicable, aerate at night to control oxygen depletion in any pond.
Install desirable plants to naturally buffer DO loss and fluctuation.
Dredge or remove sediment to protect beneficial organisms that contribute to the
lake's food web and overall lake health.
Wetland Protection
Several states protect wetlands as waters of the state by rule of law. Wetlands
act both as filters for pollutant removal and as nurseries for many species. Many
people do not realize the vital role they play in purifying surface waters.
The biological activity of plants, fish, animals, insects, and especially bacteria
and fungi in a healthy, diverse wetland is the recycling factory of our ecosystem.
While wetlands do pose a special concern, their mere presence is not
incompatible with the game of golf. With care, many golf holes have been
threaded through sensitive areas, and with proper design and management golf
can be an acceptable neighbor.
When incorporated into a golf course design, wetlands should be maintained as
preserves and separated from managed turf areas with native vegetation or
structural buffers.
Constructed or disturbed wetlands may be permitted to be an integral part of the
stormwater management system.
Best Management Practices
Establish wetlands where water enters lakes to slow water flow and trap
Maintain appropriate silt fencing and BMP on projects upstream to prevent
erosion and sedimentation.
Natural waters cannot be considered treatment systems and must be protected.
(Natural waters do not include treatment wetlands.)
Establish a low- to no-maintenance level within a 75-foot buffer along non-tidal
and tidal wetlands.
Establish and maintain a sustainable, protective riparian buffer.
Stormwater Management
Controlling stormwater on a golf course is more than just preventing the flooding of the
clubhouse, maintenance, and play areas. In addition to controlling the amount and rate
of water leaving the course, stormwater involves storing irrigation water, controlling
erosion and sedimentation, enhancing wildlife habitat, removing waterborne pollutants,
and addressing aesthetic and playability concerns. Keep in mind that not all stormwater
on a golf course originates there; some may be from adjoining lands, including
residential or commercial developments.
Best Management Practices
Use bioretention systems (i.e. rain gardens, bioswales, etc.) to slow and infiltrate
water and trap pollutants in the soil, where they can be naturally destroyed by
soil organisms.
Maximize the use of pervious pavements, such as brick or concrete pavers
separated by sand and planted with grass.
Special high-permeability concrete is available for cart paths or parking lots.
Design stormwater control structures to hold stormwater for appropriate
residence times in order to remove total suspended solids.
Use a stormwater treatment train to convey water from one treatment structure to
Eliminate or minimize directly connected impervious areas as much as possible.
Disconnect runoff from gutters and roof drains from impervious areas, so that it
flows onto permeable areas that allow the water to infiltrate near the point of
Use depressed landscape islands in parking lots to catch, filter, and infiltrate
water, instead of letting it run off. When hard rains occur, an elevated stormwater
drain inlet allows the island to hold the treatment volume and settle out
sediments, while allowing the overflow to drain away.
Ensure that no discharges from pipes go directly to water.
During construction and/or renovation, temporary barriers and traps must be used to
prevent sediments from being washed off-site into water bodies. Wherever possible,
keep a vegetative cover on the site until it is actually ready for construction, and then
plant, sod, or otherwise cover it as soon as possible to prevent erosion.
Best Management Practices
Use shoreline grasses to prevent bank erosion.
Use dry detention basins/catchments to buffer flooding and excessive runoff that
may contain sediment.
When constructing drainage systems, pay close attention to engineering details
such as subsoil preparation, the placement of gravel, slopes, and backfilling.
Internal golf course drains should not drain directly into an open water body, but
should discharge through pretreatment zones and/or vegetative buffers to help
remove nutrients and sediments.
Maintain a vegetative cover on construction sites until it is actually ready for
Regularly sweep impervious surfaces during construction to remove sediment
and debris.
Sodic/Saline Conditions
All-natural waters contain soluble salts; however, the amount and type of salts
they contain vary greatly.
Irrigation water can degrade when wells are pumped at high rates or for
prolonged periods. Sometimes “up-coning” can occur from pumping, whereby
saline water, rather than freshwater, is drawn into the well.
Saline water typically is unsuitable for irrigation because of its high content of
total dissolved salts.
Saltwater intrusion from groundwater pumping near coastal areas can create a
problem with some irrigation wells.
Best Management Practices
Use surface water to mix (blend) affected groundwater to lower the total salt
Routinely monitor water quality to ensure that salt concentrations are at
acceptable levels.
Consider fertilizer that uses soluble nitrogen forms with a relatively low
concentration of salts in frequent applications.
Consider a controlled-release fertilizer to reduce salt injury.
Identify salt additions and saline sources that contribute to the total salt
Base management plan on routine soil tests to determine sodium adsorption
ration (SAR), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), electrical conductivity
saturated paste method/unit (ECe), and free calcium carbonate content.
Select alternative turfgrass and landscape plants that are more salt-tolerant.
Reduce salt accumulations in the soil by flushing soils as needed with a higher-
quality water source. In New Jersey, where rain averages 40” per year, flushing
soils is typically not a concern. However, using Saturated Paste method testing
and irrigation water testing can help determine if flushing is necessary to reduce
sodium accumulations in the soil.
Design irrigation systems to account for the flushing of salt accumulation from the
Amend soil and water to remove salt ions from affected areas.
Cultural Practices
Cultural practices are an important part of golf course turf management. Certain cultural
practices such as mowing, verticutting, and rolling are necessary to provide a high-
quality playing surface, while others such as aerification are required to enhance plant
Heavily used areas such as putting greens often deteriorate because of compacted soil,
thatch accumulation, and excessive use. Soil problems from active use are usually
limited to the top 3 inches of the soil profile and should be actively managed to enhance
turf health and improve nutrient and water uptake.
Unlike annual crops, which offer the opportunity for periodic tilling of the soil profile to
correct problems like soil compaction that might develop over time, turfgrass does not
offer opportunities for significant physical disturbance of the soil without destroying the
playing surface.
Mowing is the most basic yet most important cultural practice to consider when
developing a management plan.
The mowing practices implemented on a facility will have an impact on turf
density, texture, color, root development, and wear tolerance.
Mowing practices affect turfgrass growth. Frequent mowing will increase shoot
density and tillering. It will also decrease root and rhizome growth as a result of
plant stress associated with the removal of leaf tissue.
Infrequent mowing results in alternating cycles of vegetative growth followed by
scalping (removing more than ⅓ of leaf tissue), which further depletes food
reserves of the plants.
Proper mowing height is a function of the species/cultivar being managed and
the intended use of the site. Other factors influencing mowing height include
mowing frequency, shade, mowing equipment, time of year, root growth, and
abiotic and biotic stress.
Maintaining an optimal root-to-shoot ratio is critical. Turfgrass plants that are
mowed too low will require a substantial amount of time to provide the food
needed to produce shoot tissue for future photosynthesis. If turf is mowed too low
in one event, an imbalance occurs between the remaining vegetative tissue and
the root system, resulting in more roots being present than the plant needs
physiologically. As a result, the plants will slough off the unneeded roots. Root
growth is least affected when no more than 30% to 40% of leaf area is removed
in a single mowing.
Failure to mow properly will result in weakened turf with poor density and quality.
Best Management Practices
Mowing frequency should increase during periods of rapid growth and decrease
during dry, stressful periods.
If turf becomes too tall, it should not be mowed down to the desired height all at
once. Such severe scalping reduces turf density and can result in a dramatic
reduction in root growth. Tall grass should be mowed frequently and height
gradually decreased until the desired height of cut is achieved.
Shade affects turfgrass growth by filtering out photosynthetically active radiation.
As a result, turfgrass plants respond by growing upright in an effort to capture
more light to meet their photosynthetic needs. As a result, mowing height should
be increased by at least 30% to improve the health of turf grown in a shaded
The use of the plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl has been shown to
improve overall turf health when used as a regular management tool for grasses
growing in shaded environments.
Environmental stresses such as prolonged cloudy weather or drought can have a
significant impact on turf health. Increase mowing heights as much as use will
allow in order to increase photosynthetic capacity and rooting depth of plants.
Use proper mowing equipment.
Reel mowers are ideally suited for maintaining turfgrass stands that require a
height of cut below 1.5 inches. They produce the best quality when compared to
other types of mowers.
Rotary mowers, when sharp and properly adjusted, deliver acceptable cutting
quality for turf that is to be cut above 1 inch in height. Dull blades will result in
shredding of leaf tissue, increasing water loss and the potential for disease
Flail mowers are most often used to maintain utility turf areas that are mowed
infrequently and do not have a high aesthetic requirement.
Mowing patterns influence both the aesthetic and functional characteristics of a
turf surface. Vary mowing patterns to distribute wear and compaction over as
large an area as practical.
Turfgrass clippings are a source of nutrients, containing 2% to 4% nitrogen on a
dry-weight basis, as well as significant amounts of phosphorus and potassium.
Nutrients contained in clippings can be sources of pollution and should be
handled properly.
Clippings should be returned to the site during the mowing process unless the
presence of grass clippings will have a detrimental impact on play. Cases when
clippings should be removed, include times when the amount of clippings is so
large that it could smother the underlying grass or on golf greens where clippings
might affect ball roll.
Collected clippings should be disposed of properly to prevent undesirable odors
near play areas and to prevent fire hazards that can occur when clippings
accumulate. Consider composting clippings or dispersing them evenly in natural
areas where they can decompose naturally without accumulating in piles.
Cultivation involves disturbing the soil or thatch through the use of various
implements to achieve important agronomic goals that include relief of soil
compaction, thatch/organic matter reduction, and improved water and air
Cultivation techniques will result in disturbance of the playing surface that can
require significant time for recovery.
Frequency of cultivation should be based on traffic intensity and conditions of the
turf and soil profile and weather.
Core aerification is effective at managing thatch, soil compaction, and aiding in
the improvement of water infiltration and soil drainage.
Accumulation of excessive thatch and organic matter will reduce root growth,
encourage disease, and create undesirable playing conditions.
Light and frequent applications of sand will smooth the playing surface, modify
thatch, and potentially change the physical characteristics of the underlying soil
when done in conjunction with core aerification.
Best Management Practices
Core aerification involves the removal of small cores or plugs from the soil profile.
Cores are usually 0.25 to 0.75 inch in diameter. Annual core aerification
programs are often designed to remove 15%-20% of the surface area. High-
traffic areas may require a minimum of two to four core aerifications annually.
Core aerification should be conducted only when grasses are actively growing to
aid in the quick recovery of plant density.
Vary depth of aerification events by incorporating tines of varying lengths to
prevent development of compacted layers in the soil profile as a result of
Solid tines cause less disturbance to the turf surface and can be used to
temporarily reduce compaction and soften surface hardness during months when
the growth rate of grasses has been reduced. Benefits of solid-tine aerification
are temporary because no soil is removed from the profile.
Deep-drill aerification creates deep holes in the soil profile through use of drill
bits. Soil is brought to the surface and is either removed or distributed into the
canopy. Holes can be backfilled with new root-zone materials if a drill-and-fill
machine is used. These machines allow the replacement of heavier soils with
sand or other materials in an effort to improve water infiltration into the soil
Drill and Fill at Deerwood Country Club
Slicing and spiking reduce surface compaction and promote water infiltration with
minimal surface damage.
Slicing is faster than core aerification but is less effective. Slicing is best
accomplished on moist soils.
A spiker can break up crusts on the soil surface, disrupt algae layers, and
improve water infiltration.
Vertical mowing practices can be incorporated into a cultural management
program to achieve a number of different goals. The grain of a putting green can
be reduced by setting a groomer to a depth that just nicks the surface of the turf
typically only cutting leaf blades. Deeper penetration of verticutting knives will
stimulate new growth by cutting through stolons and rhizomes while removing
accumulated thatch.
Scarifying depth for thatch removal should reach the bottom of the thatch layer
and extend into the surface of the soil or mat layer beneath the thatch.
Dethatching with a scarifier is an aggressive practice that typically is not
recommended on golf putting greens because of the damage that occurs and the
extensive recovery time required.
Initiate vertical mowing practices before the thatch level reaches 0.25 to 0.5 inch
in depth. Shallow verticutting can be completed at least monthly on putting
greens to prevent excessive thatch accumulation.
Groomers, or miniature vertical mowers attached to the front of reels, are
effective at improving the management of grain and improving plant density.
Topdress the playing surface with sand following core aerification and deep
vertical mowing practices to aid in the recovery of turf. Rates will vary from 0.10
to 0.25 inch in depth and will depend on the aggressiveness of cultivation as well
as the capacity of the turf canopy to absorb the material without burying the
Light, frequent applications of topdressing sand on putting greens can smooth
out minor surface irregularities, aiding in the management of thatch
Use only weed-free topdressing materials with a particle size similar to that of the
underlying root zone.
Use of finer materials can result in layering and can have a negative impact on
water infiltration.
Daily rolling of putting surfaces following mowing can increase putting speeds by
roughly 10%, allowing for improved ball roll without lowering the height of the cut.
To minimize the potential for compaction caused by rolling, use light weight
Greens Rolling- The Ridgewood Country Club
Shade and Tree Management
In general, most turfgrasses perform best in full sun.
Excessive shade reduces photosynthesis and air circulation, thus increasing the
susceptibility of the turf to pest and disease problems.
The roots of large trees growing near playing surfaces will extend well beyond
the drip line and compete with the turf for nutrients and water, leading to the
decline of those playing surfaces.
As trees age and grow larger, the impact on playing surfaces, play, and strategy
of the course intensifies.
Best Management Practices
Prune tree limbs and roots as needed to reduce competition for sunlight, water,
and nutrients.
When possible, trees located near closely mowed areas such as tees and greens
should be removed or their canopy should be thinned to promote good turf
Understand the variability in sun angles at different times of the year and how
this affects turf health.
Conduct a shade audit to identify problem areas.
Conduct a tree survey that identifies each tree’s location, species, health, life
expectancy, safety concerns, value and special maintenance requirements.
Integrated Pest Management
Regulatory Considerations
The philosophy of integrated pest management (IPM) was developed in the 1950s
because of concerns over increased pesticide use, environmental contamination, and
the development of pesticide resistance. The objectives of IPM include reducing pest
management expenses, conserving energy, and reducing the risk of pesticide exposure
to people, animals, and the environment. However, its main goal is to reduce pesticide
use by using a combination of tactics to control pests, including cultural, biological,
genetic, and chemical controls.
Pest management on golf courses results in significant inputs of time, labor, and
financial resources. To grow healthy turfgrass, it is important for golf course
superintendents to know what IPM is and how to implement it for each pest group
(arthropods, nematodes, diseases, and weeds). They must be well-versed in pest
identification, understanding pest life cycles and/or conditions that favor pests, and
know about all possible methods of controlling pests.
Regulatory Considerations
Some federal or state regulations cover practically anyone who manufactures,
formulates, markets, and uses pesticides.
Record keeping of pesticide use may be required by law. IPM principles suggest
that you keep records of all pest control activity so that you may refer to
information on past infestations or other problems to select the best course of
action in the future.
Best Management Practices
Proper records of all pesticide applications should be kept according to local,
state, or federal requirements.
Use records to establish proof of use and follow-up investigation of standard
protocols regarding:
o Date and time of application
o Name of applicator
o The person directing or authorizing the application
o Weather conditions at the time of application
o Target pest
o The pesticide used (trade name, the active ingredient, amount of
formulation, amount of water)
o Adjuvant/surfactant and amount applied if used
o Area treated (acres or square feet) and location
o The total amount of pesticide used
o Application equipment
o Additional remarks, such as the severity of the infestation or life stage of
the pest
o Follow-up to check the effectiveness of the application
IPM Overview
The fundamental basis of an environmentally sound pest control program is a
process called IPM.
IPM focuses on the basics of identifying the pests, choosing pest-resistant
varieties of grasses and other plants, enhancing the habitat for natural enemies
of pests, scouting to determine pest populations and determining acceptable
thresholds, and applying biological and other less toxic alternatives to chemical
pesticides whenever possible.
Chemical controls should be used in a manner to minimize negative effects on
beneficial organisms and the environment and to minimize the development of
pesticide resistance.
Best Management Practices
Chemical pesticide applications should be carefully chosen for effective and site-
specific pest control with minimal environmental impact.
Identify key pests on key plants.
Determine the pest’s life cycle and know which life stage to target (for example,
for an insect pest, whether to target egg, larva/nymph, pupa, and/or adult).
Use cultural, mechanical, or physical methods to prevent problems from
occurring (for example, prepare the site, select resistant cultivars), reduce pest
habitat (for example, practice good sanitation, carry out pruning and
dethatching), or to help promote biological control (for example, provide nectar or
honeydew sources).
Decide which pest management practice is appropriate and carry out corrective
actions. Direct control to where the pest lives or feeds.
Use preventive chemical applications only when your professional judgment
indicates that properly timed preventive applications are likely to control the
target pest effectively while minimizing the economic and environmental costs.
Determine whether the corrective actions actually reduced or prevented pest
populations were economical, and minimized risks. Record and use this
information when making similar decisions in the future.
Written Plan
IPM is an overall pest management strategy that includes pest monitoring, action
thresholds, and biological controls, cultural methods, other applicable practices.
A pest-control strategy should be used only when the pest is causing or is
expected to cause more damage than what can be reasonably and economically
tolerated. A control strategy should be implemented that reduces the pest
numbers to an acceptable level while minimizing harm to non-target organisms.
When a pesticide application is deemed necessary, its selection should be based
on effectiveness, minimal toxicity to non-target species, cost, and site
characteristics, as well as its solubility and persistence.
Best Management Practices
Decide which pest management practice(s) are appropriate and carry out
corrective actions. Direct control where the pest lives or feeds. Use properly
timed preventive chemical applications only when your professional judgment
indicates they are likely to control the target pest effectively while minimizing the
economic and environmental costs.
Determine whether the corrective actions actually reduced or prevented pest
populations were economical, and minimized risks. Record and use this
information when making similar decisions in the future.
Observe and document turf conditions regularly (daily, weekly, or monthly,
depending on the pest), noting which pests are present, so intelligent decisions
can be made regarding how damaging the pests are and what control strategies
are necessary.
Pest Thresholds
IPM is commonly used in agricultural crop production, where the economic
thresholds for key pests have been determined. Pest levels exceeding the site’s
threshold warrant treatment.
Using IPM is more challenging on golf courses than in an agricultural setting. The
golf industry is sensitive to aesthetic damage, and golfers are often intolerant of
anything that could affect the appearance of turfgrass and ornamental plants.
Increased golfers and maintenance personnel's education could raise their
tolerance of minor, aesthetic damage without compromising plant health, play,
and aesthetics.
Best Management Practices
Use available pest thresholds to guide pesticide application decisions (see IPM
Use preventive chemical applications only when professional judgment indicates
that properly timed preventive applications are likely to effectively control the
target pest while minimizing economic and environmental costs.
Record and use this information when making similar decisions in the future.
Monitoring, or scouting, is the most important element of a successful IPM
program. Monitoring documents the presence and development of pests or the
conditions that are conducive for pest outbreaks throughout the year.
It is essential to record the results of scouting in order to develop historical
information, document patterns of pest activity, and document successes and
Best Management Practices
Train personnel to observe and document turf conditions regularly (daily, weekly,
or monthly, depending on the pest), noting which pests are present, so intelligent
decisions can be made regarding how damaging they are and what control
strategies are necessary.
Train personnel to understand the pest’s life cycle and know which life stage to
target (for example, for an insect pest, whether it is an egg, larva/nymph, pupa,
or adult).
Train personnel to determine whether the corrective actions actually reduced or
prevented pest populations were economical and minimized risks. Record and
use this information when making similar decisions in the future.
Train personnel to document, identify, and record key pest activities on key
Look for signs of the pest. These may include mycelium, reproductive structures
(such as acervuli, perithecia, mushrooms), animal damage, insect frass, or
Identify the symptoms of the pest. Look for symptoms such as chlorosis,
necrosis, leaf spots, dieback, growth reduction, defoliation, mounds, or tunnels.
Determine the damage. Problem areas might include the edges of fairways,
shady areas, or poorly drained areas.
Document when the damage occurred. Note the time of day, year, and flowering
stages of nearby plants.
Map pest outbreak locations to identify patterns and susceptible areas for future
target applications and ultimate pesticide reductions.
Record Keeping
It is essential to record the results of scouting in order to develop historical
information, document patterns of pest activity, and document successes and
Record keeping is required to comply with the federal Superfund Amendments
and Reauthorization Act (SARA, Title III), which contains emergency planning
and community right-to-know legislation.
Certain pesticides are classified as restricted-use pesticides (RUPs). Very few
pesticides in this category are routinely used in turf maintenance, but if you
happen to use one of them, certain record-keeping requirements apply.
Best Management Practices
Document, identify, and record key pest activities on key plants and locations.
Understand the pest’s life cycle and know which life stage to target (for an
insect pest, whether it is an egg, larva/nymph, pupa, or adult).
Determine whether the corrective actions actually reduced or prevented pest
populations were economical and minimized risks. Record and use this
information when making similar decisions in the future.
Observe and document turf conditions regularly (daily, weekly, or monthly,
depending on the pest), noting which pests are present, so intelligent decisions
can be made regarding how damaging they are and what control strategies are
Turfgrass Selection
Selecting pest-resistant cultivars or plant species is a very important part of IPM
and leads to reduced pesticide usage. Species grown outside of their zone of
adaptation are more prone to pest problems.
Species and cultivars should be managed under conditions similar to their
intended use (for example, not exceeding mowing height limitations that a grass
was bred for or selected for).
Educate builders, developers, golf course and landscape architects, sod
producers, golfers, and others on which plants are best suited to their areas.
Turfgrasses must be scientifically selected for the eco-region of the golf course,
resulting in minimized irrigation requirements, fertilization needs, and pesticide
Best Management Practices
Select the most suitable turfgrass for existing conditions and one that adheres to
design specifications.
Avoid the use of turfgrass in heavy shade.
Select shade-adapted grasses for areas receiving partial sun or shaded areas.
Reduce pest and disease pressures by correcting dead spots and air-circulation
issues by pruning understory and adjusting irrigation scheduling.
Reduce fertilizer applications in shaded areas.
Reduce traffic in shaded areas to protect turfgrasses and trees from injury and
soil compaction, if practical.
Biological Controls
The biological component of IPM involves the release and/or conservation of
natural predators, such as predators, parasites and pathogens, and other
beneficial organisms (pollinators).
Natural enemies (including ladybird beetles, green lacewings, parasitic wasps)
may be purchased and released near pest infestations.
Areas on the golf course can also be modified to better support pests’ natural
enemies and beneficial organisms.
Biological control products that suppress turfgrass diseases must be applied on a
preventive basis, have a short shelf life (3 to 6 months), need to be reapplied to
maintain efficacious populations of the biocontrol agent, and typically do not
provide adequate disease control when disease pressure is high.
Best Management Practices
Identify areas on the golf course that can be modified to attract natural enemies,
provide habitat for them, and protect them from pesticide applications.
Install flowering plants that can provide parasitoids with nectar or honeydew from
sucking insects (aphids, mealybugs, or soft scales).
Minimize pesticide applications to roughs, driving ranges, or other low-use areas
to provide a refuge for beneficial organisms.
Release insect-parasitic nematodes to naturally suppress insect pests such as
white grubs, billbugs, annual bluegrass weevil, and cut-, sod web-, and
It is important to minimize the impacts on bees and beneficial arthropods.
Pesticide applicators must use appropriate tools to help manage pests while
safeguarding pollinators, the environment, and humans.
Pollinator-protection language is a labeling requirement found on pesticide
When applying pesticides, be mindful of pollinators, focusing on minimizing
exposure to pollinators in play and non-play course areas.
Pollinators may be negatively impacted when pesticide applications are made
based on insufficient information and/or made without regard to pollinators'
Best Management Practices
When using pesticides, minimize injury and damage by following label directions.
Follow label information concerning the application of pesticides when plants
may be in bloom. Avoid applying pesticides during bloom season.
Stay on target by using coarse-droplet nozzles and monitor wind to reduce drift.
Do not apply insecticides when pollinators are active.
If possible, spray in the evening after bees have returned to hives, which allows
for spray residues to dry overnight.
Before applying a pesticide, scout/inspect the area for both harmful and
beneficial insect populations. Apply only when the indicated threshold of damage
has been reached.
Mow flowering plants before insecticide application.
If flowering weeds are prevalent, mow them to remove blooms or control them
before applying insecticides.
Use insecticides that have a lower impact on pollinators.
Use the latest spray technologies, such as drift-reduction nozzles, to prevent off-
site (target) translocation of pesticide.
Avoid applications during unusually low temperatures or when dew is forecasted.
Use granular formulations of pesticides that are known to be less hazardous to
Consider lures, baits, and pheromones as alternatives to insecticides for pest
Conventional Pesticides
IPM does not preclude the use of pesticides. However, pesticides should be
viewed as one of the many tools used to minimize pest problems.
IPM involves both prevention keeping the pest from becoming a problem
and suppression reducing the pest numbers or damage to an acceptable
A pest-control strategy using pesticides should be used only when the pest is
causing or is expected to cause more damage than what can be reasonably and
economically tolerated.
Pesticides are designed to control or alter the behavior of pests. When, where,
and how they can be used safely and effectively is a matter of considerable
public interest.
Pesticides should be evaluated on effectiveness against the pest, mode of
action, life stage of the pest, personnel hazards, non-target effects, potential off-
site movement, and cost.
A control strategy should be implemented that reduces the pest numbers to an
acceptable level while minimizing harm to non-targeted organisms.
Always follow the directions on the label. These directions have been developed
after extensive research and field studies on the chemistry, biological effects, and
environmental fate of the pesticide. The label is the single most important
document in the use of a pesticide. State and federal pesticide laws require
following label directions!
Best Management Practices
Train employees in proper pest identification and pesticide selection techniques.
Choose the product most appropriate for the problem or pest.
Mix only the quantity of pesticide needed in order to avoid disposal problems,
protect non-target organisms, and save money.
Spot-treat pests whenever appropriate.
Make note of any environmental hazards and groundwater advisories included
on the label.
Rotate pesticide modes-of-action to reduce the likelihood of resistance.
Follow guidelines and advice provided by the Fungicide Resistance Action
Committee (FRAC), Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC),and
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC).
Most turfgrass diseases on golf courses in the State are caused by fungal
The most common foliar diseases on golf courses in New Jersey include;
anthracnose (Colletotrichum cereale), dollar spot (Clarireedia jacksonii), brown
patch (Rhizoctonia solani), brown ring patch (Waitea circinata), etiolated tiller
syndrome (Acidovorax avenae and Xanthomonas translucens), fairy ring (a
complex of basidiomycete fungi), gray leaf spot (Pyricularia grisea), gray snow
mold (Typhula incarnata), leaf spots (Bipolaris and Drechslera spp.), pink snow
mold (Monographella nivalis), Pythium blight (Pythium spp.), red thread
(Laetisaria fuciformis), rust (Puccinia spp.), yellow patch (Ceratobasidium
cereale), and yellow turf (Sclerophthora macrospora).
Pythium root dysfunction (principally Pythium volutum), Necrotic ring patch
(Ophiosphaerella korrae), summer patch (Magnaporthiopsis poae and M. meyeri-
festucae), and take-all patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis) are the major root
diseases on golf courses in the state.
In the presence of a susceptible host and a conducive environment, plant
pathogens can disrupt play by infecting and damaging intensely managed turf.
No measure can completely eliminate the threat of turfgrass disease on a golf
course. However, turfgrass managers can reduce the likelihood of disease by
following best management practices.
Cultural factors that can influence turfgrass stress and the likelihood of disease
include fertilizer programs, mowing and rolling practices, irrigation management,
topdressing and cultivation practices.
Healthy, well-managed turfgrass is less likely to develop disease problems.
Moreover, disease outbreaks that do occur are less likely to be severe on turf
that is healthy because it has better recuperative potential than stressed,
unhealthy turf.
Best Management Practices
Select turfgrass cultivars with good tolerance to major diseases on the golf
course to reduce the severity of disease outbreaks and lower fungicide inputs
(http://ntep.org/ and https://turf.rutgers.edu/research/reports/).
Optimize cultural practices to reduce disease pressure:
o Fertilize to maintain vigor without overfertilizing turf.
o Maintain adequate nitrogen (N) fertility to reduce the severity of low N
diseases (anthracnose, dollar spot, red thread, brown ring patch, and
rust), and avoid excessive applications (> 0.5 lb/1,000 sq ft) of water-
soluble N to limit outbreaks of high N diseases (brown patch, Pythium
blight, pink snow mold, and leaf spot).
o Annually test the turfgrass root zone to ensure that soil pH does not
become too acidic.
o Apply acidifying fertilizers to lower soil pH and reduce the severity of
summer patch, take-all, and pink snow mold using a target pH of 6.0,
when possible.
o Apply potassium and manganese to reduce the severity of anthracnose
and certain root diseases (summer patch and take-all), respectively, when
soil or tissue concentrations are sub-optimal.
o Use sufficient rates of topdressing to reduce the severity of stress-related
diseases such as anthracnose and dollar spot.
o Avoid extremes in soil water since wilt-stress and excessively wet
conditions can predispose turf to stress-related diseases such as
anthracnose and dollar spot.
o Mow at or above 0.125 inches (3.2 mm) on putting greens to reduce the
severity of stress-related diseases such as anthracnose.
o Use rolling or increased mowing frequency to maintain ball roll distance
(green speed) at higher mowing heights.
o Utilize cultivation practices to reduce compaction, layering, and improve
plant vigor while avoiding excessive turf injury.
Identify the causal agent (turf pathogen) when disease develops. This often
involves sending samples to a diagnostic laboratory.
Record and map turf areas that have a history of disease, identify trends that can
help guide treatments, and focus on modifying conditions in disease-prone areas
to reduce the incidence and severity of future outbreaks.
Determine when major diseases typically occur on the course and make sure
appropriate cultural and chemical control measures are in place before disease
outbreaks develop.
Correct conditions that produce stressful environments and encourage disease
(for example, improve airflow and drainage, decrease shade, and reduce the leaf
wetness period).
Integrate fungicides into an overall management strategy for the golf course.
Employ sound resistance management strategies to reduce the risk of fungicide
o Limit the total number of applications during the growing season (typically
3 to 4 per year) for fungicides with a high potential for resistance (for
example, benzimidazole, phenylamide, demethylation inhibitor,
QoI/strobilurin, and succinate dehydrogenase inhibiting fungicides).
o Avoid sequential applications of fungicides with a high risk of resistance.
o Alternate fungicides with different modes of action (for example, use
fungicides with different FRAC numbers).
o It is important while tank mixing fungicides, or using premixed products,
with different modes of action to assure that all active ingredients are
effective against the target pathogen.
o Use preventative fungicide applications for high-risk diseases.
o Avoid late-curative and reduced rate fungicide applications which can
allow pathogen populations to increase.
o Reduce the interval between fungicide applications and/or increase rates
during periods of high disease pressure.
Select and apply the most efficacious fungicides at the optimum rate, timing, and
water carrier volume (1 - 2 gal. water/1,000 sq ft for foliar diseases, and 2 - 5 gal.
water/1,000 sq ft for root diseases). See PPA-1 fungicide recommendation
booklet entitled, Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases for fungicide ratings
Schedule (time) fungicide applications properly to maximize efficacy:
o Apply fungicides preventively when conditions are conducive to infection
to avoid severe outbreaks.
o Use disease predictive models for diseases such as dollar spot, Pythium
blight, brown patch, summer patch, take-all patch, and fairy ring to time
fungicide applications when conditions are most conducive to infection
and before symptoms appear.
o Routinely scout areas on the course with a previous history of disease (hot
spots) to identify initial outbreaks and breakthroughs in the fungicide
o When best management practices are being followed, early-curative
/threshold sprays can effectively control “foliar” diseases such as dollar
spot and anthracnose particularly on more tolerant cultivars.
However, for “ectotrophic root-infecting diseases” such as summer patch,
necrotic ring patch, take-all patch and fairy ring disease, fungicides must be
applied on a preventive basis when conditions are conducive to infection
(typically when soil temperatures exceed a specific temperature).
Select fungicides that do not adversely affect animals, fish, birds, or pollinators,
by utilizing methods such as the “The Environmental Impact Quotient”
(https://nysipm.cornell.edu/eiq/) to assess potential environmental and health
impacts and make informed decisions regarding pesticide selection.
Weeds compete with desired plants for space, water, light, and nutrients and can
harbor insect pests and diseases. Weeds also reduce the quality and
functionality of the playing surface. Weeds are hosts for other pests such as plant
pathogens, nematodes, and insects, and certain weeds can cause allergic
reactions in humans. Whether a plant is considered a weed or a desirable plant
is at the golf course superintendent's discretion.
Many weeds can be found on a golf course. The most problematic weeds of fine
turf in New Jersey include annual bluegrass (Poa annua), crabgrass (Digitaria
spp.), sedges (Cyperus spp.), and kyllingas (Kyllinga spp.), goosegrass (Eleusine
indica), and paspalum species (Paspalum spp.). Other common weeds include
dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), clovers (Trifolium spp.), violets (Viola spp.).
Weeds found in low maintenance “naturalized” areas are different than those
found in fine turf areas due to infrequent (typically once or twice annually)
mowing. Quackgrass (Elymus repens), deertounge grass (Dichanthelium
clandestinum), Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimenium) sedges, and thistles
are some of the weeds common to naturalized areas in New Jersey.
Weed management is an integrated process by which several strategies are
employed. Encourage desirable turfgrass ground cover to help prevent
infestations. If a weed infestation occurs, various strategies can be used to
selectively remove the weed from the turfgrass. The most common methods of
weed removal include physical removal (e.g., hand weeding) or chemical
removal (e.g., herbicide application). When herbicides are used, it is important
that they be intelligently selected and judiciously used. Strategies for successful
weed management often include:
o preventing weed seed or other reproductive structures (e.g., stolons,
rhizomes) from being introduced to a weed-free area.
o using proper turfgrass management and cultural practices to promote
vigorous, competitive turf
o properly identifying the target weeds, and then selecting and using the
appropriate control strategy.
Weeds reproduce from seed, root pieces, and special vegetative reproductive
organs such as tubers, corms, rhizomes, stolons, or bulbs. People, maintenance
equipment, animals, birds, wind, and water can distribute seeds.
Weeds complete their life cycles in either one growing season (annuals), two
growing seasons (biennials), or three or more years (perennials). Annuals that
complete their life cycles from spring to fall are referred to as summer annuals.
Those that complete their life cycles from fall to spring are winter annuals. Many
winter annuals such as annual bluegrass can survive the summer in New Jersey
and behave as perennials.
Best Management Practices
Properly identify problematic weeds and understand their life cycles. “Weeds of
the Northeast” authored in 1997 by Uva et al. and the “Turfgrass Weed Control
for Professionals” guide authored by Patton et al. and updated annually are
excellent guides to aid in turfgrass weed identification. The Uva et al. guide can
be purchased through various booksellers. The Patton et al. guide is available
online through the Purdue University bookstore.
Understand the abiotic factors (e.g., soil properties, environmental conditions,
mowing practices) that may contribute to weed infestations.
Understand biotic factors (e.g., improper turfgrass species and/or cultivar,
disease incidence, insect damage) that may contribute to weed infestations.
Understand the source of the weed infestation. For example, weed infestations of
crabgrass on putting greens are often the result of seed movement into the
putting green from surrounds, as crabgrass will not usually produce seed when
mowed at putting green height. Control the weed in these source areas.
Implement cultural practices that protect turfgrass from environmental stresses
such as disease, shade, drought, and extreme temperatures.
Address turf management practices, such as fertilizer sources, rates, and
application timing, mowing height or mowing frequency, soil aeration, and
physical damage and compaction from excessive traffic that may contribute to
weed incidence. Not all changes in turf management practices that discourage
weeds are practical. Additionally, a change in management practices to
discourage one weed may cause another weed or biotic or abiotic stressor to
become problematic.
Proper fertilization is essential for turfgrasses to sustain desirable color, growth
density, and vigor and to better resist weeds. This is especially true for annual
weeds such as crabgrass.
Avoid scalping; it reduces turf density, increasing weed establishment.
If renovation is an option, select appropriate turf species or cultivars that are
adapted to the prevalent environmental conditions to reduce weed encroachment
that may lead to bare soils. Utilize University Extension resources, local seed
retailers, as well as results of the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP)
to select the appropriate species and cultivars.
Weed-free materials should be used for topdressing, sodding, and construction.
Record and map weed infestations to help identify site-specific issues for future
preventative actions.
Control weeds, ideally before they begin to reproduce via seed or vegetative
structures (e.g., tubers, rhizomes). Physical (e.g., hand weeding, sod cutting) or
chemical weed control methods (e.g., herbicides) can be used depending on the
target weed and resources available. Target the weed at vulnerable periods in
the life cycle. For example, annual grassy weeds can be controlled before they
emerge from seed using pre-emergent herbicides. Post-emergence herbicides
are most effective when weeds are small and actively growing. Controlling
mature weeds is more difficult.
The “Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals” guide authored by Dr. Aaron
Patton and available online through the Purdue University bookstore is a
comprehensive resource available to help superintendents select the proper
herbicide(s) depending on the target weed and desirable turfgrass species.
A plethora of insect species can be found in golf course turf areas, the majority of
which are harmless or even beneficial to the turfgrass.
White grubs, the larvae of a complex of several species of scarab beetles (e.g.,
oriental beetle, Japanese beetle, northern masked chafer, etc.), are the most
common and potentially the most destructive insect pest group in New
Jersey. They feed on the grass roots near the soil surface, which at high larval
densities and under warm and dry conditions can lead to wilting of plants,
gradual thinning of the turf, and death of large turf areas. In addition, vertebrate
predators (skunks, raccoons, crows, etc.) can tear up the turf to feed on the
grubs, even at larval densities that by themselves would not cause damage.
The annual bluegrass weevil is the most difficult to control insect pests in New
Jersey, particularly due to its ability to develop resistance to many synthetic
insecticides. Its larvae initially tunnel grass stems but cause the most severe
damage as larger larvae by feeding on the crown and at the base of stems, killing
tillers or entire plants.
The larvae of several moth species initially skeletonize foliage; but as they get
larger, they create burrows in the soil from which they emerge at night to feed on
the grass shoots (sod webworms, cutworms), or they live on the surface feeding
on grass foliage and stems (armyworms). Black cutworm larvae are perennial
problems on golf course greens and tees because their feeding and burrowing
create dead patches, sunken areas, or pockmarks.
Other common, potentially damaging insects include chinch bugs, billbugs, ants,
and crane flies.
Healthy, well-managed turf is generally more tolerant of insect feeding and better
able to recover from limited damage.
Synthetic insecticides can become less effective over time due to the
development of insecticide resistance in some insect populations and/or
increased microbial degradation of the active ingredient by soil bacteria that
adapt to use repeatedly applied material as an energy source.
Best Management Practices
Proper identification of insects and their life stages is essential for effective
Record and map insect infestations and identify trends that can help guide future
treatments and focus on changing conditions in susceptible areas to reduce
Increase turf tolerance to insect feeding by reducing turf stress by selecting
appropriate turf species or cultivars adapted to the prevalent environmental
conditions and using stress-reducing cultural practices.
Use endophyte-infected cultivars of tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, or fine
fescues where appropriate as they are relatively resistant to many surface
feeding insects (chinch bugs, billbugs, sod webworms).
Correct conditions that favor insect infestation and damage. For example, keep
areas with a high percentage of Poa annua drier to reduce Poa annua and with
that annual bluegrass weevil problems; drain wet areas to reduce issues with
crane flies.
Design your regular pest management activities around the key pest(s) in any
given area, those pests that are most likely to occur and cause problems.
Use spot treatments as needed for occasional infestations of easy-to-control
insects (for example, army-, cut-, sod webworms).
Base preventive applications against perennial and difficult to control pests on
records of previous infestations and risk for damage. Treat only areas at risk,
including an adequate buffer around them.
Minimize the use of synthetic insecticides and rotate modes-of-action and
insecticide classes between insect generations to delay the development of
insecticide resistance and increased microbial degradation.
Consider using the multi-target approach to reduce insecticide applications. The
right material applied at the right rate and the right time can suppress more than
one insect problem. But always use this approach around your key pest(s).
Plant-parasitic nematodes adversely affect turfgrass health.
Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic roundworms (unsegmented), usually
between 0.0156 and 0.125 inches (0.25 and 3 mm) in length, and are difficult to
Nematodes debilitate the root system of susceptible turfgrasses; plant-parasitic
nematodes cause turf to be less efficient at water and nutrient uptake from the
soil and make it much more susceptible to environmental stresses. Additionally,
weakened turf favors pest infestation, especially troublesome weeds that
necessitate herbicide applications.
Over time, turf in the affected areas thins out and, with severe infestations, may
die. The roots of turfgrasses under nematode attack may be very short, with few,
if any, root hairs, or they may appear dark and rotten.
Turfgrasses usually begin showing signs of nematode injury as they experience
additional stresses, including drought, high temperatures, low temperatures, and
Best Management Practices
When nematode activity is suspected, an assay of soil and turfgrass roots is
recommended to determine the extent of the problem.
The application of a nematicide on golf course turf should always be based on
assay results.
Divert traffic away from areas that are stressed by insects, nematodes, diseases,
or weeds.
Increase mowing height to reduce plant stress associated with nematodes, root-
feeding insects, disease outbreaks, or peak weed-seed germination.
Spoon-feed the turf with repeated applications of a small amount of fertilizer
rather than larger amounts applied more often. This prevents excessive fast root
growth which can increase populations of plant-parasitic nematodes.
Reduce/eliminate other biotic/abiotic stresses when nematodes are
compromising the root system and plant health.
Pesticide Management
Regulatory Considerations
Pesticide use should be part of an overall pest management strategy that includes
biological controls, cultural methods, pest monitoring, and other applicable practices,
referred to altogether as IPM. When a pesticide application is deemed necessary, its
selection should be based on effectiveness, toxicity to non-target species, cost, site
characteristics, and its solubility and persistence in the environment.
Regulatory Considerations
The manufacturing, labeling, registration, and classification of pesticides, the
registration of pesticide dealers and pesticide dealer businesses, the registration of
applicators of pesticides, the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in schools, and
the distribution, use, application, storage, handling, transportation, and disposal of
pesticides in the State of New Jersey is governed by the New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection (NJ DEP) Pesticide Control Program (Source: New Jersey
Administrative Code Title 7, Chapter 30, Subchapter 1,1
Pesticides contain active ingredients (the component that targets the pest) and inert
ingredients such as solvents, surfactants, and carriers. Both active and inert ingredients
may be controlled or regulated by federal, state, and local laws because of
environmental and health concerns.
Best Management Practices
Persons who use or supervises the use of any pesticide for any purpose or on
any property other than as provided by the definition of “private pesticide
applicator” should achieve and maintain the status of a “Commercial pesticide
applicator” (Source: New Jersey Administrative Code Title 7, Chapter 30,
Subchapter 1,2
o Commercial pesticide applicators who satisfactorily complete the
requirements for Core certification and training pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:30-
6.2 should successfully pass a Category 3B - Turf examination; this
subcategory includes commercial pesticide applicators using or
supervising the use of pesticides to control pests in the maintenance and
production of turf. This subcategory also includes vegetation control on
commercial and residential sites only; flea and tick control in turf areas
only; and soil fumigation for turf only. (Source: New Jersey Administrative
Code Title 7, Chapter 30, Subchapter 6.3
o In order to maintain his or her certification, the commercial pesticide
applicator shall meet the requirements for recertification as specified by
the Department. If the requirements for recertification are not met, the
commercial pesticide applicator shall again become certified in
accordance with the provisions of the NJ DEP Pesticide Control Program.
(Source: New Jersey Administrative Code Title 7, Chapter 30, Subchapter
o Once certification is achieved, certification is good for a minimum of 5
years. Recertification can be accomplished in two ways:
Retake exams during the 5th year.
Accumulate recertification credit units over the 5 year period by
attending Pesticide Control Program approved courses, seminars,
and meetings. A commercial pesticide applicator must accumulate
8 units of Core credits and 16 units of Category 3B Turf credits
over the 5 years. (Source:
Persons who apply pesticides under the direct supervision of a responsible
commercial pesticide are “Commercial pesticide operators” (Source: New Jersey
Administrative Code Title 7, Chapter 30, Subchapter 1,2
o Commercial pesticide operators do not require passing Core and Category
3B examinations. Commercial pesticide operators must complete an NJ
DEP Pesticide Control Program approved Basic Pesticide Training Course
and complete forty hours of on-the-job training in each category of work.
(Source: https://www.nj.gov/dep/enforcement/pcp/bpo-operator.htm).
Contact information for the NJ DEP Pesticide Control Program:
Bureau of Pesticide Compliance & Enforcement
Mail Code 401-04A
401 East State Street
PO Box 420
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
Only apply pesticides that are legally registered at all levels of jurisdiction.
Only apply pesticides that are legally registered for use on the facility (for
example, do not apply pesticides labeled for agricultural uses even though they
may have the same active ingredient).
Apply according to manufacturer recommendations as seen on the label.
Human Health Risks
Pesticides belong to numerous chemical classes that vary greatly in their toxicity. The
human health risk associated with pesticide use is related to both pesticide toxicity and
the level of exposure. The risk of a very highly toxic pesticide may be very low if the
exposure is sufficiently small.
Best Management Practices
Select the least toxic pesticide with the lowest exposure potential.
Know the emergency response procedure in case excessive exposure occurs.
Environmental Fate and Transport
Environmental characteristics of a pesticide can often be determined by the
environmental hazards statement found on pesticide product labels. The environmental
hazards statement (referred to as “Environmental Hazards” on the label and found
under the general heading “Precautionary Statements”) provides the precautionary
language advising the user of the potential hazards to the environment from the use of
the product. The environmental hazards generally fall into three categories: (1) general
environmental hazards, (2) non-target toxicity, and (3) endangered species protection.
Best Management Practices
Select pesticides that have a low runoff and leaching potential.
Before applying a pesticide, evaluate the impact of site-specific characteristics
(for example, proximity to surface water, water table, and well-heads; soil type;
prevailing wind; etc.) and pesticide-specific characteristics (for example, half-lives
and partition coefficients)
Select pesticides with reduced impact on pollinators.
Select pesticides that, when applied according to the label, have no known effect
on endangered species present on the facility.
Pesticide Transportation, Storage, and Handling
Storage and handling of pesticides in their concentrated form pose the highest potential
risk to ground or surface waters. For this reason, it is essential that facilities for storing
and handling these products be properly sited, designed, constructed, and operated.
Best Management Practices
Store, mix and load pesticides away from sites that directly link to surface water
or groundwater.
Store pesticides in a lockable concrete or metal building that is separate from
other buildings.
Locate pesticide storage facilities from other types of structures to allow fire
department access.
Storage facility floors should be impervious and sealed with a chemical-resistant
Floors should have a continuous sill to retain spilled materials and no drains,
although a sump may be included.
Sloped ramps should be provided at the entrance to allow the use of wheeled
handcarts for moving material in and out of the storage area safely.
Shelving should be made of sturdy plastic or reinforced metal.
Metal shelving should be kept painted to avoid corrosion. Wood shelving should
never be used, because it may absorb spilled pesticides.
Automatic exhaust fans and an emergency wash area should be provided.
Explosion-proof lighting may be required. Light and fan switches should be
located outside the building so that both can be turned on before staff enter the
building and turned off after they leave the building.
Avoid temperature extremes inside the pesticide storage facility.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be easily accessible and stored
immediately outside the pesticide storage area.
Do not transport pesticides in the passenger section of a vehicle.
Never leave pesticides unattended during transport.
Place a spill containment kit in the storage area, in the mix/load area, and on the
spray rig.
Emergency Preparedness and Spill Response
Accidents happen. Advance preparation on what to do when an accident occurs is
essential to mitigate the human health effects and the impact on the environment.
Best Management Practices
Develop a golf course facility emergency response plan which includes
procedures to control, contain, collect, and store spilled materials.
Prominently post “Important Telephone Numbers” including CHEMTREC, for
emergency information on hazards or actions to take in the event of a spill.
Ensure an adequately sized spill containment kit is readily available.
Designate a spokesperson who will speak on behalf of the facility should an
emergency occur.
Host a tour for local emergency response teams (for example, firefighters, etc.) to
show them the facilities and to discuss the emergency response plan. Seek
advice on ways to improve the plan.
Pesticide Record Keeping
Maintaining accurate records of pesticide-related activities (for example, purchasing,
storage, inventory, applications, etc.) is essential.
Best Management Practices
Keep and maintain records of all pesticides used to meet legal (federal, state,
and local) reporting requirements.
Use records to monitor pest control efforts and to plan future management
Use electronic or hard-copy forms and software tools to properly track pesticide
inventory and use.
Develop and implement a pesticide drift management plan.
Keep a backup set of records in a safe, but separate storage area.
Sprayer Calibration
Properly calibrated application equipment is paramount to mitigating environmental and
human health concerns.
Best Management Practices
Personally ensure spray technician is experienced, licensed, and properly
Minimize off-target movement by using properly configured application
Properly calibrate all application equipment at the beginning of each season (at a
minimum) or after equipment modifications.
Check equipment daily when in use.
Use spray volumes, as directed by pesticide labeling, for the targeted pest to
maximize efficacy.
Calibration of walk-behind applicators should be conducted for each person
making the application to take into consideration their walking speed, etc.
Types of Sprayers
Various types and sizes of application equipment are readily available. The size of the
equipment (tank size, boom width, etc.) should be matched to the scale of the facility.
Best Management Practices
Use appropriately sized application equipment for the size of the area being
Equipment too large in size requires greater volumes to prime the system. This
can result in significant waste that must be properly handled.
Do not store large quantities of pesticides for long periods. Adopt the “first-in/first-out”
principle, using the oldest products first to ensure that the product shelf life does not
Best Management Practices
An inventory of the pesticides kept in the storage building and the Safety Data Sheets
(SDS) for the chemicals used in the operation should be accessible on the premises,
but not kept in the pesticide storage room itself.
Shelf Life
Pesticides degrade over time. Do not store large quantities of pesticides for long
Utilize computer software systems to record inventory and use.
Best Management Practices
Avoid purchasing large quantities of pesticides that require storage for greater
than six months.
Adopt the “first-in/first-out” principle, using the oldest products first to ensure that
the product shelf life does not expire.
Many states offer “amnesty” days in order to eliminate potential public health and
environmental hazards from canceled, suspended, and unusable pesticides that
are being stored.
Ensure labels are on every package and container.
Consult inventory when planning and before making purchases.
Ensure that labels remain properly affixed to their containers.
Leaching Potentials
Weakly sorbed pesticides (compounds with small Koc values) are more likely to leach
through the soil and reach groundwater. Conversely, strongly sorbed pesticides
(compounds with large Koc values) are likely to remain near the soil surface, reducing
the likelihood of leaching, but increasing the chances of being carried to surface water
via runoff or soil erosion.
Best Management Practices
Understand pesticide sorption principles so that appropriate decisions can be
Understand site characteristics that are prone to leaching losses (for example,
sand-based putting greens, coarse-textured soils, shallow water tables).
Identify label restrictions that may pertain to your facility.
Avoid using highly water-soluble pesticides.
Exercise caution when using spray adjuvants that may facilitate off-target
Mixing/Washing Station
Pesticide leaks or spills, if contained, will not percolate down through the soil into
groundwater or run off the surface to contaminate streams, ditches, ponds, and other
waterbodies. One of the best containment methods is the use of a properly designed
and constructed chemical mixing center (CMC).
Best Management Practices
Loading pesticides and mixing them with water or oil diluents should be done
over an impermeable surface (such as lined or sealed concrete), so that spills
can be collected and managed.
Mixing station surface should provide for easy cleaning and the recovery of
spilled materials.
Pump the sump dry and clean it at the end of each day. Liquids and sediments
should also be removed from the sump and the pad whenever pesticide
materials are changed to an incompatible product (that is, one that cannot be
legally applied to the same site).
Apply liquids and sediments as you would a pesticide, strictly following label
Absorbents such as cat litter or sand may be used to clean up small spills and
then applied as a topdressing in accordance with the label rates, or disposed of
as waste.
Sweep up solid materials and use as intended.
Wash water from pesticide application equipment must be managed properly since it
contains pesticide residues.
Best Management Practices
Collect wash water (from both inside and outside the application equipment) and
use it as a pesticide in accordance with the label instructions.
The rinsate may be applied as a pesticide (preferred) or stored for use as
makeup water for the next compatible application.
Personal Protective Equipment
Exposure to pesticides can be mitigated by practicing good work habits and adopting
modern pesticide mix/load equipment (for example, closed-loading) that reduce
potential exposure. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) statements on pesticide
labels provide the applicator with important information on protecting himself/herself.
Best Management Practices
Provide adequate PPE for all employees who work with pesticides (including
equipment technicians who service pesticide application equipment).
Ensure that PPE is sized appropriately for each person using it.
Make certain that PPE is appropriate for the chemicals used.
Ensure that PPE meets rigorous testing standards and is not just the least
Store PPE where it is easily accessible but not in the pesticide storage area.
Forbid employees who apply pesticides from wearing facility uniforms home
where they may come into contact with children.
Provide laundering facilities or uniform service for employee uniforms.
The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires
employers to fit test workers who must wear tight-fitting respirators.
Meet requirements for OSHA 1910.134 Respiratory Protection Program.
Pesticide Container Management
The containers of some commonly used pesticides are classified as hazardous wastes
if not properly rinsed, and as such, are subject to the many rules and regulations
governing hazardous waste. The improper disposal of hazardous waste can result in
very high fines and/or criminal penalties. However, pesticide containers that have been
properly rinsed can be handled and disposed of as non-hazardous solid waste. Federal
law (FIFRA) and some state laws require pesticide applicators to rinse all empty
pesticide containers before taking other container disposal steps. Under federal law (the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or RCRA), A PESTICIDE CONTAINER IS
Best Management Practices
Rinse pesticide containers immediately in order to remove the most residue.
Rinse containers during the mixing and loading process and add rinsate water to
the finished spray mix.
Rinse emptied pesticide containers by either triple rinsing or pressure rinsing.
Puncture empty and rinsed pesticide containers and dispose of them according
to the label.
Pollinator Protection
Regulatory Considerations
Most flowering plants need pollination to reproduce and grow fruit. While some plants
are pollinated by wind, many require assistance from insects and other animals. In the
absence of pollinators, many plant species, including the fruits and vegetables we eat,
would fail to survive.
The western honey bee (Apis mellifera) is one of the most important pollinators in the
United States. Hundreds of other bee species, including the bumble bee (Bombus spp.),
also serve as important pollinator species. Protecting bees and other pollinators are
important to the sustainability of agriculture.
Pesticides are products designed to control pests (for example, insects, diseases,
weeds, nematodes, etc.). Pesticides and other plant growth products, including plant
growth regulators, surfactants, biostimulants, etc., are used in golf course management.
The non-target effect of products used in golf course management is of increasing
concern; therefore, pesticide applicators, including those on golf courses, need to be
mindful of the impact pesticides have on pollinator species and their habitat.
Regulatory Considerations
Pollinator-protection language is a labeling requirement found on pesticide
labels; follow the label, it is the law.
Pesticide applicators must be aware of honey bee toxicity groups and able to
understand precautionary statements.
Recordkeeping may be required by law to use some products. IPM principles
suggest that you keep records of all pest control activity so that you may refer to
information on past infestations or other problems to select the best course of
action in the future.
Best Management Practices
Proper records of all pesticide applications should be kept according to local,
state, or federal requirements.
Use records to establish proof of use and follow-up investigation of standard
protocols regarding:
o Date and time of application
o Name of applicator
o Person directing or authorizing the application
o Weather conditions at the time of application
o Target pest
o Pesticide used (trade name, active ingredient, amount of formulation,
amount of water)
o Adjuvant/surfactant and amount applied, if used
o Area treated (acres or square feet) and location
o Total amount of pesticide used
o Application equipment
o Additional remarks, such as the severity of the infestation or life stage of
the pest
o Follow-up to check the effectiveness of the application
Those applying pesticides, and who make decisions regarding their applications
should be able to interpret pollinator protection label statements.
Those applying pesticides should be aware of honey bee biology.
Those applying pesticides should understand the various routes of exposure
(outside the hive and inside the hive).
Those applying pesticides should understand the effects of pesticides on bees.
Pollinator Habitat Protection
It is important to minimize the impacts of pesticides on bees and beneficial
arthropods. Pesticide applicators must use appropriate tools to help manage
pests while safeguarding pollinators, the environment, and humans.
Be mindful of pollinators; when applying pesticides, focus on minimizing
exposure to non-target pollinators in play and non-play course areas.
Pollinators require a diversity of flowering species to complete their life cycle.
Pollinator habitat contains a diversity of wildflower species of different colors and
heights, with blossoms throughout the entire growing season
Best Management Practices
Follow label information directing the application of pesticide when the plant may
be in bloom. Avoid applying pesticides during bloom season.
Stay on target by using coarse-droplet nozzles, and monitoring wind to reduce
Do not apply pesticides when pollinators are active.
Before applying a pesticide, scout/inspect the area for both harmful and
beneficial insect populations, and use pesticides only when a threshold of
damage has been indicated.
Mow flowering plants (weeds) before insecticide application.
If flowering weeds are prevalent, control them before applying insecticides.
Use insecticides that have a lower impact on pollinators.
Use the latest spray technologies, such as drift-reduction nozzles to prevent off-
site (target) translocation of pesticide.
Avoid applications during unusually low temperatures or when dew is forecast.
Use granular formulations of pesticides that are known to be less hazardous to
Consider lures, baits, and pheromones as alternatives to insecticides for pest
Develop new pollinator habitat and/or enhance existing habitat.
Maintenance Operations
Regulatory Considerations
Equipment maintenance, fueling, and chemical storage can have an impact on water
quality on-site and off-site both during construction and during the maintenance of
existing golf courses.
Regulatory Considerations
Local and state regulations may be in place in your location. Early engagement among
developers, designers, local community groups and permitting agencies is essential to
designing and constructing a golf maintenance and storage facility that minimizes
environmental impact and meets the needs for the approval process.
Storage and Handling of Chemicals
Proper handling and storage of pesticides and petroleum-based products are
important to reduce the risk of serious injury or death of an operator or bystander.
Fires or environmental contamination may result in large fines, cleanup costs,
and civil lawsuits if these chemicals are not managed properly.
Check federal, state, and local regulations for specific requirements related to the
storage of pesticides.
Best Management Practices
Storage buildings should have appropriate warning signs and placards.
Follow all personal protective equipment (PPE) statements on pesticide labels.
Store PPE away from pesticide storage areas in an area that is easily accessible.
Develop an emergency response plan and educate all golf course personnel
regarding emergency procedures on a regular basis.
Individuals conducting emergency chemical cleanups should be properly trained
under the requirements of the federal Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA).
Store pesticides in a lockable concrete or metal building.
Locate pesticide storage away from other buildings, especially fertilizer storage
Floors of chemical storage buildings should be impervious and sealed with
chemical-resistant paint.
Floors of chemical storage buildings should have a continuous sill to contain
spills and should not have a drain. A sump is acceptable.
Floor should be recessed, or a berm added 4” to 6” to retain a major spill.
Mixing and Fill area or station should also have a containment sump or pad to
retain and reuse any spilled chemicals or rinsate.
Mixing personnel should also be wearing PPE while mixing and loading tanks.
Shelving should be fabricated from plastic or reinforced metal. Metal shelving
should be painted to avoid corrosion. Wood shelving should never be used
because of its ability to absorb spilled pesticides.
Automatic exhaust fans and an emergency wash area should be provided
Explosion-proof lighting may be required. Locate fan and light switches outside
the entrance to the building to facilitate ventilation of the building before entrance
of staff.
Maintain detailed records of current pesticide inventory in the storage facility.
Inventory should be shared or submitted to the local fire department on a yearly
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the chemicals stored on-site should be stored
separately from the storage room, but readily accessible on-site.
Do not store large quantities of pesticides or chemicals for long periods of time.
Follow a “first-in, first-out” principle to rotate products into use to ensure products
do not expire.
Store chemicals in original containers. Never store them in containers that might
be mistaken as packaging for food or drink.
Arrange containers so the labels are clearly visible. Securely fasten loose labels
to ensure containers and associated labels are kept together.
Damaged labels should be replaced immediately.
Store flammable pesticides separate from those that are nonflammable.
Store liquid materials below dry materials to prevent leaks from contaminating
dry products.
Ensure that oil containers and small fuel containers (service containers) are
properly labeled and stored within the facility.
Periodically evaluate products and chemicals in use for opportunities to replace
with alternative products that are more human health- or environment-friendly.
Equipment Storage and Maintenance
Storing and maintaining equipment properly will extend the useful life and reduce
Best Management Practices
Store and maintain equipment in a covered area complete with a sealed
impervious surface to limit the risk of fluid leaks contaminating the environment
and to facilitate the early detection of small leaks that may require repair before
causing significant damage to the turf or the environment.
Seal floor drains unless they are connected to a holding tank or sanitary sewer
with permission from the local wastewater treatment plant.
Store pesticide and fertilizer application equipment in areas protected from
rainfall. Rain can wash pesticide and fertilizer residues from the exterior of the
equipment and possibly contaminate soil or water.
Store solvents and degreasers in lockable metal cabinets away from ignition
sources in a well-ventilated area. These products are generally toxic and highly
flammable. Never store them with fertilizers or in areas where smoking is
Keep an inventory of solvents and SDS for those materials on-site but in a
different location where they will be easily accessible in case of an emergency.
Keep basins of solvent baths covered to reduce emissions of volatile organic
compounds (VOC).
When possible, replace solvent baths with recirculating aqueous washing units.
Soap and water or other aqueous cleaners are often as effective as solvent-
based products and present a lower risk to the environment.
Always use appropriate PPE when working with solvents.
Never allow solvents or degreasers to drain onto pavement or soil, or discharge
into waterbodies, wetlands, storm drains, sewers, or septic systems.
Collect used solvents and degreasers in containers clearly marked with contents
and date; schedule collection by a commercial service.
Blow off all equipment with compressed air to reduce damage to hydraulic seals.
Keep storage areas clean and free of debris to prevent fires and allow personnel
to swiftly exit the building in the event of an emergency.
Waste Handling
Proper disposal of waste materials is critical for protection of water and natural
resources. State or local laws and regulations related to disposal of hazardous
waste products may vary. Be sure to familiarize yourself with all state and local
laws related to disposal/recycling of these waste materials.
Identify and implement waste-reduction practices.
Look for ways to increase recycling efforts and programs.
Purchase environmentally preferred products in bulk packaging when possible.
Best Management Practices
Pesticides that have been mixed for application must be disposed of as waste
and may be classified as hazardous waste depending on the materials involved.
Contact local authorities for guidance regarding proper disposal.
Collect used oil, oil filters, and antifreeze in separate marked containers and
recycle them as directed by local and state authorities.
Antifreeze may be considered hazardous waste by state or local laws and should
be handled accordingly. Commercial services are available to collect and recycle
Lead-acid batteries are classified as hazardous waste unless they are properly
Store old batteries on impervious services where they are protected from rainfall
and recycle as soon as possible.
Recycle used tires.
Recycle or dispose of fluorescent tubes and other lights according to state
Equipment Washing
Wash water generated from equipment-washing facilities can be a source of both
surface-water and groundwater pollution. Steps should be taken to prevent pollution.
Best Management Practices
Equipment washing areas should drain to an oil/water separator before draining
to a sanitary sewer or holding tank.
Consider the use of a closed-loop wash-water recycling system.
Grass-covered equipment should be brushed or blown off with compressed air
before being washed.
Wash equipment with a bucket of water and a rag to minimize the amount of
water used and use only the minimal amount of water required to rinse the
Spring-operated shut-off nozzles should be used.
Do not allow any wastewater to flow directly into surface waters or storm drains.
Fueling Facilities
Safe storage of fuel, including use of above-ground tanks and containment facilities, is
critical to the protection of the environment. State or local laws and regulations related
to storage of fuel may vary.
Best Management Practices
Locate fueling facilities on roofed areas with a concrete (not asphalt) pavement.
Areas should be equipped with spill-containment and recovery facilities.
Use of above ground fuel tanks is preferred.
Pollution Prevention
Plan appropriately to minimize the possibility of a discharge and the need for
disposal. Monitor the water to be discharged for contamination; never discharge
to the environment any contaminated water. If the water is not contaminated, it
can be reused or discharged to a permitted stormwater treatment system.
Pesticide leaks or spills, if contained, will not percolate down through the soil into
groundwater or run off the surface to contaminate streams, ditches, ponds, and
other water bodies.
Wash water from pesticide application equipment must be managed properly
since it contains pesticide residues. This applies to wash water from both the
inside and the outside of the application equipment. The material should be
collected and used as a pesticide in accordance with the label instructions for
that pesticide.
An equipment-washing facility can be a source of both surface water and
groundwater pollution if the wash water generated is not properly handled. All
equipment used in the maintenance of golf courses and associated
developments should be designed, used, maintained, and stored in a way that
eliminates or minimizes the potential for pollution.
One of the key principles of pollution prevention is to reduce the unnecessary
use of potential pollutants. Over time, the routine discharge of even small
amounts of solvents can result in serious environmental and liability
consequences, because of the accumulation of contaminants in soil or
The proper handling and storage of pesticides are important. Failure to do so
correctly may lead to the serious injury or death of an operator or bystander,
fires, environmental contamination that may result in large fines and cleanup
costs, civil lawsuits, the destruction of the turf you are trying to protect, and
wasted pesticide product.
Generating as little as 25 gallons per month of used solvents for disposal can
qualify you as a “small-quantity generator” of hazardous waste, triggering EPA,
and state reporting requirements.
Pesticides that have been mixed so they cannot be legally applied to a site in
accordance with the label must be disposed of as waste. Depending on the
materials involved, they may be classified as hazardous waste.
Provide adequate protection from the weather. Rain can wash pesticide and
fertilizer residues from the exterior of the equipment, and these residues can
contaminate soil or water.
Never allow solvents to drain onto pavement or soil, or discharge into water
bodies, wetlands, storm drains, sewers, or septic systems, even in small
Office paper, recyclable plastics, glass, and aluminum should be recycled. Place
containers for recycling aluminum cans and glass or plastic soft drink bottles at
convenient locations on the golf course.
Best Management Practices
Pesticides should be stored in a lockable concrete or metal building.
Pesticide storage and mixing facility floors should be impervious and sealed with
chemical-resistant paint. Floors should have a continuous sill to retain spilled
materials and no drains, although a sump may be included.
For valuable information about constructing chemical mixing facilities, reference
the Midwest Plan Service book, Designing Facilities for Pesticide and Fertilizer
Containment (revised 1995); the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) publication,
Coating Concrete Secondary Containment Structures Exposed to Agrichemicals
(Broder and Nguyen, 1995); and USDANRCS Code 703.
Use a chemical mixing center (CMC) as a place for performing all operations
where pesticides are likely to be spilled in concentrated formor where even
dilute formulations may be repeatedly spilled in the same areaover an
impermeable surface. (A CMC is a concrete pad treated with a sealant and
sloped to a liquid-tight sump where all the spilled liquids can be recovered.)
Flush wash pad with clean water after the equipment is washed. Captured wash
water can be used as a dilute pesticide per labeled site, or it may be pumped into
a rinsate storage tank for use in the next application.
FIFRA, Section 2(ee), allows the applicator to apply a pesticide at less than the
labeled rate.
The sump should then be cleaned of any sediment before another type of
pesticide is handled.
Discharge to a treatment system that is permitted under industrial wastewater
Never discharge to a sanitary sewer system without written permission from the
Never discharge to a septic tank.
Use a closed-loop wash-water recycling system and follow appropriate BMP.
Use non-containment wash water for field irrigation.
Do not discharge non-contaminated wastewater during or immediately after a
rainstorm since the added flow may cause the permitted storage volume of the
stormwater system to be exceeded.
Whenever practical, replace solvent baths with recirculating aqueous washing
units (which resemble heavy-duty dishwashers).
Use soap and water or other aqueous cleaners; these products are often as
effective as solvent-based ones.
Blowing off equipment with compressed air instead of washing with water is often
easier on hydraulic seals and can lead to fewer oil leaks.
Grass-covered equipment should be brushed or blown with compressed air
before being washed. Dry material is much easier to handle and store or dispose
of than wet clippings.
It is best to wash equipment with a bucket of water and a rag, using only a
minimal amount of water to rinse the machine.
Clean up spills as soon as possible.
Keep spill cleanup equipment available when handling pesticides or their
If a spill occurs of a pesticide covered by certain state and federal laws, you may
need to report any accidental release if the spill quantity exceeds the “reportable
quantity” of active ingredient specified in the law.
Large spills or uncontained spills involving hazardous materials may best be
remediated by hazardous material cleanup professionals.
For emergency (only) information on hazards or actions to take in the event of a
spill, call CHEMTREC, at (800)4249300. CHEMTREC is a service of the
Chemical Manufacturers Association. For information on whether a spilled
chemical requires reporting, call the CERCLA/RCRA helpline at (800) 4249346.
Do not allow any wash water to flow directly into surface waters or storm drains.
Avoid washing equipment in the vicinity of wells or surface water bodies.
Wash equipment over a concrete or asphalt pad that allows the water to be
collected. After the residue dries on the pad, collect, compost, or spread in the
If applicable, allow runoff onto a grassed area to soak into the ground, but never
into a surface water body or canal.
Handle clippings and dust separately. After the residue dries on the pad, it can
be collected and composted or spread in the field.
Minimize the use of detergents. Use only biodegradable non-phosphate
Minimize the amount of water used to clean equipment. This can be done by
using spray nozzles that generate high-pressure streams of water at low
Do not discharge wash water to surface water or groundwater either directly or
indirectly through ditches, storm drains, or canals.
Do not conduct equipment wash operations on a pesticide mixing and loading
pad. (This keeps grass clippings and other debris from becoming contaminated
with pesticides).
Solvents and degreasers should be used over a collection basin or pad that
collects all used material.
Oil/water separators can be used but must be managed properly to avoid
problems. Do not wash equipment used to apply pesticides on pads with
oil/water separators
Collect used solvents and degreasers, place them into containers marked with
the contents and the date, and then have them picked up by a service that
properly recycles or disposes of them. Never mix used oil or other liquid material
with the used solvents.
Collect used oil, oil filters, and antifreeze in separate marked containers and
recycle them. Arrange pick up of used oil or deliver to a hazardous waste
collection site.
Do not mix used oil with used antifreeze or sludge from used solvents. Antifreeze
must be recycled or disposed of as a hazardous waste.
Store batteries on an impervious surface and preferably undercover. Remember,
spent lead-acid batteries must be recycled if they are to be exempt from strict
hazardous waste regulations.
Lead acid batteries are required to be recycled by law. At a minimum, retail
establishments are required to accept old batteries in exchange for the purchase
of a new battery. The system for recycling lead acid batteries is well established
and economical. In addition, local and county hazardous waste collection
facilities generally accept used lead acid batteries.
Equipment used to apply pesticides and fertilizers should be stored in areas
protected from rainfall.
Pesticide application equipment can be stored in the chemical mixing center
(CMC), but fertilizer application equipment should be stored separately.
Blow or wash loose debris off equipment to prevent dirt from getting on the CMC
pad, where it could become contaminated with pesticides.
Ensure that all containers are sealed, secured, and properly labeled. Use only
regulatory agency-approved, licensed contractors for disposal.
Rinse pesticide containers as soon as they are empty. Pressure rinse or triple-
rinse containers and add the rinse water to the sprayer.
Shake or tap non-rinseable containers, such as bags or boxes, so that all dust
and material fall into the application equipment.
After cleaning them, puncture the pesticide containers to prevent reuse (except
glass and refillable mini-bulk containers).
Keep the rinsed containers in a clean area, out of the weather, for disposal or
Storing the containers in large plastic bags/tubs to protect the containers from
collecting rainwater.
Species Selection and Size Considerations
Landscape (non-play) areas are an essential part of the overall course design, providing
enhanced course aesthetics, wildlife habitat, external sound/noise abatement, and
natural cooling and freeze protection.
An environmental landscape design approach addresses environmentally safe and
energy-saving practices; therefore, environmentally sound landscape management is
also economically important. Non-play areas require a mix of sun and shade, optimal
soil conditions, and adequate canopy air movement to sustain growth and function.
Species Selection and Size Considerations
The fundamental principle for the environmentally sound management of
landscapes is “right plant, right place.” The ideal plant from an environmental
standpoint is the one that nature and evolution placed there. It has adapted
specifically to the soil, microclimate, rainfall, light patterns, insects, other pests,
and endemic nutrient levels over thousands of years.
Know the ultimate sizes and growth rates of trees, shrubs, and ground covers.
This reduces the need for pruning and debris removal and lowers maintenance
The addition of proper soil amendments can improve soil’s physical and chemical
properties, increase its water-holding capacity, and reduce the leaching of
fertilizers. Amendments may be organic or inorganic; however, soil
microorganisms rapidly decompose organic amendments such as peat or
The goal of species-selection BMP is to maintain as close to a natural ecosystem
as practical while meeting a golf course's needs.
Landscape areas should be fundamentally designed to facilitate rapid plant
establishment to conserve water and lower nutritional input requirements once
mature. Plants within areas that are not in play or are not critical to the course
design may be removed and replanted with native plant material that requires
little to no maintenance after establishment. Additionally, 50% to 70% of the non-
play areas should remain in natural cover. As much natural vegetation as
possible should be retained and enhanced through the supplemental planting of
native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous vegetation to provide wildlife habitat in non-
play areas, along with water sources to support fish and other water-dependent
species. By leaving dead trees (snags) where they do not pose a hazard, a well-
developed understory (brush and young trees), and native grasses, the amount
of work needed to prepare a course is reduced. At the same time, habitat for
wildlife survival is maintained.
Best Management Practices
Base plant selection as close to a natural ecosystem as practical, while meeting
the needs of the golf course. It has adapted specifically to the soil, microclimate,
rainfall, light patterns, insects and other pests, and endemic nutrient levels over
many years.
Select trees, plants, and grass species to attract birds seeking wild fruits, herbs,
seeds, and insects.
Know the ultimate sizes and growth rates of trees, shrubs, and ground covers.
Use plants that are adapted for the site based on the United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA) cold-hardiness map.
Select stress-tolerant species or cultivars to manage periodic dry/wet conditions.
Choose the most stress-tolerant species or cultivar for a particular area.
Design and Function
Aesthetic gardens, window boxes, and container gardens should include a
variety of plants of different heights that provide nectar for hummingbirds and
butterflies. Again, “right plant, right place” is the key to success.
When integrating turf areas into the landscape around the clubhouse, entries,
and other areas, design them for ease of maintenance and keep in mind that
turfgrasses grow best in sunny areas. Consider the effect that tree canopy and
other design features may have on the health and function of the turf.
Garden plants, shrubbery, ground covers, or native plants may provide a
pleasing view and also provide useful food, cover, or other environmental
benefits to wildlife; they may also require reduced maintenance.
Trees and shrubs along streams provide temperature moderation through shade,
which lowers water temperature in summer and increases it in winter.
Best Management Practices
Well-designed forested buffers should contain a mixture of fast- and slow-
growing native trees, shrubs, and grasses to provide a diverse habitat for wildlife.
Use forested buffers to trap and remove upland sources of sediments, nutrients,
and chemicals.
Use forested buffers to protect fish and wildlife by supplying food, cover, and
Use forested buffers to maintain a healthy riparian ecosystem and stable stream
Leave dead tree snags whenever possible for nesting and food source to wildlife.
However, make sure that these snags are a safe distance away from playing
surfaces should they get blown over.
Use turf as a landscape element where needed.
Planting Methods
The ideal plant from an environmental standpoint is the one that nature and
evolution placed there. It has adapted specifically to the soil, microclimate,
rainfall, light patterns, insects, other pests, and endemic nutrient levels over
hundreds or thousands of generations. Where these factors have changed, the
challenge is finding other suitable plants. A BMP goal is to maintain as close to a
natural ecosystem as practical while meeting the golf course's needs.
The use of organic mulches in gardens and aesthetic areas increases the
moisture-holding capacity of plantings and prevents weed growth when applied in
sufficient depth. Organic amendments are decomposed by soil microorganisms
and add to soil tilth.
Keep mulch 2 to 3 inches away from plants to prevent fungal growth from excess
Excess mulch or compacted mulch may be detrimental, causing water to shed
away from the root zone and encourage overwatering. Compaction or excessive
mulch buildup should be avoided, especially when annual re-mulching is
Best Management Practices
The plant palette and irrigation system should be appropriate for site conditions,
taking into account that, in some cases, soil improvement can enhance water-
use efficiency.
Plants should be grouped based on irrigation demand.
The percentage of landscaped area in irrigated high-water-use hydrozones
should be minimized. Local government ordinances should address the
percentage of irrigated landscaped area that may be included in high-water-use
hydrozones. These high water-use limits should not apply to landscaped areas
requiring large amounts of turf for their primary functions (for example, ball fields
and playgrounds).
In most instances, established, drought-tolerant landscape plants have a root
system substantial enough to keep them alive with little or no supplemental
Pruning and fertilizing will also benefit landscape plants while they are becoming
Add proper soil amendments in garden areas to improve the soil’s physical and
chemical properties, increase its water-holding capacity, and reduce the leaching
of fertilizers.
Energy Conservation
According to the GCSAA Golf Course Environmental Profile, Vol. IV (GCSAA 2012), six
major energy sources were identified for golf course use: electricity, gasoline, diesel,
natural gas, propane, and heating oil. In addition, operational uses were segmented to
meet irrigation, turf maintenance, buildings, clubhouse operations, swimming pools, and
various amenity needs.
The overall conclusion of the study suggests that golf facility managers must take steps
toward identifying options for conservation, efficiency, and cost savings.
To address current needs and future energy reduction opportunities, managers should
evaluate current energy conservation performance practices based on the following
General energy conservation position statements on policy and planning
Buildings and amenities statements buildings, infrastructure, and facility
amenities such as the clubhouse, swimming pool, restaurant, parking lot, kitchen,
offices, maintenance building(s), tennis courts, etc.
Golf course statements the golf course and surrounding landscapes, pump
station, irrigation system, and related agronomic operations (playing surfaces,
equipment, turfgrass maintenance, etc.)
Energy Conservation
Determine goals and establish an energy policy that is part of the facility’s overall
environmental plan.
Establish an energy management plan for the facility based on current energy
use baselines to optimize efficiency.
Communicate the policy to all staff regarding use patterns and management
practices to effect change.
Relate the policy to the entire facility, including the services the facility provides
to its customers and community.
Incorporate quality management elements for continual improvement (plan, do,
check, and act) to reduce environmental and economic impacts.
Understand that the irrigation pump is the largest user of energy. A well-
engineered pump station is critical to reducing energy consumption.
Best Management Practices
Conduct an energy audit.
Conduct a lighting audit.
Conduct a carbon footprint analysis.
Add insulation where needed.
Use non-demand electrical hour rates: charge golf carts, and use pumps to
acquire water, charge maintenance equipment, and other items later in the day
or early in the morning.
Limit high-consumption activities during periods when demand is high.
Use alternative energy from natural sources, such as solar, geothermal, and wind
energy generation.
Upgrade or install the National Electrical Manufacturers Association’s (NEMA)
premium efficiency-rated pump motors.
Seek output reduction by watering less area, apply target golf goals.
Install LED lighting and/or retrofit devices.
Install motion sensors for lights where appropriate.
Install a programmable thermostat.
Install solar/Geo-Thermal pumps for pools and spa.
Continually track and measure energy use at the facility based on energy
assessment units, for example, kilowatt hour.
Benchmark practices to evaluate existing facility consumption with other local
golf facilities of similar size.
Best Management Practices
Monitor energy use: track data, evaluate billing meters.
Install adequate meters, gauges, etc.
Develop an equipment inventory incorporating individual equipment’s energy
use, use / traffic patterns, etc. (maintenance records, operation hours, etc.).
Establish a baseline for performance parameters to optimize irrigation pumps.
Consider benchmarking performance against similar-sized facilities.
Evaluate energy efficiency performance.
Evaluate electric equipment/operations and ensure proper selection, operation,
charging, and maintenance.
Best Management Practices
Evaluate all energy providers (electricity, natural gas, and liquid petroleum fuels)
for costs, efficiency/assistance programs, and incentives.
Identify and categorize operations for energy efficiency opportunity and
conservation analysis.
Perform assessments of all the facility’s infrastructure and operations.
Perform appropriate audits throughout the facility depending on the operation,
infrastructure, and planning stage.
Identify efficiency and conservation elements of infrastructure/hard items and
behavioral/process-oriented items.
Consider alternative equipment, products, and practices.
Design and Renovation
Incorporate an analysis of the assessments, audits, and data.
Incorporate first cost consideration (initial investment and long-term gain).
Redesign evaluate future projects with a priority for energy conservation.
According to system and compliance standards, communicate with utility
provider, insurance company, and any state or local regulatory officials.
Best Management Practices
Identify buildings, amenities, and operations including existing, new construction,
or renovation activities where energy efficiency enhancements are needed.
Identify the golf course, course infrastructure, and related agronomic operations
including existing and future developments or renovations that would benefit from
energy efficiency improvements.
Implementation Plan
Set goals for buildings/amenities and the golf course operation; develop an
implementation plan.
Set energy-use goals according to efficiency/conservation of the building,
infrastructure and equipment efficiency.
Best Management Practices
Evaluate effectiveness of upgrades according to efficiency/conservation goals for
energy use.
Continue to identify future energy needs and maintain good record keeping.
Prioritize energy consumption as part of purchase/decision-making process for
HVAC, food service, laundry, swimming pools, etc.
Consider other devices as part of the plan; do research on building, pumps, and
power generation.
Ensure efficient building/facility/amenities and related infrastructure.
Consider the materials: used insulation and color selection.
Ensure efficient lighting in both interior and exterior areas.
Best Management Practices
Maximize use of space.
Inspect and repair leaks/maintenance.
Monitor temperature/environmental settings (heat loss, etc.).
Evaluate building automation systems, monitoring systems, etc.
Incorporate technology and up-to-date equipment (lights, controls, switches,
Implement schedules/controlled use.
Evaluate off-grid pole lighting and similar technology.
Alternative products, operations, and practices
Educate and motivate employees, guests, etc.
Educate, train, and motivate employees on energy efficiency practices pertaining
to golf course operations.
Identify incentives and programs from energy providers.
Identify state/local programs and certification.
Consider U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program.
Consider EPA’s EnergyStar, Portfolio Manager, etc.
Consider energy management software, services, etc.
Consider national and local programs and programs like the EPA’s
WaterSense program as it relates to buildings (see Water Conservation BMP).
Best Management Practices
Evaluate alternative transportation.
Evaluate cleaning practices (dry vs. wet).
Consider local vs. distant purchases, product selection, etc.
Evaluate energy acquisition and energy coming into the facility.
Evaluate golf car equipment/operations and ensure proper selection, operation,
charging, and maintenance.
Incorporate training for employees.
Incorporate the use of incentives.
Course Management Plan
Set energy-use goals for efficiency/conservation including infrastructure,
equipment, behavior and agronomic practices.
Ensure proper selection (type, size, etc.), operation, and equipment
Ensure efficient design, selection, operation, and maintenance of irrigation
pumps, irrigation controls and other irrigation components.
Implement energy source selection, management, and efficiency/conservation
Best Management Practices
Work with energy providers and evaluate existing programs, resources, etc.
Consider long-term costs in addition to acquisitions.
Schedule reviews to evaluate future technology and fuel types.
Evaluate upgrades.
Evaluate use of alternative energy/fuels.
Identify future energy needs.
Prioritize energy consumption as part of selection.
Optimize equipment use data including hours operated, use patterns, etc.
Incorporate new technology and upgrades when feasible.
Consider alternative equipment, products, and practices.
Ensure efficient design, selection, operation, and maintenance of irrigation
pumps, irrigation controls, and other irrigation components.
Assess irrigation pump efficiency; consider alternative equipment, products, and
practices; use energy efficiently to maximize the output of the pump station.
Best Management Practices
Audit irrigation system (see Water Conservation BMP).
Schedule and operate pumps and irrigation in an efficient manner.
Identify and implement infrastructure and behavioral changes.
Evaluate technology and upgrades; implement when feasible.
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